Fairy Technology

Chapter 808: Your idea is naive

The dishes were set on the table.

Exquisite! perfect!

In the past, people thought that beautiful meals could be described as beautiful women, but at this moment, they thought that beautiful meals meant these dishes in front of them.

There are eighteen dishes at each table, ten of which many people know, because they are the top ten Chinese dishes: Beijing roast duck, Sichuan mapo tofu, Xihu vinegar fish, Feilong soup, Wuwei smoked duck, Dongpo , La Mei He steamed, spicy chicken, Dongan chicken, steamed Wuchang fish.

But the other eight dishes were never even seen, and it was difficult to even distinguish between the raw materials.

"Can you make roast duck in half an hour?"

"It's OK to cook in half an hour, but can this process be completed?"

"And this Dongpo meat ..."

The names of the top ten dishes are not in vain. Every dish must be judged by a group of people.

Niu Yu's table is all the giants of the Internet industry, most of them attended the last feast of Shen Bing. At this moment I saw two special dishes on the table, and my face was a little clear.

Niu Yu said with a smile: "It seems that Shen Dong is ready to enter the catering industry."

"The catering industry is indeed very profitable, and as long as the brand is made, it is simply sitting on the ground to collect money."

Hua Teng laughed: "It's normal for people to eat food, which is also normal."

"I'm really curious, where did Shen Dong get these recipe recipes."

To Niu Yu and others, they might have thought too complicated before.

Others don't know the charm of these dishes, are they still unclear? At the beginning, they almost swallowed their tongues.

Now that Shen Bing has made these dishes, each one is enough to knock out the name of a restaurant. Now that so many delicious dishes come together, the effect can be imagined.

With these dishes, Shen Bing is fully capable of building a restaurant chain company all over the world.

Think of the continuous flow of guests in each restaurant after these dishes were introduced. This is money!

The only thing that makes people feel weird is that Huanxian Technology is obviously a high-tech company, and suddenly started catering for Mao? The span of this step can no longer be described as large.

The waiters who served the dishes were specially invited by the Ministry of Administration for this banquet from the major hotels in Rongcheng. They were skilled in acting and even reported the names of the dishes, which made people feel a pleasure.

"Everyone, it's time to test your taste buds." Shen Bing said with a smile.

As Shen Bing's words fell, everyone couldn't wait to pick up their own chopsticks, gently clamped their favorite dishes, and put them in their mouths.

What is the experience of all taste buds suddenly bursting out? This is purely a wonderful feeling, but it can only be said to be unspeakable!

No one can refuse the temptation of deliciousness, because it has neither the shame that cannot resist the temptation of beautiful women, nor the guilt of the temptation of money. The deliciousness is in front of them, and the only thing they need to do is to put it in their mouth with chopsticks. in.

Shen Bing stood on the platform and looked at the various beings below, and a smile turned up at the corner of his mouth.

Everyone in the audience was intoxicated, even if they had tasted the delicious Niu Yu and others who had made by Shen Bing before, they would inevitably fall into this taste storm again.

Like the sentence that Shen Bing just said, this is indeed a test for taste buds, because it is necessary to get rid of the attachment to the previous food and take great courage to taste the next food, which is in itself a Kind of torture.

After everyone tasted three or four dishes, everyone confirmed their inner thoughts: Huaxian Technology was indeed ready to enter the restaurant industry.

No way, such delicious cuisine, not to open the hotel, is simply a violent thing.

And they think in accordance with their own established thinking. Apart from Shen Bing's plan to enter the catering industry, he can never think of the second possibility.

At the same time, many people were curious about the hundred chefs Shen Bing had found.

It stands to reason that each chef has his own characteristics when preparing dishes, especially the top chefs.

But now the meals made by the Bailai people are exactly the same. Even if they are treated in any detail, they can't find any difference, which is incredible.

However, people didn't think deeply about it. At most they thought that Magic Fairy Technology did find great efforts to find such a group of chefs.

"Everyone, what do you think of these banquets today?" Shen Bing was as pure as a red hat.

"it is good!"

"It's delicious on earth!"

"I didn't like Chinese food before, but this time it completely subverted my perception of Chinese food." It was a crooked nut who said this.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "Thank you for your praise, if you have the opportunity to invite such a chef to serve you personally, would you be willing?"

"It's not nonsense."

"Isn't it easy to find such a chef?"

"I just want to know where I can train such a chef and then learn by myself."

"There are no 70,000 to 80,000 a month, and such a chef would definitely not move."

"70,000 or 80,000? Your thoughts are naive!"

The various words below show people's attention to this matter, and also express their inner helplessness.

Who doesn't want such a chef? But the point is that you have money in your pocket. This is not something that can be solved with a little money. Even a multi-millionaire, it is a sin to have such an idea in his heart—because it may make him lose his home.

But people like Niu Yu, although they don't have to worry about money, but people with such top cooking skills are bound to come across but not want. What's more, many of the dishes here are Shen Bing's unique secret recipe, which has nothing to do with cooking.

It's just ... what does Shen Bing mean? Invite a chef for a personal service? Is Shen Bing doing this banquet today not to pave the way for entering the catering industry, but to prepare a chef training class?

The idea was ridiculous even to themselves.

Suddenly, Niu Yu replied to Shen Bing: "Shen Dong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Do you mean to prepare to re-invite these invited chefs to us?"

Shen Bing said with a serious face: "Of course, should n’t all the good things be shared together? How can I have such food alone? All the chefs here have mastered hundreds of peerless cuisines. Please go back and never regret it. "

Niu Yu and others could not help but smoke a few times, this matter is not reliable. Although it is a re-employment, why does it sound like it is buying and selling people?

"Dong Shen, you have to seek the opinions of these chefs?" Mr. Hua Teng is also very keen on food, so he asked very seriously.

Shen Bing shook his head and smiled calmly: "This is not necessary at all, I can decide everything on their own! Because they are all intelligent robots."

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