Fairy Technology

Chapter 806: An elusive invitation

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Shen Bing replied very leisurely: "Nothing, invite everyone to have a meal and taste the food."

Wang Sheng suddenly developed a crazy feeling. He knew that the boss's cooking skills were good. Well, in fact, it was more than good. The so-called Michelin chef was nothing compared with Shen Bing.

But cooking is one thing, and it's another thing to cook for others.

In the capacity of Shen Bing, it makes sense to cook a meal for his parents, loved ones, and even friends, but is his Weibo saying to these three types of people?

Obviously not. If Shen Bingruo was only inviting these people, it could be solved by one call.

Therefore, the meaning of Shen Bing must be to invite a wider group of people to eat.

"Boss, you don't have to sell anything, just talk about it." Wang Sheng asked helplessly.

Shen Bingdao: "It's not a big deal, just invite a few celebrity chefs and prepare to have dinner in the Nebula Hall of Huaxian Building the day after tomorrow to taste the craft."

Wang Sheng naturally did not believe that Shen Bing really had this purpose. How boring would it be to come up with ideas?

"Then what?" Wang Shangyi asked with a hint.

Shen Bingdao: "Then? Then of course, sell these cooks for a good price."

Wang Sheng understands and is confused. What he understands is that the purpose of the boss is not so simple. What is confused is that this "chef chef" can also be sold?

Shen Bing continued: "Don't think about it, I don't have the idea of ​​buying and selling people. You first have people prepare the venue. The kitchenware and tableware are all ready. Just bring your mouth to eat."

Wang Sheng didn't ask the question again, the boss had already made it clear, and the answer would be revealed the day after tomorrow.

"How is that determined?" Wang Sheng asked.

Shen Bingdao: "This is simple. The Nebula Hall is a very large conference hall capable of accommodating 10,000 people. It cannot be used too densely as a restaurant, but it can be used for 3,000 people. So let me give you 2,500 places , You tell the administrative department there, if someone calls to inquire about this, you can directly invite each other. The remaining 500 places, I will select from the responders below Weibo . "

Although Wang Sheng thought that Shen Bing's selection was quite a play, eh, chic! But he did not object, in his opinion, this is really not too important. The focus is on how to sell "chef chefs".

Then Wang Sheng hung up the phone and went to work.

Shen Bing was preparing to make Doudou select people from its Weibo reply users, but the phone rang again.

"Brother Shen, it looks like you are in a good mood today!" Fang Yuanming said with a smile.

Shen Bing laughed: "Fang Dong, you're in the same mood, but I heard that Sonny's company on the other side of Fang Guo was almost ruined by Fang Dong."

Fang Yuanming smiled brightly and said, "Brother Shen, you are humble. How can I do this alone? Brother Shen, you play more than me."

"Haha!" Shen Bing did not shirk this credit.

Fang Yuanming turned to ask, "Brother Shen, are you planning to do something again recently?"

Shen Bing understood that this guy definitely looked at his Weibo and said with a smile: "I'm not prepared to do anything. If you have time the day after tomorrow, you can go to our company's headquarters building to attend a banquet."

"Headquarters building? Banquet?" Fang Yuanming said with a bit of teasing, "Should you not be planning to engage in high-tech, instead run a hotel?"

Shen Bing smiled suddenly and said, "What do you want, just ask you to come and taste the food. If you are not interested, you can not come."

"Don't! How could it not be interesting? I must be on time." Fang Yuanming quickly said, "Can I bring my daughter with me?"

The corner of Shen Bing's mouth could not help twitching, Fang Xin's face appeared in his head.

Although he never heard anything directly from the population of Yun Xue and Yuan Wei, he was not stupid. He roughly guessed that the change in the relationship between the three people during this time was related to seeing Fang Xin that day.

Now that Fang Yuanming revisited the old thing, Shen Bing was really a little at a loss.

You agree, Yun Xue and Yuan Wei will also participate. Although the two aunts and grandmothers will not cause any disturbing things, the ghosts know if they have other ideas in their hearts?

But if you don't agree, it looks like ... a little too trace.

Suddenly, when Shen Bing slaps his forehead, is he so confused? The invitation to the banquet was open. Whether Fang Yuanming brought his daughter is entirely Fang Yuanming's own business.

Shen Bing laughed immediately: "This decision is for you. We are also old acquaintances. We will leave you two seats. Is this okay?"

Fang Yuanming thanked him and never asked again.

In fact, he also knows that Shen Bing is definitely not simply inviting some people to dinner this time, it definitely has another purpose. But Shen Bing didn't speak up, and he didn't ask.

