Fairy Technology

: Chapter 825 Insulting Human IQ

"Xiao Shen, how are your planes made? A head of the military is ready to come and watch." Secretary Jiang said seriously.

Shen Bing suddenly became the person who made Secretary Jiang the head. I am afraid that his status is not ordinary! At least a bit higher than Secretary Jiang.

"This ... it's just a plane, don't you need to take it so seriously?" Shen Bing said.

Secretary Qiujiang is not the thing that Huanxian Technology is working on the spacecraft. Compared to this heavy device, even a nuclear-powered aircraft, it really can't get on the table.

However, Secretary Jiang said, "You can't say that! This aircraft is of great significance to our country. It can be regarded as a landmark achievement in the history of aerospace. It cannot be overemphasized. This matter focuses on reporting, which helps the current situation. "

Shen Bing immediately understood the meaning of the words.

The focus is not on the front, but on the back: it helps the current situation.

What does the current situation mean? Of course, the old American aircraft carrier battle group exercises in the waters of Singapore and Canada for more than half a month. In the process, the fleet has never interrupted the blockade of the Golden Island. Targeted at Magic Fairy Technology.

Although in Shen Bing's view, this incident has no effect on himself, but he doesn't think so, especially after he said that the Golden Island is the place where the spaceship was built, which is even more serious.

If Huaxian Science and Technology actively stands up to argue with Laomei, the country can do something. But now Shen Bing's posture is completely ignored, even if you want to stand up and talk about the old beauty, there is no reason.

But since you can't 怼 face up, let's knock on the mountain.

As long as this nuclear-powered aircraft is successfully lifted off and cooperates with stealth technology, it will be a strategic weapon.

With such a plane, the deterrence is even more than ten of the old American B2, which is not an exaggeration.

Huaxia exploded such a big killer on the bones of this section. The intention is worthy of consideration. Laomei also has to quantify whether she will continue to rely on Golden Island.

Shen Bing hesitated for a moment, and said, "That's all right! I just got the news. The plane will fly for the first time tomorrow. If time can arrange it, you can come over."

"What? The first flight tomorrow?" Secretary Jiang was really surprised. "Why didn't you say such a big thing in advance?"

"Uh ... shouldn't the aircraft manufacturer report it to the air traffic control department?" Shen Bing said.

After all, it ’s a matter of flying on the plane, and there is no stealth. The report is inevitable, otherwise it will be treated as an enemy plane, and the matter will be a big deal.

"It's one thing to report to the air traffic control department. The key is that the air traffic control department doesn't know the details of your plane!" Secretary Jiang said, "I will immediately report to the chief executive. This can't be underestimated."

After speaking, she did not give Shen Bing a chance to refute, and hung up the phone.

Shen Bing stunned for a while, and muttered, "It's just a plane! Why?"

Yan Lexuan smiled and said, "Boss, this is an airplane! Aircraft manufacturing is known as the" Pearl in the Crown of Manufacturing ". Huaxia has been weak in this area for a long time, especially in the engine field. It has been under control for a long time. Now The aircraft we built is a pioneer in history and is at the forefront of the world. Can the country not pay attention? "

"You girl knows a lot." Shen Bing glanced at her, didn't she say that the girls were not interested in this hard knowledge?

Yan Yan Lexuan proudly raised Yang's head and said, "I checked the relevant information the other day, and naturally I know it."

Uh ...

"Fantasy's first large aircraft will begin its first flight tomorrow!"

This is a public announcement published on the official website of Magic Fairy Technology.

It is a proud announcement because it is both the title and the content.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, and there is no language for inviting merit. Such a sentence is simple and clear.

But the impact of this sentence is tantamount to dropping countless bombs around the world, making everyone dizzy.

Remember when Huanxian Technology announced its entry into the aircraft manufacturing industry? More than ten days ago!

做 了 What did you do in these ten days? Including the purchase of land from the government and the construction of an aircraft manufacturing plant, this is something everyone knows. Even a few days ago, there was widespread heated discussion on the Internet because of the construction of the main project of the aircraft manufacturing plant by Magic Fairy Technology in four days.

But people ca n’t even think of breaking their heads. More exaggerated things are still behind. Less than ten days after the aircraft manufacturing plant was built, Huaxian Technology announced that it would make its first flight.

This is almost like a joke!

Even if the magic fairy technology has already subverted human cognition on many projects such as geothermal power stations and ghost mobile phones, there is a saying called magic fairy efficiency that has become a legend in the industry.

But this time, it still made countless people feel unacceptable.

什么 What can I do in more than ten days? Not to mention a large aircraft, it is estimated that building a small helicopter will be enough if the technology is mature. Not to mention that Magic Fairy had no previous experience and technical accumulation in manufacturing aircraft.

