Fairy Technology

Chapter 869: Bold guess

Although the puppet craftsman is a product of the fairy realm, it is not that the fairy realm is invincible.

If things are really that simple, Shen Bing will directly buy dozens of puppet artisans, and will definitely be able to push this alien base.

According to Shen Bing's speculation, this piece of fairyland product that is systematically judged to be weak in combat effectiveness may not be easily damaged by the flow of firearms, and even ordinary energy-based weapons cannot cause damage. Is a deadly threat to it.

For example, Shen Bing already has an electromagnetic cannon. Lu Xian has said before that he can't get an electromagnetic cannon.

Shen Bing dare to ask Lu Shiba to explore the lunar base. The biggest hole card is that he can't find it by relying on the opponent.

If the golden body is broken, these alien attacks can immediately threaten the survival of the puppet craftsman.

"Of course, if we take some time, we may be able to come up with a cracking method to detect this alien civilization detection method," Ball said. "However, Ball does not recommend letting the puppet craftsman perform this dangerous task."

Shen Bing then said, "Then let's slow down for a while."

"By the way, can other alien life be found in this alien base?" Shen Bing asked.

The fairway: "No, from the data transmitted by Lu Shiba, we can be sure that the only thing that can move freely on the moon is the kind of mechanical monster and future warrior."

"Did those future soldiers be aliens?" Shen Bing was really a little confused, and his guess was also very bold.

Although this is not impossible, thinking about the aliens themselves was cultivated through scientific and technological means, rather than the natural way of life transmission, Shen Bing felt incredible.

"It is also possible that this alien civilization did not attach importance to earth civilization and only sent future soldiers as cannon fodder." Qiu Qiu said.

This is indeed possible.

Anyway, there is only one kind of alien creature on the moon base-if they are also creatures.

After thinking for a while, Shen Bing explained to Lu Shiba: "Lu Shiba, you lurk in the lunar base first, look for opportunities, see if you can take away a 'future soldier', and then get back to earth to study it . "

Shen Bing felt that in order to know the ins and outs of this alien civilization, he still had to catch a living.


For the temporary arrangement of the alien base, Shen Bing asked the ball to distribute the data obtained from the alien base to various research and development project teams to carry out technical research on it.

Especially the detection method used by this alien civilization is the focus of underground base research.

This is not only to allow Lu Shiba to successfully enter the airport of the alien base, but also to better cope with the invasion of this alien civilization.

As the saying goes, self-serving is also used for the other, which is most suitable for use here.

However, these results can not be achieved within a day, Shen Bing just explained things, and then set aside this.

Now that Shen Bing is so anxious about the invasion of alien civilization, most people around the world don't know about it.

Countless consumers are paying attention to many products that change their lives, the most important of which is undoubtedly mobile phone ghosts and intelligent robot spirits.

Due to the increase in production capacity of Magic Fairy Technology, the Magic Fairy mobile phone is no longer in short supply.

If the phantom phone was just a charming product before, then the phantom phone has become the first mobile phone brand in everyone's mind.

This is a manifestation of product power, like Nokia and Motorola in the era of feature phones, and Apple phones in the early days of smart phones.

Now that artificial intelligence is coming quietly, the phantom phone has risen strongly, and it has successfully replaced the Apple phone.

At the same time, Magic Fairy Technology has completed the improvement of the dragon scale system.

This improvement is actually not reflected in the phantom phone, but in the fairy robot.

The phantom mobile phone uses artificial intelligence, and the fairy robot also uses artificial intelligence.

So why not let them share a single account? This is absolutely a harmless thing.

The reason why artificial intelligence is called artificial intelligence, in addition to its ultra-high intelligence, is more important for its self-learning ability.

The Dragonscale system is a long-recognized strong artificial intelligence. Most people around the world have Dragonscale accounts-except for "arrogant" Americans.

This account is equivalent to a soul, but it is bound to personal identity information. No matter which mobile phone you use, as long as you activate the corresponding account on the mobile phone, you can immediately activate your own artificial intelligence.

Don't think that this meaning is limited to "one-click exchange". Its real significance lies in the use of Dragon Scale Technology to complete the layout of the future information network field.

If the phantom phone is the first step, then the fairy robot is the second step.

By calling your own Dragonscale account, even the newly purchased Lingxian robot will not have the slightest sense of strangeness. It is familiar with itself, even the closest ones cannot be compared.

Before people cultivated artificial intelligence in mobile phones, its intelligence has been recognized by countless people, and even many people consider it an indispensable part of their lives.

With this layout of Huanxian Technology, this "friend" who only existed in the virtual world can finally come to reality, which is undoubtedly an exciting thing.

Because of this, the world has a higher recognition of Lingxian robots. Even if it is not intended to hire a full-time "chef", many people also plan to buy a Lingxian intelligent robot-this is a way for their "relatives" to move from virtual Real opportunities.

However, Lingxian robots are as tight as ever, even if the production capacity of Lingxian robots has reached 3,000 units per month, but in the face of strong market demand, this production capacity is still a drop in the bucket.

However, no one thinks that the production capacity of 3,000 units is the end of the magic fairy technology. With the national level of resource control in place, the shackles that originally "constrained production capacity" were instantly released. growth of.

And as the first beneficiary of this capacity growth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is undoubtedly also the country, which was originally a condition set at the time.

Near the end of September, the first 1,000 robots were successfully delivered to the Huaxia military.

This historic transaction has not been widely reported, but a small piece was written in the corner of a military newspaper: a certain unit of the Huaxia Airborne received new equipment and its combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

In fact, this small piece of reporting is already extraordinary.

If it was changed before, the Chinese side was absolutely hiding it, but this time it is almost on the bright side, the meaning of the representative is worth deliberation.

And now the timing is quite special, the birthday of the motherland is approaching ...

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