Fairy Technology

Chapter 871: Seems to be pitted

Richhill frowned, and the information revealed in his words made him creepy.

Remote charging technology? How far can the charging distance be? Is it the same as the wireless charging technology used by Phantom phones, which can only reach 100 meters? Or have a longer charging distance?

If it's the former, that's fine. The distance of one hundred meters is of little military value except for civilian use. But what if this distance is further away? Or reach one kilometer, two kilometers ...

Although Richel hoped that his guess was only speculation, he knew that the result would not be optimistic.

After all, the charging technology used by Phantom Technology on Phantom phones was only called wireless charging technology, but now this technology is called remote charging technology.

Although the difference is only two words, the information revealed is not ordinary.

At least, a change in distance is inevitable.

Nuclear-powered large aircraft, stealth technology, remote charging technology, intelligent robots ...

Taken together, these techniques can be used to guess what China is going to do with a little bit of brainpower.

Not to mention they also know the name of this weapon system: long-range precision strike unit.

Directly using a large stealth nuclear-powered aircraft to transport robot warriors to a designated location. If this is not accurate enough, what is accurate?

What a **** hell!

In today's world, there are just a few battle modes.

One is the long-range bombardment of missiles. Whether it is a missile carried by a warship or fighter, or a land-based missile, it belongs to this category.

Second, chariots, tanks, and soldiers were dispatched to capture enemy cities.

As for other artillery, torpedoes and the like, they can be counted as extensions of these two modes.

The first combat mode can also be called surgical strike. If it's purely to strike the enemy, this model can run through the entire war.

But if one side is to be completely eliminated, the second mode of war is indispensable.

Even if Laomei's military strength is outrageous, in repeated wars, street fighting will bring a lot of casualties to it, which can even be said to be the most important factor that Lao Hairong needs to consider in his foreign war.

But if the long-range precision strike unit developed by Huaxia is as he guessed, Richier even thinks that the war mode around the world will change as a result.

China has previously said in public that China has turned the Fengshen 1 into a strategic bomber.

What is a strategic bomber? The most basic point is the ability to drop a nuclear bomb.

If it is equipped with countless robot warriors in this large aircraft, it will become a nuclear power. Most importantly, this large aircraft is nuclear powered and can cruise to any location in the world.

If stealth technology is used on this big plane, Richier doesn't think that Laomei still has the capital to compete with China.

Regardless of whether it is a local war or a full-scale war, such a large nuclear-powered aircraft will **** the Chinese army, just like the Poseidon Needle.

Richier thought more and more that the matter was no small matter, and immediately called his driver and pulled him straight to the White House.


Mr. President frowned similarly after hearing Richier's report.

These days he has always felt like eating, still warm.

The reason is without him, all because the magical peach tree that was retrieved from the Golden Island at a huge price of more than 100 billion US dollars some time ago was actually unable to carry out secondary cultivation.

Regardless of grafting, cutting, or even cloning, all methods have been tried, but they have not been successful.

Inexplicably, he felt an absurd feeling in his heart: he seemed to be pitted by the magic fairy technology.

And a pit is more than 100 billion US dollars.

If this story spreads, all citizens in the country will probably oust him from office. Even if only a small part of this more than 100 billion US dollars is directly paid by the state finances, it is also an astronomical figure.

Fortunately, Mr. President did not know that Shen Bing had pitted the US military with 100 billion U.S. dollars through the hand of Facebook, otherwise he has vomited blood.

Mr. President, who had been in a bad mood, became furious on the spot after listening to Richier's report.

"Asshole! Have we spent huge amounts of scientific research funding on pigs every year?" Mr. President shouted.

However, he dared to talk about it in his office. He really wanted to spread it, and there would be a big mess.

Why can old America rise? Even dominate the world for so many years? Didn't it mean that there were too many talents in the world during the two world wars. Wouldn't it be chilling if it was revealed that Mr. President was so insulting domestic researchers?

Richier was silent, although he had the same idea as Mr. President, but after rational analysis, he also understood a truth.

It's not that our domestic researchers are too weak, but that our opponents are too strong.

After taking a deep breath, Mr. President looked at Richier and said, "Inform all members of the cabinet at once, this matter ... it is imminent."

Richill didn't hesitate and went straight to the notice.

In less than half an hour, the office turned into a small conference room. Nearly ten people each found a place to sit down and listen to Lee Hill's report.

When Richier finished speaking, they finally understood why Mr. President called them over.

This is a crucial time for the fall of this country's hegemony. If left unchecked, it is estimated that as soon as the long-range precision strike unit on the Huaxia side comes out, many countries will be moved by the news.

Strength is always the most important thing in this world.

"Everyone, what can you do?" Said the president. "Don't mention any strategy like killing Shen Bing, if we can kill us early."

The people who had originally listened to the first half of the sentence suddenly stunned them back. As long as Shen Bing is still alive, the development speed of Huaxia technology cannot be slowed down. Even if no major action is made this time, it will eventually lead Huaxia Station one day. At the top of the world's technology, it is estimated that the United States could not even smell the exhaust gas at that time.

The root of everything lies in Shen Bing.

Morey glanced at everyone, seeing that everyone knew how to hide the light, but unfortunately it couldn't solve the problem, and smiled bitterly: "Mr. President, in fact, it is not impossible to solve this problem. Huaxia wants to This long-range precision strike unit is made public by two methods. One is an exercise and the other is a military parade. Although from the perspective of time, the Chinese side is more likely to adopt the latter method. But from the perspective of practical results The former is undoubtedly a better choice. After all, if only flying in the sky, plus a few comments, it is obviously impossible to fully demonstrate the value of this weapon system. "

Everyone stared at Morey, waiting for him to continue.

They were all confused, and Morey said so much, what does it mean to solve this matter.

Morey went on to say, "If Huaxia wants to prove the strength of this weapon system through exercises, then we can find ways to destroy it in the process, even at some price."

The rest of the people have applauded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and others have scoffed.

Approved people think Morey is reasonable, and sneer at it is that it is too difficult to destroy the long-range precision strike unit made by Huaxia, which is almost impossible.

Mr. President looked at Morey and asked, "What are you going to destroy? The other side's exercise? Or the other side's weapon system?"

Morey said; "Of course, the first choice is the weapon system. As long as the other party's large aircraft costs, it will naturally not be able to exercise. Of course, if you can't destroy the Fengshen-1, then you will find ways to disrupt it so that the other party cannot exercise."

Li Hill's eyes brightened, and he said, "At present, there are 3 Fengshen 1 large aircrafts that Huaxian Technology has delivered to the Chinese military. We all know where they are currently."

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