Fairy Technology

Chapter 824: For the future of mankind

The charging mode of the smart robot is wireless charging, and they also brought back the charging device.

But now they don't charge immediately. Who keeps them from commanding the robot to stand still or go to sleep? It's a good state that the battery is exhausted.

Next, the group used all means to disassemble the robot.

When parts were taken down, they were shocked to find that there were many wonderful designs, including transmission, gyroscope, motor and other aspects.

The principle is not complicated. For these scientific researchers who have studied robots for many years, the dynamics knowledge used in robots is basically understood.

But when they used the research center's most sophisticated inspection instruments to test these parts, they found that the accuracy of these parts had reached a perverted level.

They don't know what the precision standard of Lingxian intelligent robot is, but by comparing the two identical parts of the robot, they can't find any difference under their testing equipment.

What is special is an electron tunnel microscope that can detect nanometer errors ...

Is the manufacturing accuracy of Huaxian Technology higher than the nanometer level? This is definitely a sensational conclusion.

But beyond that, they couldn't explain why their devices couldn't detect errors between the two components.

In the past, the United States has also obtained the magic fairy's products and reversely cracked them, including Google.

But if that is the case, then this matter would be serious.

This shows that Huaxia's industrial manufacturing capabilities have far exceeded the world's advanced level, which also includes the American manufacturing industry, which is also far behind by the magic fairy technology.

A certain technological progress can only be said as an example, and cannot represent the whole. However, the improvement of industrial manufacturing capabilities can drive the progress of the entire industrial system.

Whether in the field of weapons and equipment manufacturing or in the field of aerospace, tremendous progress will be made.

Moreover, the improvement of mechanical accuracy cannot be achieved overnight. Concentrated efforts to carry out technical research can work in other aspects, but it is definitely not a simple technical research to achieve a level of improvement in manufacturing accuracy.

Prior to this, Magic Immortal Technology has demonstrated amazing strength in materials, and now its inferior manufacturing accuracy has been confirmed. Doesn't it indicate that the era when Magic Immortal Technology is hanging around the world is coming?

This problem is still far away, and this group of people is not too entangled. The most urgent thing for them now is to copy the robot.

In their opinion, the difficulty of making intelligent robots is more than two aspects, one is their motion control system, and the other is to give them intelligence.

The latter was a problem that could not be solved before, but now with artificial intelligence and Facebook's aili, there are no obstacles.

As for the former, motion control is more about pure physics, just follow the instructions. The more troublesome is controlling the driver, but this is not impossible to solve-at least for this group of people. of.

However, after some efforts, they were surprised to find that although the spare parts manufactured by these devices in Google Research Center have been pursuing perfection as much as possible, the uniformity and harmoniousness of these identical spare parts are assembling. There is still a big gap in the technology of the fairy robot, and even some actions cannot be achieved.

This is still the most basic problem. In addition, such as the writing of driver programs, and the relationship between intelligent systems and motion control, even this group of people have a headache. Because they are completely unable to decipher the programs in many firmwares of Lingxian Robot.

In fact, not only Google, but at least 30 countries or technology oligarchs in the world have obtained fairy robots in various ways, but the results are no different. In the face of the ultra-high-precision intelligent robots created by Magic Fairy Technology, they are all discounted. The halberd sinks in the sand.


Shen Bing spent a whole day in this ruined hall, and could not get any system prompt.

He still had dark eyes on how to restart Yan Luodian.

After rummaging through every corner of the ruins, he had to admit one thing: this is not a Yan Luodian at all.

As for what kind of ghost place this is, Shen Bing has no way of knowing, anyway, it is the place where the ghost lives.

The prefecture claims to have ten palaces, Yan Luo, maybe there are ten palaces.

The Yan Luo Palace in the broad sense may refer to these ten palaces, but the Yan Luo Palace in the narrow sense only refers to the Fifth Palace. The ruins of the palace in front of him may be one of the other nine palaces.

Besides, there are so many ghosts in the prefecture. Yan Luo, the ten palace, lives in his palace. Other little ghosts must have a place to settle down. Maybe this palace is not among the ten palaces in the prefecture.

Although the task of restarting Yan Luodian has not been settled yet, I received a relatively simple task from the task list to help His Holiness Pu Xian find something.

Thanks to the characteristics of the system, Shen Bing did not spend much effort to complete the task, but the reward was 2000 Xianyu. I have to say that this respect of Puxian is quite generous.

