Fairy Technology

Chapter 870: Concerns about the unknown

Shen Bing also knows some of the above plans, and he also agrees with them.

Sometimes obscurity can make the enemy feel mysterious, and dare not act lightly. But this will inevitably lead to another situation, that is, having to face the endless harassment and temptation of hostile forces.

Once the enemy's true strength is tested by the enemy, the possibility of a big war is very high.

But if you really have the power to sweep the world, why should you be so patient? Put it out directly, let everyone in the world know, cut off all delusions, and this will ensure peace forever.

Of course, the necessary hole cards must still be available, or else targeted deployment by others will make it difficult to make a fortune.

Huaxia ’s hole card is the spaceship that Huaxian Technology has set out to build ... or the space battleship.

Uh ...

Lao Meimei, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency is named Hill.

This guy who climbed from the bottom of the intelligence system has extremely rich work experience.

以前 In the past, even if he fought with several other intelligence agencies in the world, he could guarantee that he would not fall behind.

But now this matter is very embarrassing.

Last time, Mr. President convened a meeting of cabinet members. In the end, a decision was made. In order to be able to pull out the obscuring nail of Shen Bing, he would do whatever he could.

The first proposed method was to adopt roundabout tactics and start with those around Shen Bing.

Shen Bing's parents were excluded from the meeting, because they had tried to deal with Shen Bing's parents a long time ago, and they failed ...

Then they hit their ideas on Yun Xue and Yuan Wei.

For the information of Yun Xue and Yuan Wei, they also took a lot of effort to find out. After all, this place around Longhu Island will definitely not be weakened by the Provincial Party Committee's defense at this moment, and absolutely not anyone can enter and exit. It is not easy to know that Yun Xue and Yuan Wei lived under the same roof with Shen Bing.

Even if they can know this, there must be some coincidence in it. Because there was a Chinese spy reporter from the CIA, it was Yun Xue and Shen Bing's classmates. Then they reversely investigated Yun Xue and speculated about this result.

If you can pull either Yun Xue or Yuan Wei into 彀, it will be very easy to deal with Shen Bing.

However, this matter also needs to make a comprehensive deployment. I can't always find the two girls directly and ask the other party to help the United States deal with Shen Bing? That would have to be figured out by countless kicks in the head by the donkey.

So the first thing to do is to completely control one of the two, and then talk to each other.

计划 However, the plan is good, but implementation has been troublesome.

According to their previous information, Yun Xue and Yuan Wei will go to work in the industrial park every day, and there is no special protection along the way. This is also the timing they decided to start.

I waited until they had deployed the personnel, but found that the two girls disappeared ...

Yes, it just disappeared.

Because neither the agents outside the gate around Longhu Island, nor the spy reporters installed inside the magic fairy technology, have found any whereabouts of the two girls.

最后 Their last trace was to return to Longhu Island around one afternoon.

It seems very clear that the two girls never came out after returning to Longhu Round Island almost ten days ago.

What's so special about this!

After hearing the news, Bali Hill almost thought that Shen Bing was pulling the two beauties every night.

Whether it is or not, their initial plan is not working anyway, they can't just rush into Longhu Island to catch people? If they really have this ability, they don't need to catch Yun Xue and Yuan Wei, they can directly go to Shen Bing.

There is no better way now, they can only wait for the time.

If this thing makes him feel a headache, then the other thing makes him feel bad.

Of course, this kind of heart-wrenching task was found by himself, because after he reported some of the intelligence he just collected to Mr. President, Mr. President arranged a new task for him.

Based on their efforts these days, and an analysis of some news released by China, they have come to a conclusion that China will release a big killer on the National Day.

If this was before, Mr. President would n’t care too much about hearing the news. After all, the technical generation difference is there, which is not something you can fill in just a few words.

But now the situation is different. The magic fairy technology was born, which completely disrupted all the rules.

一切 All this came too quickly, even if the group of people in the White House wanted to take some action, they still fell behind, causing sorrow.

Now there is news that the Chinese side will sacrifice a big killer again. How can you make Mr. President sit still?

Don't look at the fact that Laomei is still a powerful superlord worldwide, but in fact, the foundation has been loosened.

In the past, the old American response was also based on its own strength. Once others feel that the strength of the United States is not so obvious, and even that the United States is at a disadvantage, will there be so many countries willing to follow the United States as little brothers? ?

This is of course impossible.

Once this kind of tree collapses, it also means that the hegemony of the old United States has completely fallen aside, and this country that once assumed the responsibility of the world police will surely fall into disappointment.

Before the magic fairy technology developed the Fengshen 1 nuclear-powered large aircraft, it has knocked a sap on the back of the old American. If the next big killer is too counter-intuitive, the White House is also fighting inside.

So Mr. President issued an order, one must know in advance what the mysterious killer is, and the other is to destroy as much as possible.

The first task is better, isn't it just to inquire about the news. As the director of the CIA, one of the top ten intelligence agencies in the world, Richill has this confidence.

But the latter has a headache. Some things can't be destroyed if you want to destroy them, and they are not smashing eggs. You can get them by throwing them on the ground.

里 While Richier was thinking hard, an encrypted satellite phone next to him suddenly rang—this was a phone supported by an encrypted satellite that was not connected to the Internet.

"Secretary, the information has been confirmed, it is a weapon system called long-range precision strike unit." A normal voice came from the phone.

Bali Hill's face shouted: "Long-range precision strike unit? Missile?"

"It's not a missile ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is estimated that it is based on the Fengshen-1 nuclear-powered aircraft, and it seems that it also involves the intelligent robot of Huaxian Technology."

Richill immediately showed the agility of the top spy reporters, frowning; "Is Huaxia preparing to use the Fengshen 1 to deliver intelligent robots to fight? But what is the use of this? There are reservations about it, and the shortcomings of the energy endurance of intelligent robots are destined to not be used in actual combat? "

This is not a problem, don't look at the sales of Lingxian's Lingxian robots, which have been well received by various buyers. But that's because these intelligent robots are only used in daily life. Intelligent robots equipped with wireless charging modules can completely realize real-time charging at any place in the home, and there are naturally no obstacles to use.

But military intelligent robots are not the same. War can never be active only in fixed locations, especially as a remotely-delivered arm. Do you still expect the enemy to build a wireless charging module for you on the battlefield?

"Are you sure the news is correct?" Richier asked.

The voice on the opposite side said: "Basically accurate, and there are some sporadic news. It seems that this weapon system also uses remote charging technology, but there is no corresponding indicator for this technology."

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