Fairy Technology

Chapter 862: That 1 streamer

Yun Xue's cheeks flashed a little.

"Then ... okay." Yun Xue responded in a stunned voice, and didn't know what was in her head, but she didn't have the breath of the previous man.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "Do you have anything else?"

"No," the two said immediately, and they could not wait to invest in the next research project.

For most people, studying and working are the pressure of life.

But for Zhenxue Ba, it is an extremely happy thing to break through the academic problems, immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and rely on your own efforts to find one truth after another.

There is no doubt that Yun Xue and Yuan Wei belong to the category of Xueba, and after taking Lingqiao Dan, their pursuit of unknown technology has become stronger.

"Then you go busy!" Shen Bing laughed. "Taking you out of the restaurant after work is also a celebration of your joining the R & D team. Anything you want to eat?"

I don't know if the term "Xia Tangzi" evoked Yunxue's maggot, immediately raised his hand and said, "I want to eat hot pot."


Although there are special intelligent robot chefs in the villa, the cooking skills are even better than that of the Michelin chef, but the atmosphere is the focus of eating hot pot ...

"Yeah!" Yun Xue and Yuan Wei were very happy.

In the capacity of Shen Bing, this kind of opportunity for ordinary couples to go out to the restaurant in pairs and pairs is rare. Although this time the three of them are together, as long as they have a good attitude, they are not much different from the two. Well.

After all, Yun Xue and Yuan Wei have accepted each other's existence, and even tried to treat each other as their loved ones. Although this is not a day or two, or a month or two, they are working hard in this regard. .

Shen Bing watched the two disappear at the end of the corridor, and his eyes were somewhat contradictory.

"Ah! When other people are in love, they went into the hotel one or two weeks ago, but their two girlfriends can only be ascetic monks! No one believes when they go out?"

The vomiting is vomiting, and Shen Bing actually knows it very well.

If something really happens, it is estimated that Yun Xue and the two will be half-push, but he doesn't want to be so hasty.

Even though the current social climate is not as good as before, to a certain extent, Shen Bing is a traditional person. It may be a bit of a mouthful, but it is important to the key things.

In particular, he was not sure if Yun Xue and Yuan Wei could really accept such a result.

Now that they live together, it is more like an attempt. If they feel that this state of life is completely acceptable to them in the future, it may be time to achieve positive results.

"Cultivate more emotions." Shen Bing muttered.


At a height of 20,000 meters above Rongcheng, looking at the void that cannot be seen by the naked eye, a huge flying saucer-shaped aircraft is hovering quietly, and on the top platform, there is an aircraft with a shape similar to that of B2. Above.

That flying saucer is the old class of Xianyu. As for the aircraft parked on the old class, it is naturally the A2 fighter.

The old class of Xianyu can be invisible because of the Xianjia formation, and the A2 stealth is completely dependent on the biological stealth coating.

Thorn, sitting in the control room of Xianyu, looked at the deep starry sky, and was quite excited.

"Ghost 1! Let's go," Thorne said.

As his voice fell, the A2 fighter on the platform rose instantly, and then blasted towards the sky like an off-going arrow.

Anyone who knows a little bit about dynamics will sigh at the power of the A2 engine.

With this acceleration, we can see that its engine's power-to-weight ratio is definitely far behind the most advanced aviation in the world today.

This is just the beginning. The speed of A2 increased rapidly, from tens of meters per second to hundreds of meters. The sound barrier is completely non-existent in front of it. Before a certain layer of film is strong, it will break. Already.

1000M / S ...

2000M / S ...


It quickly exceeded ten times the speed of sound, but the surface of the A2 did not change at all.

Switching to ordinary fighters, at these speeds, it is estimated that they have fallen apart. Only a rocket can achieve this speed.

This is exactly the strength of the A2. The main structure and skin of the body made by Edelman alloy, let alone ten times the speed of sound, even if it is sub-speed of light, it can fully withstand it.

Ten times the speed of sound is not the maximum speed of the A2 fighter. Powered by a small nuclear reactor, it seems to have infinite power and has been flying forward with steady acceleration.

In just over ten minutes, A2 had flew out of the atmosphere.

Without the constraints of the atmosphere, the power of nuclear-powered engines exploded.

20 times the speed of sound, 30 times the speed of sound, 40 times the speed of sound ...

If you can't understand the concept of 40 times the speed of sound, then you can understand the second universe speed.

Even if it does not power the A2 fighter now, it can get rid of the gravity of the earth and become an artificial planet orbiting the sun.

The Apollo 1 spacecraft that returned to the earth from the moon that year created a limit speed of only 30 times the speed of sound.

However, this is not the limit of A2, and its speed is still increasing.

A hundred times the speed of sound! Two hundred times the speed of sound ...

It can be called a streamer, shooting from the earth to the moon.

Even with the two planets as a reference, you can see its movement.

When the A2 reached two hundred times the speed of sound, it finally stopped accelerating, and the nuclear-powered engine no longer roared, only maintaining the fighter to fly forward at a constant speed.

The distance between the earth and the moon is more than 300,000 kilometers. This is a natural gap that people ca n’t even imagine, but at two hundred times the speed of sound, such a long journey can only take more than an hour to run Finish.

This time is undoubtedly very short. That year, the Apollo 11 landing on the moon in the United States ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ took three days.


Shen Bing sat in the central control center of the underground base, and the holographic image in front of him perfectly projected the vast starry sky.

It was sent back from A2's own satellite by A2 with its own signal transmission system.

In that picture, the moon, which was originally only the size of a disk, is increasing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, while the earth behind it is also shrinking rapidly.

For the first time, Shen Bing saw the scene so clearly that craters were densely scattered on the surface of the moon.

Landing on the moon was something that Shen Bing had planned for a long time, but he never thought that he would complete the first trip to the moon in this form.

You should know that in his plan, the first moon landing of Huanxian Technology should be completed under the attention of everyone. It will be a grand event that will sensate the world.

But now, I can only go sneakily ...

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