Fairy Technology

Chapter 826: Nonsense?

military vehicle! Appearing at this time is very intriguing.

And everyone can see that the convoy came from the aircraft manufacturer-the only destination of this asphalt road is the aircraft manufacturer.

The fat man suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. Since there is an army involved, is this still a joke?

I do not know when, two interview cars parked in the distance, CCTV's 1yigyi printed on it is very conspicuous, a capable young man is eloquently speaking under the camera, and behind him, is a fantasy aircraft plant.

The military vehicle convoy reached the gate, two telescopic doors slowly opened, and the military vehicle drove straight in.

Although the reporters wanted to rush in, after the last military vehicle stopped, several soldiers with live ammunition stood on the sides, and the intention to keep the gate was very obvious.

Er, is this military control?

Can you still interview?

The reporters outside are depressed. This time, they all came forward voluntarily, and no one was invited by Huanxian Technology. Who knows what attitude of Huanxian Technology?

In case they are not allowed to enter the interview directly, they can only stare.

But even if you can't get in, no one will leave. After all, this time the plane was flying. Even if we didn't enter the scene, we could still take pictures outside. At best, it is impossible to conduct an interview, but to talk to yourself.

Just as the crowd lingered, two people in threading tech work clothes came out of the gate.

One of them, about 3o years old, said: Dear friends, I am Wang Baode, the leader of the security team of Huaxian Security Company in the aircraft factory. If you are going to enter our aircraft factory to watch the big plane fly, you can go now. In order to ensure order at the flight site, please follow the arrangements, otherwise we reserve the right to force eviction.

As soon as this remark was made, the noise immediately started to stir up.

Everyone comes here for an interview. Who doesn't want to come in?

This is really great!

Rest assured, we must listen to arrangements.

The voices started to rise and fall for almost half a minute. The young man raised his hand, and everyone kept talking.

Subsequently, under the leadership of the two men, everyone entered the aircraft manufacturing plant in an orderly manner.

Captain Wang, can we visit the inside of your factory in a while? A reporter walking behind the captain of the king suddenly walked two steps and got close to the captain of the king.

Many people heard the reporter's questions, all listening with their ears sideways.

Wang Baode said: No, at present, our aircraft manufacturing line is still strictly confidential, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

A hint of disappointment flashed on the reporter's face.

Hey! One less reportable point.

All interviewers were then taken to a lobby with a huge screen above the rostrum, showing a straight runway.

On the side of the hall, there is a transparent glass wall.

Through this wall, you can see the outside runway. Although the angles are different, everyone can still distinguish the picture presented on the screen, which is the outside scene.

Ladies and gentlemen, this hall is your event venue, and you can shoot anything here. After the plane takes off, our chairman and some other personnel will come to the scene to accept your interview. Wang Baode said.

These reporters naturally do not have any objections. Although most of them want to shoot directly out of the field, they are unlikely to think about it.

Then these media people started to get busy. The reporter started to talk about the situation with a microphone, probably to introduce the current situation.

Time slowly passed, and the door suddenly opened in the distance was slowly opened, and the scene inside gradually appeared.

Because the distance is too far, the situation inside is not very clear, but I can still see a light gray plane docking inside the gate.

Is there a plane? The fat man who also entered the hall couldn't help whispering.

Zhao Yan smiled and said, "Hey, I feel that my breakfast this month has fallen."

The little fat man is not happy, saying: Don't be too happy, it is not certain whether the plane can take off, maybe it is just a model. Besides, even if it can be lifted off, it may be bought by Huanxian Technology from other companies.

Zhao Yan snorts, this guy still wants to quibble, and see how he can discern in a while.

Will Huanxian make fun of its reputation? This is absolutely impossible.

On the third floor of the lobby where these reporters are located, there is also a lobby.

However, unlike the conference hall on the first floor, it is more like a command hall.

A huge image shows a satellite image map, and at the corner of the screen is a bird's eye view of the sky.

Shen Bing stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, and stood in front of him more than ten people, including Secretary Jiang.

However, Secretary Jiang did not stand in the main position. He was standing next to an old man in military uniform.

The old man has a Samsung on his shoulder, which reflects his extraordinary status.

