Fairy Technology

Chapter 807: This is a miracle

早上 On the morning of August 25, the gate of Huanxian Industrial Park was overcrowded.

Although everyone received an invitation to enter the venue at 11 o'clock, some people are always full of skepticism, and they think that this event of Magic Fairy Technology may have another purpose. So they waited early outside the gate of the industrial park and did not want to miss any details.

It was a pity that the result was very disappointing. They only saw a few vans driving through the gate. The truck box read "Special Transporter for Green Vegetables".

I drove a few compartments of dishes, which really is the rhythm of a large wine party!

底 It's the end of August and the temperature is hot, but it's all coming, can't you just turn around and go? So many people can only stand waiting for the heat.

But some people have enjoyed privileges, such as Niu Yu, Hua Teng and others.

Although Shen Bing is more persistent, it is impossible for Niu Yu and others to wait outside the door, right? After all, everyone is a cooperative relationship, even if this cooperation is dominated by Huanxian Technology.

牛 And the privileges of Niu Yu and others just stop there. When someone receives them to the Nebula Hall, they will only be treated as sitting at a table close to the rostrum.

At this time, the layout of the Nebula Hall has completely changed.

The entire large hall is neatly arranged with a 300-round table, each of which is covered with a clean and tidy tablecloth, on which are placed fruit plates, snacks and the like.

This looks like a wedding scene ...

If there is any difference between this place and the wedding scene, that is, a large circle of various cookers, vegetables, fruits, various meats, and various other things should be arranged on the podium that should be arranged as a podium. seasoning……

Well, this is like a full kitchen.

厨房 This kitchen is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people and it is not a problem to operate.

I have to say that those in the Administration Department are really thoughtful. Around the podium, transparent glass is installed to ensure that the outside can clearly see the inside, and the atmosphere inside does not float to the outside.

If thousands of people in the entire hall were coughed with fried peppers, the scene would be absolutely spectacular.

After 11 o'clock, the invited guests entered one after another. Each table has a seat sign.

As for whether someone will be as ugly as someone when they grabbed a seat on the high-speed rail, there is absolutely no one, because no one wants to be blacklisted by Huaxian Technology.

Now the effectiveness of the Black Fairy Technology Blacklist is not just the price of using the Dragon Scale system. The most important thing is whether it and its immediate family members will become the "love" object of the Xianyuan Charity Fund.

Obviously, people on the blacklist will not be loved.

As long as it is within the scope of supervision, everyone reflects their qualities as much as possible, just like a good baby.

Time points to 11:30. There are already many people in the hall. Except for a few people who attended because of special circumstances, everyone rushed to the scene-not everyone's invitation to Huaxian Technology was forcefully rejected.

As the music changed, Shen Bing came out along the extension of the "kitchen".

"Mr. and Madam, welcome to this thousand-person feast hosted by our company. I think everyone is very confused. What am I doing for this one?" Shen Bing smiled calmly. "This riddle will be revealed later. , Now let me tell you about today. "

"The other day I was fortunate to have harvested a group of highly skilled chefs. In order to thank you for your continued support for my magic technology company, I specially organized this thousand-person feast. Thanks are one thing, and I also want to borrow from the public Take a look at the cooking skills of these chefs. "

现在 "Now, our chef team is invited."

As Shen Bing's words fell, the door of a room in the "kitchen" was opened, and a man in white clothes and a high white hat came out of it.

Behind him are the same dressed people coming out one after another.

These people not only have the above clothes, but also have a very significant feature. They all have a mask on their faces, like Sichuan opera masks, and they are exactly the same.

People's careful observation also found that even if these people are dressed similarly, even the tall, short, and fat are the same, which is really rare.

"What does this mean, Lao Shen?" Wang Bo muttered towards his two dead parties. "It is estimated that it takes a lot of effort to find these chefs. It doesn't matter how the chefs cook."

Sun Li said: "I also feel too luxurious!"

Lao Yang's eyes were deep and he looked at the uniform chefs on the stage, but he thought a lot, and murmured, "Maybe there is another reason, let's take a look first."

"OK, listen to Lao Yang." Wang Bo said.

Sitting next to Wang Bo is a beautiful woman in her twenties, she looked around and was curious about everything here.

博 "Bo brother, just this hundred people, in half an hour, can you make a big meal for three thousand people? How do I think this thing is not reliable?" The woman frowned.

Wang Bo said quite contentedly: "Lao Shen sometimes looks quite unreliable, but in the end it turns out that he is indeed the most reliable person."

This statement is undoubtedly approved by Lao Yang and Sun Li. When Shen Bing was going to acquire a glass manufacturing factory, they all clearly opposed it, but it turned out that Shen Bing's decision was correct.

"Now is the time to witness the miracle ... well, it is time to witness the craftsmanship of these culinary masters, please enjoy it."

Shen Bing's introduction this time is very short ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With his voice falling, the hundred people immediately acted.

Shabu pots and scoops, knives, forks, axes and shovel, all kinds of tools are used, each person's movements are extremely skilled, as if flowing clouds, dazzling.

There is no shortage of culinary masters in the presence of people, even if their cooking skills are not good, their knowledge is broad enough.

"This is indeed a miracle!"

"Are they taught by a master?"

"Every action is textbook-like."

"I really don't know where Mr. Shen came from."

"Let ’s not say that the dishes they make are delicious, just watching this action show is already a treat."

Twenty-five hours passed, dozens of young and beautiful women wearing apron entered the "kitchen", took out a prepared meal and walked out of it, and delivered the dishes to each table without error.

At the moment when the "kitchen" door was opened, a few tables near the glass door smelled the breath and could not help taking a deep breath.

A sense of joy from the depths of the soul strikes my head, which is an conscious extreme enjoyment ...

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