Fairy Technology

Chapter 830: Inexplicable sense of urgency

Secretary of State Morey groaned a bit, saying: "I am afraid that this will cause a vicious circle. At that time, China may not necessarily resort to warfare, but who can guarantee that China will not deal with us in the same way? Our scientists Our businessmen, and even ourselves, may be on the assassination list. Have you forgotten what happened to the last two CIA directors? Or do you think your protection measures are in place? "

Everyone was silent at the scene.

It may not be clear to others, but they do know that the last two directors of the CIA were all killed for plotting to kill Shen Bing, but the death was unknown.

Danell, the CIA director, inexplicably committed suicide.

The **** of **** kills suicide ... you know that the CIA director also gritted his teeth the day before and declared that Shen Bing would be buried in Seattle.

As for Simpson, who took over the position of Danel, it was even shattered by missiles fired by US warships.

This matter is also inseparable from Shen Bing, because Simpson was planning to murder Shen Bing at the time.

As long as you know a little bit about the inside of this matter, it is speculated that the death of these two people is inseparable from Shen Bing. It's just that this incident itself was caused by Laomei, and in the end it can only knock down teeth and swallow blood.

Although the matter ended like this, it also made everyone realize that the magic fairy technology is not easy to mess with, at least Shen Bing is not so easy to mess with.

If you don't make it right, you will even lose it.

Regardless of whether Shen Bing can be killed or not, even if it succeeds, the follow-up American executives will inevitably face revenge from Magic Fairy Technology.

Think of Wang Sheng's one-dollar reward of $ 1 billion, which caused an explosion outside Los Angeles, causing Laomei to suffer heavy losses. If Shen Bing is really killed, the ghost knows what trick this guy will make?

You should know that at the time, the funds on the magic fairy science and technology account had not yet reached 1 billion US dollars, and Wang Sheng dared to do so. Based on the current strength of Magic Fairy Technology, maybe a hundred billion rewards will come out, and the results will be unpredictable.

Maybe any stabbing gods and stabbing mercenary squads will emerge, even if it is Mr. President, they will die all day long.

"What you mean is that Shen Bing can't move?" Mr. President's face is darker than the bottom of the pot, which is an unacceptable reality.

Kleizer said: "It is not impossible to move, the key is that God is unaware of the ghost."

Everyone rolled their eyes. Isn't this nonsense.

Is there really a way for Shen Bing to solve Shen Bing unknowingly? Will this matter continue until now?

"It's difficult to get directly from Shen Bing, but it doesn't mean that the people around him are also impeccable!" Kleizer looked vicious.

"It's not that we haven't tried it. The elite forces we sent into Huaxia broke down and we couldn't even connect our relatives who were close to Shen Bing." The new director of the Central Intelligence Agency said with great depression. Big, we have very limited information. "

In fact, the director wanted to get rid of it. Although Hua Xia's protection of Shen Bing was also in place, he couldn't do anything without leaking the net. The reason for this effect is entirely due to Rongcheng's smart city construction project and the credit of the ball.

And now the country is already promoting the smart city construction project of Magic Fairy Technology. It is estimated that it will not be long before it will be established in most cities in China.

By that time, the old American agents wanted to do something, and the difficulty would be even higher.

Kleizer said: "I'm not saying to directly target Shen Bing's relatives, but people around him. According to the information we have, there are two women living with Shen Bing. If nothing unexpected happens, they should be Shen Bing's lover. There are no special protection measures around these two people. We can deal with them. "

Everyone looked around the Prime Minister, some with excitement, others with a hint of doubt.

"Even if we catch these two women, can we hurt Shen Bing by this?" A cabinet member asked.

Kleiser said: "Well, women, as long as they have their hands, there are ways to make them obedient. Don't these two live with Shen Bing? It's not too simple to kill Shen Bing."

"Well! I think it works," said the President.

Kleiser said: "But we have to make a gesture first and let Shen Bing reduce our defense."

"What to do?" Mr. President asked.

Kleiser said: "First withdraw the carrier fleet from the Singapore exercise."

"I agree!" Morey followed, "It has been blocked for more than half a month. The construction of the Golden Island has not stagnated at all, and the other party must have special channels to transport supplies. It doesn't make any sense for us to persist.


When Shen Bing heard the end of the exercise between the United States and Singapore, he was doing an important thing in the underground base.

Give warmth to the ten new researchers—well, small pills.

Each person has a magic trick, so that everyone feels what is called empowerment.

They used to think that their IQ was pretty good, but now they understand. Was it really good? Dute is as stupid as a pig.

After all this was done, Shen Bing sent them away.

No way, these people have spent billions of high-end talents created, and wasting a second is a crime, especially now that it is in the critical period of the company's development, it is natural to grasp every minute and every second.

In fact, according to normal circumstances, Huanxian Technology is already the world's largest company. Although Shen Bing is low-key, it is undeniable that he is definitely one of the handful of people standing on the top of the pyramid.

But how did this sense of urgency come about?

He found a reason for this anomalous situation with his "brain flower ~ www.wuxiaspot.com" which is better than others.

When the company was founded, Huanxian Technology didn't attract others' attention, at least it did not let the overlord such as Laomei have the idea to eliminate him at any cost.

But now it's different. Starting from artificial intelligence, the magic fairy science and technology stepped up, which has made Laomei feel a huge threat.

Considering another position, Shen Bing will also try to destroy the other party to prevent future troubles.

It doesn't even rule out what extreme things Americans do in order to consolidate their global hegemony-don't rule out mushrooms all over the world.

And the later this time, the higher the risk of an outbreak.

Therefore, Shen Bing must speed up the progress, so that the stalemate period between the two world-class powers is shortened as much as possible. When the old Americans find that they have no ability to break the net, they can accept the reality obediently.

As for how to make Laomei lose her ability to break the net, there are two ways to go.

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