Fairy Technology

Chapter 827: I will cry if I continue!

Li Lao looked at the plane that had been on the runway and couldn't help asking: "Shen Shen, are you sure that this plane can fly to Mach 3.2? It won't disperse when flying into the air?"

Shen Bing would like to simply answer a sentence that would not be, but feel that such an answer is not very convincing.

"Mr. Li, our aircraft's fuselage structure is very special. At Mach 3.2 speed, the fuselage structure will not have any impact." Shen Bing said, "In fact, this does not require me to explain more, the aircraft will lift off in a moment. Facts speak louder than words. "

"That's true, too," Li Lao said, "then continue to introduce."

Shen Bing grinned. If you don't interrupt, I've finished the introduction.

"One more thing, as we mentioned before, our aircraft is powered by nuclear power. Therefore, its endurance will be extremely horrible. According to our calculations, even if the Fengshen 1 is stuck in the air all year round, it will last two years. No problem for three years. "

"If you only consider the issue of power, this aircraft that Chairman Shen has developed can indeed stay in the air for two or three years." Another colonel officer with a slight fat said, "But the people on the plane must eat and drink Lazar? Although Fengshen 1 The aircraft is indeed large enough, but many foods have a shelf life, which lasts two or three years. I am afraid it is not realistic? "

Shen Bingdao: "First of all, I have to correct a problem. Regarding the freshness of food, I think there will be no problem for two or three years. Even the freshest vegetables can be put for two or three years. Mr. Li, you said what I said Right?"

More than a dozen soldiers were present, some of them looked astonished, while others were full of doubt.

Can vegetables be kept for two or three years? Huh?

But this is not flickering, because Shen Bing's technology for fresh-keeping bags has been licensed to the military for a long time. However, judging from the current situation, the military should not have achieved mass production, at least it should not have been widely promoted in the military, so only a small number of people currently know that this fresh-keeping technology exists.

Obviously, Li always knew this, so after listening to Shen Bing's words, he naturally nodded and said, "Xiao Shen is right. Regarding food storage, there is really no problem in two or three years."

The slightly fat soldier was a little aggressive, was he wrong? Or is it that your own knowledge has been disconnected from reality?

No one explained to him at the scene.

Shen Bing continued: "In fact, the food problem does not exist on this aircraft, because this aircraft does not need pilots or operators at all."

Li Lao said cheerfully: "Oh? This is quite novel, Xiao Shen, you have to explain it well."

Shen Bingdao: "Because this aircraft has a driverless function!"

"You mean it's a drone?" It's not just Li Lao who is surprised, but many people.

Shen Bing shook his head and said, "Not to mention, I just said that it has unmanned functions. In addition to unmanned functions, it also has multiple modes such as manned driving and remote driving."

Everyone immediately looked at Shen Bing like a curious baby, waiting for him to explain further.

At this moment, on the runway outside the building, the light gray aircraft has slipped on the runway.

The huge body rushed northwestward in an acceleration way beyond human cognition ...

A blast of wind broke from the fuselage, ringing all around.

"This ... is this successful?" Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

Didn't you say good test flight? How can you express the word "trial" when you just soar up into the sky? Really want to test flight, you have to run a few laps on the plane, right? Now that I haven't done any foreplay, I just went to heaven. This rhythm makes people unable to adapt.

Moreover, the acceleration of the Fengshen 1 aircraft just now is definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary aircraft, and it is estimated that it can compete with fighter aircraft.

And the takeoff distance, it's also quite reverie! With such a short take-off distance, is it possible to find a way to get the aircraft to the carrier?

Well, this idea ... stupid! It's really stupid.

As an aircraft that can cruise in the air for several years, what is it to get the aircraft carrier? Be a target?

A few seconds later, a drooling sound sounded in the hall, a natural response recovered from the shock.

"Don't be surprised." Shen Bing seemed very satisfied with this scene and said with a smile, "We are nuclear-powered planes, and the power output is very sufficient, so it is normal to take off a little faster."

Li Lao thinks that he can be considered as well-informed in his life, but today, the number of times he was shocked has been added up by his whole life.

