Fairy Technology

Chapter 818: Is indeed more expensive than gold

Shen Bing had a smile on his face, and was not surprised by the other party's requirements.

Or, when he gave the CD to the other party, he had already thought of this moment.

If you are not interested in the spaceship above, then that's weird.

"The spaceship in that video was indeed designed and manufactured by our company." Shen Bing replied very simply, "but in the process of manufacturing, the full version of the spaceship at the beginning of the film was designed by us. Renderings. "

"How different is the final product from the rendering?"

This is undoubtedly the most concern of Secretary Jiang. In case of a similar gap between the buyer's show and the seller's show, it is boring.

Shen Bing leaned on the chair and said leisurely: "Secretary Jiang can rest assured that there is a gap between the product renderings and physical maps produced by other companies, which is not their own technical strength. Any product produced by our company, In fact, the objects and renderings are absolutely the same, including the spaceship. "

Secretary Jiang Jiang's eyes widened ...

He can't always associate the product with the spacecraft in his mind. Is this a conceptual thing?

Fortunately, the meaning Shen Bing wanted to express was clear, at least he understood that the spaceship to be manufactured by Magic Fairy Technology in the future was like that.

"Mr. Shen, could you please tell me the power and speed of your spacecraft?" Secretary Jiang asked.

Shen Bingdao: "At present, the maximum speed of the spacecraft designed by our company can reach one hundredth of the speed of light, and the driving method adopted is nuclear power."

Secretary Jiang Jiang was really shocked.

One hundredth sounds very low, but adding a speed of light behind it is very remarkable, which is equivalent to 3,000 kilometers per second.

What about the first cosmic velocity and the second cosmic velocity are too spicy, it is estimated that there is no problem rushing out of the galaxy.

For example, how far is the earth from the moon? The average distance is less than 400,000 kilometers. At the speed of this spacecraft, it can arrive in almost two minutes. It's scary!

Even if it is Mars, it will take at most two or three days. And if it is at the closest point, it only takes 5 hours.

If this spacecraft can be popularized, it will be no more difficult for humans to go to Mars than to travel abroad.

Shen Bing seemed to see what Secretary Jiang thought, and then said, "Secretary Jiang shouldn't think too much. This one-hundredth speed of light is the theoretical maximum speed. It's like the maximum speed of a car can reach 300 to 400 kilometers. It is not bad to be able to reach half the speed during normal driving. On the other hand, to accelerate a spaceship from a stationary state to one hundredth of the speed of light, it not only consumes huge energy, but also takes time. At least one trip to the moon , Mars or whatever, you don't need the maximum speed. "

Secretary Jiang Jiang also understood that, this speed is fast, and the acceleration time can't really hurt.

"Anyway, one hundredth of the speed of light is already an incredible achievement." Secretary Jiang praised and said, "I don't know how much money it takes to build such a spaceship?"

Shen Bing looked bitter and said, "This ... is a bit expensive."

Secretary Jiang Jiang also had a sudden heart that made Shen Bing say expensive. What kind of number would it be?

"Secretary Jiang, you should also know that our company is very profitable, right?" Shen Bingru said.

Secretary Jiang Jiang nodded in confusion, and said, "This is for everyone to see."

Shen Bingdao: "If I say that most of the money made this year has been invested in the manufacture of spacecraft, do you think it can be trusted?"

"This ..." Secretary Jiang did not know how to answer.

If it is really as Shen Bing said, this is definitely an astronomical figure. According to incomplete statistics, in this year, the revenue of Huanxian Technology definitely exceeded one trillion yuan, and it was US dollars.

Fortunately, Magic Fairy Technology is well-known for its black technology, and its profit margins are scary. Even aside from charity, the company's net profit is still at least 50%, which is 500 billion US dollars.

的 Most of it, even half of it! That's $ 250 billion. What kind of concept is this?

Laomei built the Ford aircraft carrier for only $ 20 billion! Doesn't this mean that this spaceship is equivalent to replacing all aircraft carriers by all US forces?

"Is there such a big investment?" Secretary Jiang pondered for a long time, and didn't figure out why so much money was needed. "Is R & D expenses included?"

Shen Bingdao: "Include it! But the technology is priceless. I only calculated the loss of raw materials during the research and development process, otherwise the cost will at least double."

Secretary Qijiang understands this principle. Whether it is a nuclear-powered engine used in space travel or a fuselage structure that can withstand 100% speed of light, any technology can be sold for more than 100 billion yuan.

After a little thought, Secretary Jiang said, "Xiao Shen, the chief means that I hope your company can build a spaceship for the country, of course, it will not allow you to lose money, and we will give you the money you should give. You can roughly estimate , How much money is needed. "

Shen Bing is not polite. For example, a few cars, bottles of gene-enhanced medicaments, etc. are free for free, anyway, it is not worth a few dollars, but the spaceship must not be free.

As the saying goes, Sheng Mien and Dou Mi Chou are the same.

To be honest, the cost of building such a spacecraft by myself is just like that, costing two or three billion yuan. He casually said that it consumed most of the company's profits, and that was purely blind.

But it takes time and effort to build a spaceship. At the current manufacturing speed of the underground base, it takes at least half a year.

This is also the result of extensive use of intelligent machine manufacturing.

If you let other companies do it, even if you give him the drawings completely and completely, you don't want to get it out if you don't have 10 or 8 years.

For myself, time is priceless. Shen Bing doesn't want to get used to some people's free problems.

"It depends on how you calculate it. If you provide materials, we are only responsible for processing and manufacturing. The price is naturally not too high. There is a billion dollars, which is about the same. The price of friendship." Shen Bing said easily.

Secretary Jiang Jiang didn't believe his ears, right? Billions? Is this a big gap from hundreds of billions? Maybe it's really big.

Secretary Jiang, who has not been through the officialdom for a long time, knows very well that there will never be a pie in the sky, there must be some pits in it.

"What if it is completely entrusted to you to build? Including raw materials." Secretary Jiang said.

Shen Bing simply said: "200 billion US dollars, absolutely not the price."

Secretary Jiang opened his mouth several times, and everything was stuck in his neck.

Opening your mouth is 200 billion US dollars. Is this really a strong wind? What's more, this is Huaxia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can you mention US dollars? Straight to say one hundred and thirty billion Chinese yuan ...

Forget it, this number sounds even more ridiculous! It is still easier to accept 200 billion yuan.

"Xiao Shen, didn't you just say that the research and development costs were included? To build a second spacecraft on the original basis, no further research and development is needed?" Secretary Jiang felt that he had found a reason.

Shen Bing said very seriously: "Secretary Jiang, what you said is completely reasonable, so I reduced it by 100 billion yuan. You know that the capital that I consumed to build the first spacecraft is definitely going to 300 billion yuan."

"But ... you said just now that the processing fee is only one billion yuan, is it that 1999 billion yuan is used to buy raw materials? Even gold, it is enough to buy thousands of tons."

"This is indeed more expensive than gold." Shen Bing seemed to be helpless. "For example, the rhenium metal used in the neuron control system is currently tens of millions in the market, and its unit is grams. And this This kind of metal requires almost one kilogram in this spaceship. "

Secretary Qijiang was stunned. He was a civilian official. He had never heard of such expensive materials.

But since Shen Bing speaks out, he believes the other party will not lie to himself.

Thousands of gram of material ...

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