After disconnecting the call with Fang Yuanming, Shen Bing received calls from several friends one after another, including three dead parties in the same dormitory of the university.

Even though they have become the old Yang and Sun Li of their own employees, Shen Bing often maintains personal contacts with them. This kind of contact is not utilitarian in nature, everyone chats and farts, not talking about business.

Shen Bing also invited the three of them and left two seats for his girlfriend Wang Bo.

Finally, no phone call came in, and Shen Bing directly let Doudou handle those replies on Weibo.

The convenience of artificial intelligence is vividly manifested at this moment. If before, if one wants to find suitable users from millions of responses on the mobile phone terminal, it is definitely a crumbling job.

And artificial intelligence has no weaker logic judgment ability than human, even in data analysis and processing, it is far behind human beings.

Now, Shen Bing only needs to say a word, and artificial intelligence can perfectly filter the users inside according to Shen Bing's requirements, and issue invitations one by one.


There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Shen Bing sent out a "hero post", inviting all the heroes from all walks of life to eat dinner at Huaxian Building.

For a while, there was much discussion on the Internet about this matter.

Shen Bing treats? This is very exciting, especially for those who can be invited, it will be a great honor.

But in this situation, the number of places invited by Magic Fairy Technology has exceeded 1,000 people. Is this an ordinary banquet?

Of course, even if there are more than a thousand people, it is a great honor to be one of them.

As the saying goes, things are grouped together and people are grouped together. Can Shen Bing become a "group of people"? Doesn't it prove that he is also very good?

However, some people have made a simple analysis of the crowds who have clearly indicated that they have been invited by Huanxian Technology. There are businessmen Jugui and traffickers who are dead, covering all walks of life.

What's this for?

First of all, it is ruled out that this is a banquet of a commercial nature. Does it make sense for you to talk to those at the bottom of the society to talk about business?

But what else is possible?

Do charity? Uh, this is quite possible.

But didn't Shen Bing put all the charity business under the sole responsibility of his father? Even if it involves hundreds of billions of bright-eye artificial eye charity projects, Shen Bing did not interfere too much.

In fact, not only these netizens are guessing, but even the chairman of a certain treasure, Niu Yu, and Mr. Huateng of the Penguin Group are also thinking about it.

Of course, they see more thoroughly than others, and their conjectures are closer to the final truth.

It's just that the speculation is always speculation until the final news is announced.

But there is a crowd who is very hard this time, that is, various media reporters.

In the past, Magic Fairy Technology had no open activities. Although it did not take the initiative to invite various media reporters, as long as these media took the initiative to request to go to the site for coverage, they would be approved. Eventually, those who participated in the event were media reporters.

However, this time when Magic Fairy changed its normal state, it had no tendency to take care of the media reporters, so that the media that contacted Magic Fairy later were directly rejected.

As journalists who rely on the news to survive, how can we not be clear about the topicality represented by Magic Fairy Technology? I am looking forward to relying on the sensational news brought by the magic fairy technology to get a promotion and pay rise. As a result, most of them have not even obtained the tickets. How can this be fun?

And a small number of reporters who got the admission ticket were happy to bloom. There is no way. Happiness is a comparative level. If they can go in, but others can't, they are happier than others.

Over time, some people who were far away from Rongcheng began to fly over, especially those in foreign countries, and set off after receiving the news.

Most of the invited foreigners are some veterans in the catering industry. They are more inclined to think that Magic Fairy Technology is ready to take this opportunity to enter the hotel and catering industry.

For this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ these people have their own analysis basis.

The most important point is that Huanxian Technology has won a very large area of ​​land around the world, with an area of ​​ten square kilometers. Although the geographical location of these lands is not in the main urban area of ​​the city, it is also in the suburbs with convenient transportation.

How wasteful is such a large piece of land to idle? And the best way to use these lands is to build hotel chains all over the world.

As long as the hotel is high-grade and has attractive characteristics, even in the suburbs, it can make money and be soft.

This time, Imagine Technology invites guests, I am afraid that it is to make a name.

Rongcheng has a population of tens of millions. In a short period of time, tens of thousands of people have poured in. That is a negligible drizzle. However, when all these people poured into the vicinity of Huanxian Industrial Park, it still caused the surroundings. The hotel was overcrowded.

In the past year, three five-star standard hotels have been quickly built around the Huanxian Industrial Park. These hotels can still meet the daily needs. However, once special circumstances similar to this one occur, these three hotels also You have to be blind ...

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