Fairy Technology

Chapter 819: Wei Guangzheng's explanation

Secretary Jiang hesitated for a moment, and had a bad hunch in his heart, and asked, "Xiao Shen, if we prepare these materials ourselves, can you help us estimate how much the materials will cost?"

Shen Bingran calmly said: "Three hundred billion dollars! At least."

Sure enough!

Secretary Jiang could not help but grin, you said that 300 billion U.S. dollars would be okay, at least how many people would make it!

However, Shen Bing's words are not over yet, continuing: "The most important thing is not the issue of money, but the time. For example, thorium metal, the total annual output of the world can only be calculated in grams. This kilogram of thorium metal, you think you need How long will it take? "

Secretary Jiang's lips wriggled a bit, not only shocked by the preciousness of the raw materials, but also deeply shocked by the technical strength of the magic fairy technology.

The world's annual output is only calculated in grams. However, Huanxian Technology can create a spaceship that consumes a kilogram of plutonium. Doesn't this indicate that the production capacity of Huanxian Technology has passed the world in some aspects?

"In addition, a large number of guide materials and special titanium alloy materials are needed. Let alone say how much money it takes to produce these materials, it is two different things whether they can be obtained." Shen Bing said.

Secretary Jiang touched his nose and said, "Xiao Shen, I will report this to the Chang!"

"Okay!" Shen Bing said simply.

Then Secretary Jiang left and went out, and found a quiet place to call.

A few minutes later, Secretary Jiang came back with an excited expression on his face, and said, "Xiao Shen! Chang agreed. He also made a request for immediate construction. I wonder when you can deliver it?"

Shen Bing smiled and said, "It will take about half a year, depending on the island construction in Singapore."

Secretary Jiang looked confused: "What does this have to do with that island?"

Shen Bing said very solemnly: "Because our production base is over there."

Secretary Jiang froze for a moment, then said eagerly: "The production base is over there? This ... this is too ridiculous? How can such an important thing be produced abroad?"

This is why Secretary Jiang is not nervous. You must know that the old American aircraft carrier is still wandering around the Golden Island. In the event that the old American can't think of it and connects the Golden Island to the pot, the fun will be a big deal.

Shen Bing did not seem to think of this, and said indifferently: "This is also a helpless move, because the manufacture of such a large spaceship, taking into account the issue of late launch, after careful deliberation by our team, is the most secure The place is over there. Of course, the location of Golden Island is not optimal, but we will make some adjustments. "

Secretary Jiang understood it, but he didn't think deeply about Shen Bing's statement of adjusting the position. At the most, he thought that Shen Bing adopted the method of "reclamation of the sea to build 6" and extended it in a certain direction.

"So, this custom spacecraft can only be fired abroad?"

Shen Bingdao: "This is not necessarily true. After we have acquired the measured data after the launch of our company's spacecraft, there may be new gains."

"Well, it's better to produce in China. If you really need to shoot somewhere else, you can just ship it." Secretary Jiang said.

Shen Bing reluctantly said: "I'm afraid this won't work. Do you know how big this spaceship we designed?"

Secretary Jiang asked in a daze, "I don't know."

Shen Bingdao: "Our spaceship is about 500 meters in diameter. Secretary Jiang, what do you think can transport it away?"

"Uh ..." Secretary Jiang was shocked again.

If the spacecraft made by humans at this stage are experimental, then this big guy with a diameter of more than 500 meters already has a very strong practicality. Whether it is transporting people or transporting materials, it is adequate.

However, there was also a problem. Such a big man really could not be transported. It can be said that its final assembly location is its shooting location.

Secretary Jiang hesitated, and said, "Now, Laomei is in trouble, and the situation is unstable."

"Actually, you do n’t have to worry about Secretary Jiang about the production location. Although the old American aircraft carriers have been wandering around the Golden Island, they can do just that, and dare to really do it? In fact, if they really have an idea It ’s been a long time since you have n’t had to drink around all day. ”

Secretary Jiang said, "What if the other party knew the secret on the island?"

