Fairy Technology

Chapter 861: Bullying children is wrong!

Obviously, the engine of the A2 fighter has been started, but almost no sound can be heard outside.

With this engine quiet technology, it is enough to crush peers.

But Shen Bing doesn't have any pride in it-Nima, compared to other companies' technology, isn't this bullying the children? this is not right.

Subsequently, the A2 fighter slowly drifted towards the old class of Xianyu.

Under the thought of Shen Bing, the dome above the old class of Xianyu quickly opened, forming a spacious platform inside.

A2 slowly falls on the platform, and then two lassos are naturally extended on the platform to fix A2 on the platform.

That's right, the purpose of sending the old class of Xianyu is to transport A2 out.

Only the quasi-xianzi, which has the mustard space attribute, has this magic ability.

After everything was ready, Thorne returned to the old class again, Xianyu shrank again, and then disappeared from the spot instantly.

At this moment, three beauties came over from a distance-two big beauties and a little loli.

However, after the little loli approached, she instantly merged with the ball standing on the side of Shen Bing.

"Shen Bing, you are really here!" Yun Xue also carried a flush of excitement on her cheek.


Since being brought to the underground base by Shen Bing yesterday, Yuan Wei and Yun Xue have never left. Everything here makes them curious and excited.

Especially after Qiuqiu briefly introduced the scientific research project of the underground base, they only realized that the research results that Shen Bing had put into commercial operation were only the tip of the iceberg, even the most inconspicuous part of the research and development results of the entire underground base.

Here, black technologies often mentioned in science fiction, such as genetically enhanced medicaments, controlled nuclear fusion, and gravity control, have been implemented.

This is a paradise for scientific researchers!

It seems to the outside world that the machine tools that achieve nanometer-level accuracy have been called the mother machines of the world's industry, but the production equipment and experimental equipment here have exceeded the nanometer-level accuracy and entered the Emmy level.

This is definitely a whole new field of industrial manufacturing.

Not only that, this underground base also has a perfect living system, and more than 10,000 researchers have lived here for many years.

Whether you want to eat the most authentic French steak, taste the most authentic Peking duck, or the sashimi of Lao Guo, you can find it here.

There are even many unnamed dishes, each of which is delicious on earth.

This is also a paradise for gourmets.

In fact, the two of them have a lot of doubts about everything here.

The biggest doubt is how and when the huge underground base was built. Secondly, where did the tens of thousands of scientific researchers come from?

They have already asked Shen Bing these two questions, and Shen Bing explained it.

Except for the fact that the underground base was built by a puppet craftsman, there is nothing to hide.

Especially for the origins of the scientific researchers here, after listening to the second woman, there was no overflow of love, but they all agreed that Shen Bing's treatment was perfect.

Want to know that these people or the forces behind them originally wanted Shen Bing's life? Shen Bing did not kill them directly, he was very kind.

Compared to these "little things", they are more concerned about the research topics and working environment that they will take over next.

After spending a day yesterday getting familiar with the overall situation of the entire underground base, they were taken to the genetic research area and the robot research area the next day by the ball, and they became familiar with the scientific research projects they will carry out next.

This is also the last chance Shen Bing gave them to change their minds.

Obviously, they came to Shen Bing at this moment, presumably to tell him their respective decisions.

"Shen Bing, I still adhere to the original idea, I want to join the genetic research project." Yuan Wei said, with a pair of pretty eyes with unprecedented firmness.

Shen Bing smiled slightly: "No problem, next you systematically study the genetic engineering data, including the data in the real world and our R & D base database. I believe that with your wisdom, you can formally contact the research and development work in a short time . "

"Huh!" Yuan Wei nodded seriously.

Then Shen Bing looked at Yun Xue.

Yun Xue hesitated a moment and said, "I plan to change to another project."

"What's wrong?" Shen Bing was curious.

Yun Xue stunned and said, "There are already three super Daniels in your robot R & D team. It doesn't make much sense whether I join. Compared to robots, I think another project is more suitable for me."

"What project?" Shen Bing asked.


"This ... At present our base does not have this R & D project." Shen Bing said.

Yunxue looked forward and said authenticly: "It's because I didn't have it that I was going to choose this project. I saw the internal information last night. The other day, you brought back an alien mech. Since alien civilization The emergence of mechs is inseparable from the way of war in the future. According to my analysis, although our robots can also fight, artificial intelligence is very different from humans in terms of thinking mode and conscious judgment. In the future, individual combat is more likely to be dominated by mech warriors rather than robots. "

Shen Bing was quite a bit shocked. I didn't expect that these girls have not changed at all these years, but they are still so violent.

Well, in fact, researching the mech itself can not be affected by violence, but based on his knowledge of Yun Xue, the biggest purpose of this girl to study the mech is to prepare to set up a mech ...

Shen Bing knew, however, that if he had not used Longhu Dan to strengthen his body and practiced fighting techniques, I'm afraid he might not be the girl's opponent.

Looking at Yunxue's little proud look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shen Bing really doubts that the first one after this girl got the mech is herself ...

"Okay! As you wish." Shen Bing shrugged helplessly, "But there is no relevant technical guidance on the mech, and the only information we have is obtained from that alien mech. And That mech was not developed for humans. You want to develop a mech that is suitable for humans. It's not much different from scratch. "

"Isn't this more challenging?" Yun Xue raised her head proudly.

Shen Bing didn't say anything anymore, and finally explained: "I have given you access to the underground base. I don't want you to soak in the underground base all day. In addition to coming here to do scientific research during normal working hours, the rest Time can only stay outside. Understand? "

"Why? Aren't they all doing research here all day?" Yun Xue asked puzzledly.

"Because they are my laborers, and you ..." Shen Bing said seriously, "It is my wife!"

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