Many people think that the magic fairy technology is purely out of favor, and the big aircraft it is doing is not a big plane at all, or it is bought from other places and then painted, and it is regarded as its own plane.

I have to say that this view is still very marketable, and many people agree with it.

In the final analysis, in the minds of all people, an airplane can't be built in more than ten days. Even the magic fairy technology cannot change this iron law.

Even even the world's aircraft manufacturing giants such as Boeing and Airbus have publicly stated that the announcement of Huaxian Technology is a joke.

And Mr. Pisius, the president of Boeing Company, told the reporter directly: "Is Xianxian Technology ready to complete its first flight with an airplane model?"

This sentence was used as the title, and was widely reproduced in major media newspapers and periodicals.

"Stunning! The reputation of Magic Fairy Technology is ruined once!"

十 "Ten days! This is insulting human IQ!"

飞机 "Airplanes are not what you want to play-psychedelic technology."

In the face of this turbulent public opinion, even the fans of Huaxian Technology, they did not appear so confident.

It is not that they don't think that Magic Fairy Technology has the technical strength to make airplanes. Even if you announce the success of the aircraft manufacturing after half a year, they also think that this is entirely possible.

But ten days now! Ten days, what can you do? Maybe a small cold can drag on for ten days.

Uh ...

The next day, on the outskirts of Xinjin County, several lonely buildings stood on a large flat ground.

Here is the aircraft factory of Huanxian Technology. The buildings with a lot of science fiction are not small, but if compared with the vast space behind them, they really look a bit thin.

The reason why people compare the buildings with the vast land behind is because a five-meter-high iron railing completely surrounds the area.

的 The power grid installed on the fence and the warning sign labeled "High Voltage Danger" make people afraid to cross the thunder pool.

围 This fence extends to the supervision station of Xinjin Geothermal Power Station at the southernmost side.

Two buildings, one south and one north, obstruct the two passages in this area.

At this moment, the sky is bright and bright, and the early morning of autumn has already brought a little coolness, coupled with a light rain at dawn, this coolness becomes refreshing.

Hundreds of cars of all kinds have been parked in front of the gate outside the aircraft manufacturing plant, all of them are news reporters who have arrived overnight.

这些 For these reporters, whether or not Huan Xian Technology can complete the first flight of a large aircraft today is headline news.

谁 No one wants to miss this opportunity.

If you want to say that they have any dissatisfaction, it is estimated that the magic fairy technology was announced too suddenly, so that they were not fully prepared.

But they are also fortunate, at least they are more fortunate than their counterparts who can't keep up.

It's only 8 o'clock in the morning, and the gates of the aircraft manufacturing plant have not been opened. They don't know when Huanxian Technology will make its first flight.

Nor are they not asking the goalkeeper, but they have not received any valuable information.

Of course, they also want to ask people with higher status, but unfortunately they can only see this guard.

After a lot of boredom, some familiar people sat and chatted and farted, waiting for an interview opportunity.

"Do you say that Magic Fairy Technology can really make a big plane?" A beautiful-looking beauty reporter asked colleagues around her.

A little fat man next to him said, "I feel a little hung up! Look at the tarmac over there, nothing is empty."

Another guy with myopia glasses comparable to the bottom of a beer bottle said: "This is also normal! Maybe the plane is still in the final process, and it hasn't been driven out of the manufacturing workshop yet."

"Zhao Si, you are blindly optimistic!" Said the fat man, staring at the young man in the glasses. "I bet if Huaxian Technology really made a big plane ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I dare to eat.

The young man with a cold face, said, "Do n’t call me Zhao Si! My name is Zhao Yan! Also, even if you eat Xiang, you wo n’t eat it even if you lose. If you want to gamble, bet on the actual, this month Breakfast. How? "

"Okay, okay!" The beauty reporter agitated, this is purely to add a little fun to the boring waiting.

The little fat man laughed and said: "Zhao Si ... eyes, this is what you said! Don't regret it."

"Do you think they are as fat as you are?" The glasses brother gave him a disdainful glance, which was obscuring the fat man and eating fat.

He didn't know if the fat man could hear it. He stared into the wall and felt no pressure at all.

Beauty reporter repeatedly folded a newspaper, spread it on the slightly damp ground, and sat on her knees. They've been here since 6am, weird.

"Do you say that Magic Fairy Technology will allow public interviews this time?" The beauty reporter said with some worry.

"Should do it!" Zhao Yandao, brother in glasses.

"Look!" The fat man suddenly exclaimed, pointing his finger at the far end of the asphalt road.

庞大 A huge convoy is racing there.

If it's an ordinary team, it's fine, but these cars are all military vehicles ...

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