After a full ten seconds, Li Laocai completely came out of the sense of the plane taking off and said, "Xiao Shen, since the plane has already taken off, let's continue to talk about the topic just now. What you just said Driving mode, self-driving and manned driving are well understood, what is remote driving? "

Shen Bingdao: "Remote driving is the pilot controlling the aircraft in a different place. This is a technology between unmanned and manned. It not only solves the single defect of unmanned flight, but also avoids fighter aircraft. The tragedy occurred after the breakdown. "

The general who first questioned Shen Bing reiterated: "Chairman Shen, the situation encountered during the flight of the aircraft can be described as changing rapidly. How do you achieve the accuracy and timeliness of remote driving instructions?"

Shen Bingdao: "This is very simple. Our remote driving technology is based on the new virtual reality technology. By installing multiple sensors on the aircraft, all data inside and outside the aircraft are transmitted back to the control room in real time, and then virtual reality technology is used. Restore these data to a remote environment, so that everything that the pilot sitting in the cabin sees and hears is exactly the same as the environment in which the aircraft is actually located. And our data transfer technology is a new Technology, as long as it is flying on the earth, can make zero delays. Ensure the reliability of remote driving. "

Although Shen Bing did not go into details, many even mentioned only one concept, but it did not prevent everyone from sketching this scene in their minds.

But for those who know technology, they are deeply shocked by the words of Shen Bing, including the major general.

"Chairman Shen, did you mention virtual reality technology just now?"

"Well, that's right!"

"Your company's virtual reality technology has reached a practical level?" Major General asked.

Shen Bingdao: "Of course! This is a technology that our company has been working hard to develop, which is related to the success or failure of one of our major projects. Fortunately, we have succeeded. At present, our virtual reality technology has reached the level of 99% simulated reality. On the Fengshen 1 aircraft, it's just a small application. "

What can the general say? The baby's heart is bitter!

Virtual reality technology is also a technology that the military has made great efforts to develop, the purpose is to use this technology to achieve the purpose of actual military training. But even with huge investment, this project still has no substantial results.

Of course, not only has China Huaxia not achieved success, other countries in the world are also on the way.

But now the magic fairy technology has actually developed this technology, which makes them feel embarrassed!


The group of people upstairs was shocked by Shen Bing to doubt life, and the group of people downstairs were directly in a state of persecution.

The above military personnel and Shen Bing explained very carefully, but the reporters below are not treated so well, and they can only guess by themselves.

For example, when the plane just started, they were guessing its size, takeoff weight ...

Although the size of the aircraft is clear at a glance, who knows exactly the size of the aircraft? The human eye is not a rangefinder.

However, this aircraft is really too big. For those who know more about the aircraft, it has already begun to compare this aircraft with An-225.

They are also uncertain whether this aircraft is larger or the a-225 is larger. But one thing is certain, it is definitely bigger than Airbus A380.

The little fat man who bet with Zhao Yan was even more depressed when he saw the plane coming out.

Such a large aircraft basically eliminates the possibility of purchasing from other aircraft manufacturing companies. Neither Boeing nor Airbus has such a large aircraft. As for a-225, there is only one aircraft in the world, which looks like this aircraft It's not like it.

Now he can only hope that this aircraft is a model, otherwise he will lose.

Unfortunately, things did not go as expected. He just came up with the idea, and the plane fluttered to heaven ...

Is this fake? This is the only idea of ​​a fat man.

In fact, not only the fat man was aggressive, but all the reporters present were also aggressive.

How can such a large plane be said to be heaven? What about a good test flight? What about human integrity?

Hitting the point: In such a short time, most people have not had time to shoot ...

After all, if you can shoot the scene just now, how much click-through rate will you earn? If it is broadcast on a video website, it will bring a big wave of popularity to the video website.

I will cry if I continue!

As for a few people at the scene who took that shot, they are excited at this moment.

Not to mention the value of this video, just that the colleagues next to me looked at their envious eyes, let them feel a sense of accomplishment.

Others have also thought about buying videos from these people, but others are not stupid, how could they be willing to sell? This is even more depressing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After depression, many people can't help thinking.

Why is the plane so fast? What is the thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine? Does this indicate that Huaxia's aviation technology has been at the forefront of the world?

Anyway, as long as people think it is possible, let this aircraft lean on.

After all, everyone didn't expect that this plane was nuclear powered.

Just as everyone was thinking, the side door of the conference room opened, and a group of people walked out of it.

At the forefront is Shen Bing ...

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