Fairy Technology

Chapter 823: Different anatomy

Shen Bing can guess about who made this matter without having to check it.

I just didn't expect these people to be so restless. On the first day, more than thirty robots were missing. It is unknown to tell someone that someone is doing something.

冰 Shen Bing is too lazy to care about it. There are only a few robots.

If you can learn something from these robots, even if I lose.

Suddenly, Shen Bing moved his heart and asked, "Ball, can our satellites achieve positioning?"

Fairway: "Of course it can. Although the current human satellite positioning technology has special restrictions on many aspects of satellite operation orbits, data processing, etc., the technologies we have are far from those technologies. Relying on our technology, we must Achieving satellite positioning is very simple, and the accuracy is much more accurate and more reliable than the GPS currently used by Old America. But ... "

"But nothing?" Shen Bing asked.

Shuttleball fairway: "At present we only have two satellites in orbit, and we cannot implement positioning."

"Then launch a satellite again." Shen Bing said without hesitation.

Although Shen Bing doesn't particularly value satellite positioning systems, this thing is still quite good on the earth, and at the current stage, some projects of Magic Fairy Technology still need to be used.

The existing satellite positioning system is also considered perfect, but it has a very big disadvantage, and its signal can be easily shielded. Just like this time, the robot originally had a positioning module and could be shielded by people.

So it is necessary to build your own satellite positioning system.

Shuttleball fairway: "We currently have eighteen satellites in stock, but how can we get a launch?"

要 If this problem was left before, Shen Bing would still have a headache, but now, this is really not a problem.

As early as transmitting the gravity control technology to the ball, he had asked Lockes to specialize in this technology.

Of course, his purpose at that time was not to use this technology for satellite launch, but to use it in a spacecraft to be assembled.

Shen Bing immediately said, "Send them directly to space with our anti-gravity device?"

"Okay, I'll give Lockes a mission!" Ball said.

Uh ...

The United States, the kingdom of today's electronics industry and computer industry-Silicon Valley.

Although the United States and other high-tech zones in the world are constantly growing, Silicon Valley is still the pioneer and center of high-tech innovation and development in the world. There are more than 1,500 computer companies.

Google's headquarters is one of the most dazzling buildings in the entire Silicon Valley, and in a secret research room in the R & D center of its headquarters building, more than a dozen researchers in white coats are staring at the East in front of them. Woman with face.

女人 This woman is in her twenties and looks beautiful. Looking at this group of people, she seems a little scared.

"Who are you? Why tied me here?" The woman asked.

Although her words sounded tremolo, it seemed a little scared. If you look closely, you can see that there is no sign of fear in her eyes.

With this acting, this woman is almost able to get the little golden man in Hollywood.

However, she speaks Chinese, which is also regarded as playing the piano against cattle.

最长 The oldest of the white coats stared at each other for a while and finally couldn't help asking, "Are you really an intelligent robot?"

He speaks English.

The woman looked blank, and said, "What do you say,"

Everyone in the audience felt a sense of collapse. Couldn't this intelligent robot understand English? This is not a nonsense. To know the Dragonscale operating system, you can achieve accurate translation of English and Chinese. Now that this system is used on robots, is it useless?

The older white coat couldn't help but look back at a big man standing silently and asked, "Are you sure you're not mistaken? Is this really a robot?"

The big man was originally very confident, but at this moment, his heart also murmured, hesitantly said, "It should be, this is a business spy we lurking over China bought it with his identity Yes, he can't find a living person to perfunctory. "

All the white coats looked at the woman again, and seemed to want to see some flaws in her.

However, they are tangled, they can not find any abnormalities between her and humans.

Originally, they thought that when the robot was in their hands, they immediately dismantled it. But now facing such a "person", they have a feeling that they can't start.

They are scientific researchers, not butchers! Can't you just take down someone alone?

I ca n’t keep staring like this, right?

In the end, they decided to check if the other party was really a big one.

The test method is very simple. Take a needle to pierce the skin to see if it will bleed.

Faced with this group of speculative people, the woman is also desperately resisting. How can she be so crowded, and how can she be a "weak woman"? He was quickly trapped on the test bench.

A needle tube penetrated into the woman's arm and penetrated less than half an inch before she could no longer penetrate.

The needle tube was pulled out, the needle body was as clean as possible, and there was no trace of blood on it. Even the pinholes on the other side's arms did not come out with a little bit of blood.

"It really is a robot!" The crowd was shocked.

Although they are also psychologically prepared for this result, when it is truly determined that the lifelike person in front of him is really a robot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they still cannot suppress the inner vibration.

Robots, is it really true to be fake? Such a robot is walking on the street. Who can judge whether it is a human or a robot?

However, this issue is not what they need to consider. Now that it is determined that this person is a robot, let's do it.

In the fierce resistance of this female robot, they fixed it on the experimental table with metal buckles, and then started to move the knife ...

画面 This picture really can't be seen directly, as if a real living person has been solved.

These researchers are very careful in their actions, for fear of destroying important parts.

It took about an hour for them to remove the bionic skin on the other's body, revealing the metal torso inside.

At this moment, the robot suddenly stopped.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at the lying metal man in fear.

"Is it ... broken?" Someone asked nonchalantly.

"Should not?"

"Will it be out of power?"

"It's also possible. It has taken more than a day for this robot to be delivered to us. It hasn't been charged for such a long time, and the power should be exhausted."

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