Xiao Shen, you really built an airplane in more than ten days! The uniformed man looked at the big guy in the far door and couldn't help but sigh.

Shen Bing smiled bitterly, and said, "Li old, haven't you been sure about this before?"

Although Shen Bing wanted to say why you ran to Rongcheng since you were not sure, the words finally swallowed back.

Li Lao said with a kind smile; it wasn't unbelief, but the matter was incredible. You know those words, don't you think they make sense?

Shen Bing shrugged and said: Lao Li, you have to believe that rumors are rumors after all. As long as it is spoken from my mouth, even if it is incredible, it will definitely be realized.

This is a little proud, but Shen Bing does have proud capital, and no one present thinks Shen Bing is proud.

Lao Li laughed: Although I met you for the first time, I know your deeds well! It is indeed a hundred-year-old fortune for Huaxia's younger generation to appear like you.

Li old words are heavy. Although Shen Bing thought he was blushing, he couldn't help but blush in the face of Li Lao's praise.

If it weren't for the gate of the fairyland, what kind of person would you be?

Of course, Shen Bing is not a sharp-pointed person. The gate of the fairyland is his own, that is his own achievement.

Tell me about the aircraft you made. Before, I just heard Secretary Jiang briefly mention it, but I haven't learned it in detail. Old Li said.

Everyone around him listened, especially those military officials who came with Li Lao.

Shen Bingdao: All right! Then we will explain while watching.

At this time, the distant door had been fully opened, and the roar of the aircraft's motive was clearly heard in everyone's ears in the building, and then the aircraft slowly moved out of the warehouse.

Our aircraft is called fs1, which is the Fengshen-1. It has a length of 87 meters, a wingspan of 93.2 meters, and a height of 27.1 meters. 212 tons in the air, the maximum take-off weight is 2 tons. A series of data were spit out from Shen Bing's mouth.

These are some common figures, but no one at the scene can ignore this set of data.

The soldiers who followed Lao Li this time are all from the Air Force. These people have many parameters for various types of aircraft.

They clearly know that the world's heaviest and largest aircraft is the a225, with a fuselage length of 84 meters, a wingspan of 88.4 meters, and a maximum takeoff weight of 64o tons.

That is to say, the aircraft that Magic Fairy spent ten days has broken the world record, and the maximum take-off weight has been directly increased by nearly one third.

Not to mention the large power-to-weight ratio of the motive of this large aircraft, just the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft is a big problem.

Mr. Shen, have you ever done wind tunnel tests on this plane? A soldier with a spike and a star insignia frowned slightly and asked.

Shen Bingdao: Actual experiments have not been done before, but real-world simulation experiments have been done using a class computer. After the analysis of artificial intelligence, the aerodynamic layout of our aircraft is completely fine.

The muscles on the face of the questioning soldier twitched for a while, presumably to endure the urge to scold his mother.

So far, I have never heard of any aircraft that can get to the sky without going through a wind tunnel test-er, except for model aircraft.

It ’s a big thing on the plane. There are really a few flaws in the aerodynamic layout, which can easily lead to tragedies.

The soldier stood for a few seconds and finally spoke: Chairman Shen, long, I suggest that the flight of the plane be temporarily stopped.

why? Old Li asked.

But Shen Bing understood what the other party was worried about, and smiled: This general, you can put your heart in your stomach. I can use my head to guarantee that there will be no problem with this flight.

Looking at Shen Bing's indifferent look, Lao Li had more confidence in him, and said: Yeah! Director Zhou and Xiao Shen also said that the aerodynamic layout of this aircraft was calculated and analyzed by artificial intelligence. Do you have confidence in the technical strength of Magic Fairy Technology?

Director Zhou's lips moved twice, but he didn't say any more.

In other companies ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he may have to insist on his opinions, but he is a little bit confused about the magic fairy technology, after all, this company has too many incredible achievements What about the same?

Shen Bing went on to say: I just said some parameters of our aircraft, its size is only one aspect. The most important thing is that its maximum flight can reach Mach 3.2.

As soon as this word came out, the scene glasses suddenly fell to the ground.

Shocked, it's a series of shocks

It doesn't matter if you are physically big, you can break the world record in minutes. But your plane, which is not much different from ordinary passenger planes, can reach Mach 3.2?

Nonsense not

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