Now the number of fairy jade in Shen Bing's backpack has exceeded 40,000, and although it is almost double the distance from the highest peak, it is still a huge wealth.

Of course, there are quite a lot of Xianyu on the account, a total of 1.04 million. Some time ago, most of the company's liquidity was transferred out, and Shen Bing was washed into the account, plus the rest of the original account, which is this number.

Shen Bing, the immortal jade in the backpack, has no plans to move for the time being, but Shen Bing already wants to use the immortal jade obtained by recharging on the account.

After all, the gate of the fairyland has been upgraded. The real eye can analyze higher-level black technology. Buy some mall props for analysis. What if the analysis is successful?

Shen Bing has given instructions to the ball, let her select ten outstanding scientific research personnel in the underground research and development base, her research and development team must be improved.

In particular, the discovery of dark matter and the opening of the interstellar era after the spacecraft took off require more new technological support.


In the past few days, the sales of various products of Huaxian Technology continued to be hot, especially for intelligent robots. As long as the experience store arrived, it would be snatched out in less than ten minutes.

Who makes smart robots really easy to use?

Posts admired by Lingxian intelligent robots can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

There is a serious saying that the Lingxian intelligent robot is a competent chef and nanny, which is the mainstream.

It is also said that the Lingxian intelligent robot is a close friend in life, which is a clear stream.

Some people even said that since there was a Lingxian robot, the thought of finding a girlfriend has faded. What is so special is a mudslide. I can't think deeply about it.

The most important thing is that people who hold this last view are still spitting Shen Bing on the Internet.

"Don't you say that you want to ensure the maximum similarity between intelligent robots and humans? The intelligent robot I bought for Mao is so different from my girlfriend? It is not as practical as my previous girlfriend."

"Don't you say that a good robot fully follows the owner's will? My robot refuses to execute my instructions for Mao? I just let her remove the restraint from her body and lie on the bed. Negative!"

"Ah! Magic Fairy has buried the biggest selling point of Ling Xian robots."

Well, this really has some spicy eyes, which immediately aroused the unanimous criticism of robot lovers.

"A robot should also have personality!"

"A robot should be a friend of humans, please don't use it as a tool to vent your bestiality!"

"Scum, robots will not let go!"

Shen Bing is also aware of these remarks on the Internet. He even guessed this possibility when he was about to launch an intelligent robot.

Although Shen Bing thinks that he is not a gentleman, he does not want to label the adult product manufacturing company of Huanxian Technology. He does not look down on such a company. The main point is that his company is playing black technology, and it is completely incompatible with adult product style good or not?

"Boss! Those people on the Internet are so abominable." Yan Lexuan complained to Shen Bing while sorting out the information.

Shen Bing, like the idle second generation, was lying on a chair and playing a game.

After listening to Yan Lexuan's complaint, Shen Bing pouted a smile, but did not speak.

Yan Lexuan continued: "Or the boss, you want to be thoughtful, or you really make those people scum. Boss, did you think at the beginning that someone would buy a robot?"

Shen Bing's head didn't even raise his head authenticly: "Xiaoyan, the reason why I set an exception for the Lingxian robot to refuse to execute the instruction, but for the future of mankind."

"Human future?" Yan Lexuan was a little confused.

Shen Bing said in earnest: "You think about the obedience and the customizability of the body shape and appearance of the robot, I am afraid that many people will be obsessed with the robot. If the robot is to be equipped with some undescriptable functions, the human marriage rate and I'm afraid the fertility rate will be reduced to a terrible level. "

Yan Lexuan thought about his head, and said, "It seems ... a bit reasonable."

"What's the point is a bit reasonable, that's the way it is, isn't it?" Shen Bing would never admit that at first he just didn't want to be involved with adult products.

Yan Lexuan did not continue to discuss this issue. She sat at the computer and began to sort through the documents sent by each department ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These files were initially screened and processed by artificial intelligence. Yan Lexuan is responsible for For the second check, list each piece of handling suggestions and submit them to the boss Shen Bing for review.

Suddenly, Yan Lexuan said: "Boss! The request from Xinjin Aircraft Factory, the first aircraft assembly will be completed today, and the first flight will be performed tomorrow. Would you like to attend the first flight ceremony?"

Shen Bing's eyes staring at the screen didn't move, and said, "The first flight of the plane? It's not a big deal, so I won't go."

Yan Lexuan is a little hesitant. This is a large nuclear-powered aircraft. It is the only one in the world. If it is not a big deal, what is the big deal?

Just then, Shen Bing's phone rang and Secretary Jiang called.

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