Fairy Technology

Chapter 831: Can it be compared with Life No. 1?

One way is to confiscate the "tool" broken by the old beautiful fish's dead net, preventing him from "growing mushrooms" or growing "mushrooms" without effect.

The other way is to weaken the uniqueness of the earth. Why does Laomei think that the practice of breaking the dead net will make China jealous? Isn't that relying on the earth to be the only home for human existence? If Lao Mei knew that even if he destroyed the earth, the Chinese would still survive the aliens, would he still have the idea of ​​growing mushrooms all over the world?

Absolutely not!

No one is a fool, knowing that they can't cause substantial damage to the other party, how can Lao Mei be willing to bomb the earth? That's not to say that the dead net is broken, it's called to dig the grave.

Therefore, Shen Bing's most urgent need at present is to break out of the earth and establish a stronghold on another planet.

Even the moon can make Old America dare not act lightly.

In fact, Shen Bing also knows that his own idea is a bit unsettling, and the old beauty may not be so mad that it will explode the earth, which is an anti-human approach.

But on the other hand, people have near-term worries without far-sightedness. It is always good to plan ahead, right?

When Shen Bing left the underground base, he learned from the ball that Laomei announced the end of the exercise, and the aircraft carrier fleet was withdrawn from the waters of Canada.

When ordinary people see this news, they must think that Lao Mei really ended the exercise. After all, this exercise lasted for almost a month, and it really should be over.

But Shen Bing understands that Laomei now announces the end, which is the performance of recognition. Because the strategic purpose of this exercise was not achieved.

Terminating an exercise that hasn't achieved its purpose, isn't this an admission?

"The Yankees will admit it?" Mumbled Shen Bing. "It doesn't make sense. The news that a big plane made its first flight scared the old American?"

Although the big aircraft of Huanxian Technology is really awesome, the old American shouldn't confirm the news, right?

Even if Lao Mei really wants to withdraw the carrier fleet, at least it should wait until the spy reporters have figured out the true parameters of the Aeolus 1 aircraft.

something wrong!

As for the problem, Shen Bing didn't think of it.

Perhaps Lao Mei has determined that even if he continues to exercise, it will not affect the construction of Golden Island! So the uselessness of this kind of oil burning stopped.

Shen Bing was too lazy to think about the things he didn't understand. The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. Are they afraid that the Yankees will fail?

At this moment, Shen Bing also held two psychedelic dandelions in his hands, which were specially redeemed by him and intended to be given to Yuan Wei and Yun Xue.

"Ah! Maybe I did n’t wash my hands after going to the toilet in the afternoon? A whole dozen of magic tricks didn't work out a dark technology. What a pity."

Although Shen Bing keeps throwing up, he also has to admit the fact that the probability of success in real eye analysis is really low.

Think about it. At the beginning, there were a hundred pieces of Jiuxiao Runes, and in the end, only one black technology was successfully analyzed. Now the twelve magic tricks are completely obliterated, it can be understood.

Back in his bedroom, the afterglow of the setting sun shone in from the window, giving the room a golden glow.

"The two girls should be back soon, right?" Shen Bing leisurely went downstairs, and he was waiting in the living room.

This is not the first time Shen Bing has given people's elixir in the mall, but people who have taken these elixir before, either by scientists who have brain-washed the device through subconscious implantation, or their parents, will not betray themselves.

As for Li Xiao, although he was not brainwashed by the subconscious implanted device, because of his special experience, he is extremely loyal to himself. And Li Xiao knew very well that he would never betray himself. Therefore, he can safely take Longhu Dan to him.

As for Yun Xue and Yuan Wei, Shen Bing actually planned to give them Lingqiao Dan, but has always been worried.

After all, it is a woman who will marry and have children in the future. On the one hand, it is under consideration for confidentiality, and on the other hand, because Shen Bing does not want to be cheaper than other men, he has always deliberately ignored this matter.

But now it's different. The two beauties have changed from outsiders to "inners", and Shen Bing's worries have naturally eased a lot.

However, for insurance purposes, he secretly checked with a conscious reading device last night.

The results of the inspection made him almost confident.

Feeling Grandpa is also such a charming person!

"After taking Grandpa's medicine, that's the grandpa's person." Shen Bing thought proudly in his head.

Suddenly, Shen Bing was a little depressed: "Ah! It's almost half a year since I confirmed my relationship with Yunxue. I haven't done anything except I usually kiss my little mouth. It's so bad that it spreads the reputation of Grandpa. It's easy to doubt Grandpa's orientation. "

While Shen Bingfu was thinking about it, a brisk footstep came, and Yun Xue and Yuan Wei flew in with a scent of incense.

They couldn't help but be surprised when they saw Shen Bing sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Shen Bing, why do you have time to do a daze here today? Aren't you very busy during this time?" Yun Xue couldn't help asking.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "I have made some good things recently, and I am ready to share with you."

"What a good thing?" Yun Xue and Yuan Wei both asked expectantly.

Shen Bing's palm stretched out, revealing two small pills in his palm.

The expression of the two women was very wonderful. The crystal-clear pill looked really delicate and seemed to have infinite magic.

Yuan Wei asked in wonder: "What is this?"

Yun Xue looked suspiciously, saying, "Shouldn't that be the kind of thing like the three corpses' brains and magical acacia?"

A few black lines suddenly appeared on Shen Bing's forehead, and said, "What do you think you have in your head? Do you see costume play too much?"

"Eh ... then what do you mean by this thing?" Yunxue's eyes suddenly flashed and asked, "Isn't it an elixir that can make people immortal?"

But she remembered how badly the peaches had grown on that peach tree in the yard some time ago.

And wasn't the seed of the peach cultivated by Shen Bing?

If this small pill is really made from that peach ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although it is a bit exaggerated to immortality, it will definitely not run away.

Shen Bing shook his head and said, "This thing can't extend life, but it can make your unconscious brain smarter."

"Oh ..." Yunxue's expression was dull. "What's the effect of this? How is it better than Life No. 1 that was advertised in TV advertisements?"

Shen Bing had the urge to hit the wall, and the girl was forced to do so on purpose.

What about life number one, can the gadget really increase intelligence? Many of them paid IQ taxes in those years.

Just at the time of Shen Bing's God, Yun Xue suddenly reached out and took a pill from Shen Bing's hand, and threw it into his mouth as if he wanted to eat jelly beans.


The angle of Shen Bing's mouth slightly tilted, and a playful expression stared at her, which made Yun Xue, a little proud of her hair ...

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