Fairy Technology

Chapter 809: What is bare metal


This is a word that comes out of most people's hearts.

The surprise at this moment can only be expressed in this word.

smart robot? Are you sure you are not kidding? This joke is not funny at all.

People have thought about many possibilities for the first intelligent robot produced in this world, such as being used to undertake some dangerous work, such as being an experimental assistant, or even being a playmate for children. These are acceptable.

But using a smart robot as a cook, how twisty the brain circuit can be to come up with such an idea?

Yes, the allure of food is unparalleled, but it is not a necessity in the end, isn't it? Occasionally, it's okay to satisfy appetite, but it is unrealistic to ask a top chef to cook for himself every day, even if the chef he invited is just a robot.

What's more, this high-end smart robot doesn't match the sweaty chef ...

"Dong Shen, are you kidding me?" Mr. Huateng couldn't help but be surprised.

Shen Bing let out his hand and said, "I don't seem to need to lie."

After speaking, Shen Bing said to the hundred chef behind him, "Take off your mask."

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the audience held their breath, and then it was time to witness the miracle.

The Bailai "Chef" directly proved the validity of Shen Bing's instructions with their actions. They uniformly raised their arms and gently took off the mask on their face.

At that moment, the whole banquet scene was silent and the needle was heard.

One hundred people, one hundred faces, but another face, because they are exactly the same.

If this is not enough to confirm that they are robots, then the metal texture on their faces and the facial structure full of mechanical features make people believe that they are indeed robots.

At this moment, their inner shock is beyond words. The skillful and natural actions of these "chefs" just now are vividly remembered. Even real chefs may not be able to flow like them.

But now they have to accept the fact that these "chefs" are robots, and it's really not easy for them to turn corners.

At the same time, almost everyone understands the fact that Huanxian Technology is still the same as Huanxian Technology.

Before, they thought that Magic Fairy Technology was going to enter the catering industry, and that was just the idea that their own minds were caught by the door.

How could Nima think that the magic fairy technology, which is famous for black technology, would go to catering? This brain circuit is definitely more tortuous than the magic robot used as a chef by the intelligent robot.

Now that the truth has surfaced, chefs, restaurants and everything are clouds, and intelligent robots are the focus.

Huaxian Technology invited so many people to come here, the purpose is not to taste the food at all, but to witness the birth of a real intelligent robot.

All the reporters who came to the scene were excited at this moment. The appeal of the food on the table suddenly diminished. They just wanted to ask more about intelligent robots.

A reporter from Rongcheng Daily stood up and asked, "Excuse me, Dong Shen, what functions does your intelligent robot have?"

"Cooking and cooking!" Shen Bing replied calmly. "Did you all see it just now? By the way, there is no problem in washing and cutting vegetables. They also performed just now."

The reporter friend had a feeling of crying and laughing. Is this correct? Absolutely correct.

But is this the answer I want? Definitely not.

"Of course, this intelligent robot developed by your company is indeed a perfect chef." The reporter first took a little flatter, and then said, "In addition to taking on the job of chef, this model Can intelligent robots have other capabilities? For example, they have the fighting powers of the robots in the movie "Terminator", or they have super high medical skills like the big white in "Ultra Marines?"

Shen Bing touched his nose. This guy's imagination is very rich, and he should be a movie fan.

"The question raised by this reporter friend is very good, and this is indeed the direction our robot is working hard." Shen Bing raced and said, "But for now, this robot really can only be a chef. Because we No corresponding functional chip has been developed. "

Although this answer did not completely satisfy the reporter friend, he also knew that it was enough.

Another reporter stood up and said, "Excuse me, Dong Shen, are you planning to bring this intelligent robot to the market?"

"Of course, after any product is produced, does it have to undergo market inspection?" Shen Bing replied, "I have confidence in our product, because such a" chef "is needed by every household. Yes, and our prices are very low, which guarantees that most families can afford them. "

There was a sudden uproar in the audience, and Shen Bing actually applied the word "cheap" to the newly born intelligent robot, which gave people a sense of violent heaven and earth.

But journalists themselves are consumers, and they naturally don't want the price of this robot to exceed their acceptable range.

"I don't know how much Shen Dong price this intelligent robot?" It was Huateng who asked this.

Shen Bingdao: "The price of bare metal is 100,000."

Everyone looked at each other, what is the price of bare metal 100,000? They have heard of bare cars ... well, bare metal have also heard of it, that means a computer that has not yet installed an operating system, but what do you mean by calling this robot a bare metal?

Is it undressed? Or do not install intelligent systems?

If it is the former, this is a bit embarrassing. There is a skin to play games, but who has heard that you have to buy clothes when you buy a robot? When is this playing Barbie?

If it is the latter, this is also very daddy.

If you sell an intelligent robot without a system, what's the difference between it and a wooden stake?

"I don't know what this bare metal means?" Mr. Huateng asked.

Shen Bingdao: "Bare metal, of course, refers to an intelligent robot without any function, like a newborn child. You have to teach it what you want to do."

That's it!

Everyone has a clear look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not unacceptable, although this is a little bit pit, but at least it is better than not installing the system.

Everyone guessed that this kind of intelligent robot made by Huaxian Technology should be equipped with artificial intelligence system. Everyone knows the learning ability of artificial intelligence. As long as it is connected to the network, intelligent robots learn in minutes

However, Shen Bing's next sentence made everyone laugh and cry.

"Don't hope too much about the learning ability of intelligent robots. In order to ensure the maximum similarity between intelligent robots and humans, it does not have a data interface. Its way of learning knowledge is exactly the same as humans. Intelligence depends on the eyes to see and the ears to listen."

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