Obviously, once Laomei knew that Shen Bing was making a spaceship on the Golden Island, she would definitely do it immediately.

The last thing is that the last dozen missiles destroyed the Golden Island. It is not impossible for the old American to do such a thing.

Shen Bing also understands this truth, but he is very firm: "Relax! Our confidentiality work is in place, and Lao Mei cannot know."

Isn't this nonsense? It's no wonder that it's not in place, because it's all just made up by him.

At present, the Golden Island is still fully expanding itself. As for the creation of spaceships, that is not a thing.

The real spacecraft manufacturing is done at the underground base around Longhu Island.

This refers to the manufacture of spare parts and modular assembly. As for the final overall assembly, it is naturally impossible to be in an underground base.

After all, this thing is going to go to heaven in the end.

According to Shen Bing's plan, the final assembly place of this spaceship is indeed on Golden Island, which is another purpose of his creation of the Golden Island: the spaceship home port.

It's just that this is a long way off. Shen Bing must explain things reasonably, such as where is the scene of the spacecraft parts production in the video.

You can't just say that you've got an underground base under Longhu Round Island, it will cause trouble.


After sending away Secretary Jiang, Shen Bing didn't sit down, and there were many documents on his desktop waiting for him to sign.

Just yesterday, all the oil pollution in the waters around the New York Harbor disappeared. If it were not for the occasional sight of the bodies of one or two seabirds or sea fish, people would even think that the disaster had never happened.

The lesson of this disaster is absolutely profound. Although the major oil companies have hired a large number of naval forces to wash the ground on the Internet, the results are not satisfactory.

It is widely believed that fossil fuels should be withdrawn from the stage of history.

Although petroleum is not exactly the same as fossil energy, it is still the raw material of various chemical products, but its function as a fuel occupies most of it. At least in the eyes of many people, petroleum is slightly equal to fuel.

With the widespread existence of this concept, governments of various countries have been in contact with Huaxian Technology more frequently.

The reason is beyond him, and I hope to cooperate with Huaxian Technology in geothermal power station projects.

Fools can think that since people are pursuing clean energy, new energy vehicles will usher in spring. But new energy vehicles also need to be recharged. Isn't this electricity out of nothing?

Even if it is a country, most of the electric energy can only be self-sufficient. Once the new energy vehicle completely replaces the fuel car, the newly added energy gap will be extremely huge. If everyone buys the car but can't charge it, it will be a mess.

In the past, people were worried that there would be something happening in Magic Fairy Technology after mastering the lifeblood of a country. But now many large countries in the world have cooperated with Magic Fairy Technology. It is estimated that even if Magic Fairy Technology wants to use Geothermal Power Station to do something, it has to weigh Look at the global impact.

So now everyone is assured.

Shen Bing's browsing is unparalleled. After reading all the information, she is quite excited.

Perhaps the days of controlling global energy are not far off.

Now the production capacity of Huanxian Technology is much stronger than before. The most prominent one is deep geothermal power equipment. The daily output has exceeded 1,000 units, which can be called terror.

This is equivalent to constructing a geothermal power station of 10 million kilowatts every day ...


The time has come to September 1st, which is a special day for most families in the country: the bear children finally don't need to make trouble at home.

Okay, it's school.

But this time there is a more interesting thing. The first thing after each school is a new sports gymnastics taught by a dedicated sports teacher.

If it is elementary school, junior high school, high school, it's fine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The same is true for universities.

College students also learn radio gymnastics? Think about it, it hurts a bit!

What's even more strange is that studying radio gymnastics has become the current main business, and everything about culture has to be sidelined.

The students rushed to report this, and the physical education teacher, who was often ill, was finally healthy.

Not only that, the Ministry of Education has also issued a special document, making the teaching and practice of radio gymnastics an important assessment indicator of the school ...

As for why the above decision was made, the explanation given by the Ministry of Education is also very positive: in order to improve the students' physical fitness.

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