Fairy Technology

Chapter 832: That is quite tricky

"Ah ... my head hurts!" Yun Xue suddenly changed her face, exclaiming.

Shen Bing experienced the pain, and at first he passed out alive.

Although he felt sorry for Yun Xue's situation, he really couldn't help. And compared to the benefits of taking Lingqiao Dan, this pain is negligible.

Yunxue fell on the sofa uncontrollably, and the moaning kept coming out, although it had not reached the level of exhaustion, but there was absolutely no sigh.

"Yunxue ... is it okay?" Yuan Wei asked anxiously.

Shen Bingdao: "It's okay, this is an inevitable reflection. Hey ... this one is for you, you can eat it directly in the bedroom."

Although Yunxue's front notice is in front of her eyes, Yuan Wei took it without hesitation because of her trust in Shen Bing.

"Otherwise I'll have it later, supper hasn't been prepared yet."

"You don't need to do such things as cooking in the future." Shen Bing smiled.

"Why?" Yuan Wei froze. "Am I not doing well?"

If before the change, Yuan Wei was worried. Shen Bing was ready to sweep herself out.

But she didn't have that idea at the moment.

Shen Bingman said helplessly: "Our companies have produced intelligent robots, and they are still chef-type. If I do not support my company's industry as a boss, it is not reasonable.

"This ... seems to make sense, too." Yuan Weijiao replied softly.

Shen Bingdao: "What's the point is a bit reasonable, that's how it is."

Yuan Wei glanced at him suspiciously, and said, "How do I feel that you think my food is not as delicious as a robot?"

Shen Bing touched his forehead and did not see the cold sweat coming out, "You think too much."

Yuan Wei grinned and didn't worry about this issue.

Suddenly she noticed that the situation was a bit wrong. Why did Yun Xue, who was still groaning just now, be quiet?

Shen Bing followed Yuan Yuan's gaze and said, "Relax, it's okay, she will wake up in a moment."

Yuan Wei also suspected of him, and took Lingqiao Dan and went upstairs.

Shen Bing muttered, "Is cooking with Lingqiao Dan? This is an insult to IQ!"

When Shen Bing was about to take Lingxue Dan to Yun Xue and Yuan Wei, he already had a plan in his heart. He planned to find an appropriate time to open the underground base to the two and expose them to the most advanced technology of Magic Fairy.

Shen Bing did not do this before because the underground base was his biggest foundation. But when the construction of the Golden Island is completed, both the R & D base and the production base will gradually shift.

It's not that Shen Bing is dissatisfied with the domestic environment, but that Magic Fairy Technology must have a transcendental status if it wants to lead humans to the universe.

A super-island base that freely travels across the oceans meets this criterion more than an inland base. This base may even go to space in the future ...

These are relatively distant things. Shen Bing regained her thoughts and quietly looked at Yun Xue who was unconscious on the sofa.

The sudden pain from deep in the brain just made Yun Xuejiao pale, and a few strands of hair fell on the face in a mess.

You should know that Yun Xue has always been a stronger girl, but the scene in front of her is a little more delicate.

Suddenly, Shen Bing's mobile phone rang a ball.

"Master, please go to the genetic research area immediately. Clarence needs to report to you in a hurry."

Shen Bing frowned suddenly, the ball sounded very anxious, what the hell?

He looked back at Yunxue lying on the sofa, one hand around Yunxue's neck, the other hand holding her thigh, and a princess hugged Yunxue directly.

"Is this girl too light?" Shen Bing muttered.

Although it was autumn at this moment, Yun Xue still wore only a long skirt. The soft touch passed to the brain unreservedly, making Shen Bing a bit of anxiety.

"Meow, should you be a beast? Or is it better to be a beast?"

However, thinking of what Qiu Qiu said just now, and then looking at the state in front of Yun Xue, it is better for the beast to be better than the beast.

Then Shen Bing took Yun Xue to her bedroom, and reluctantly closed the door and went out.

Back to the underground base again, Shen Bing went straight to the genetic research area.

When he saw Clarence, the white middle-aged man was staring diligently at the picture displayed on the computer screen. The dense knobs in the picture are constantly changing, which is very strange.

"Clarence, you let the ball tell me to come over, is there anything wrong?" Shen Bing asked.

Clarence said solemnly: "Boss, didn't you let me study the 'brain' and the gene fragments that have cultivated the brain before, and now you have reached a preliminary conclusion."

The scene not long ago appeared again in Shen Bing's mind.

The "brain" cultivated by the mysterious gene fragment was linked to the mecha from heaven, which made Shen Bing be vigilant.

At that time, Shen Bing asked Clarence to carry out key technical research on it.

"This is a model structure we have obtained through detailed observation and analysis of that gene fragment through dark matter observation equipment. Through the analysis of this model, we have finally thoroughly understood the mystery in this gene fragment."

Shen Bing frowned, waiting for Clarence to continue.

Clarence continued: "This special gene fragment has a very special structure, and under this special structure, it can form a unique dark matter structural chain. This structural chain has functions similar to energy storage, information storage and emission. We have already seen the energy storage function, and it is very powerful. As for the information storage and launch, the 'brain' cultivated by the sky and the alien spacecraft that has fallen from the sky have shown their capabilities in this respect. The powerful function is to achieve ultra-long-distance signal transmission. The reason why its huge energy is consumed is to achieve this part of the function. "

Shen Bing's face suddenly became dignified, and asked, "What gene do you say has the ability to transmit signals at a very long distance?"

"Exactly." Clarence looked at Shen Bing with a hint of worry in his eyes, but more of an excitement.

Shen Bingdao: "Can you calculate the longest distance?"

Clarence said: "Yes! Thanks to the help of Master Qiao, let us analyze the energy dissipation equation of the information transmission method. According to the deduction, the longest distance that the gene can transmit signals should be 100,000 light. Around the year. "

Shen Bing murmured: "One hundred thousand light-years? This distance is really far away."

One hundred thousand light years is indeed far enough, because humans on earth are still playing in the light second.

Although 100,000 light-years is the longest distance for the transmission of this gene fragment information, even if the actual distance is only one tenth of the longest distance, that is scary enough.

Think about thousands of years ago ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This possible alien civilization has been able to send the spaceship to the earth beyond 100,000 light years. How strong is its technological strength?

This is not a big deal. The key is that a few months ago, the gene segment had transmitted information with huge energy. This problem can be tricky.

That was quite tricky!

Previously, Shen Bing thought that the signal emitted by this gene fragment was also the spaceship carrying the mech. Although the spaceship and mech looked very tall, it was only a dead thing, as long as no intelligent life participated in it , Then there is not much problem.

Although Shen Bing did not know where the strange spaceship came from, it was inferred from time that it should not come from too far away. And the thing was wrapped in alien dust, which shows that it has remained in this abandoned state for a long time.

But now, Clarence said that the signal was transmitted tens of thousands of light years away, which shows that the alien civilization is likely to be within 100,000 light years. If that alien civilization still exists, will the other party send an interstellar fleet to attack the earth?

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