Fairy Technology

Chapter 873: Alternative use of 9 Xiaoshen Thunder

Regarding the attributes of the Eye of Oblivion, the system has long described it. This is a magical power that can make any power lower than the target of the caster.

In fact, as Sun Dasheng said, this supernatural power is not very powerful. After all, in the face of enemies whose strength is far lower than their own, it is directly out of the question. Why use supernatural power?

What is magical power in fairyland? It is used to leapfrog challenges, and can greatly enhance personal combat power when performing magical powers.

But this annihilation eye ... let alone.

However, after Shen Bing analyzed it with real eyes, he actually produced an antimatter cannon, which was a huge gain.

At present, Shen Bing does not know the performance of antimatter cannons, but according to the antimatter theory mastered by humans today and Shen Bing's personal speculation, this antimatter cannon is definitely a very powerful weapon.

The most powerful weapon that humans currently possess is nuclear weapons.

Why is plutonium nuclear weapons so powerful? It is because in the process of nuclear fusion or fission, the total mass of matter has changed, and the reduced mass is converted into energy.

However, the use of antimatter as a weapon has the essence of mass-energy conversion.

Plutonium, however, is more thorough than mass loss such as nuclear fusion or fission. Because once antimatter and positive matter collide, they will be completely annihilated.

What does this mean? It means that all masses are converted into energy.

A round of anti-matter cannonballs, even as timid as a rocket launcher, is enough to destroy a city.

Of course, all of this is just Shen Bing's inference. If you want to know the detailed data of the antimatter cannon, you have to wait for Shen Bing to transmit the technical data before you can know.

Three black technologies are in hand, and Shen Bing is not in a hurry to transmit them-the key is not too lazy to move. He is lying on the chair leisurely at this moment. The information is passed on, but he still has to pass to the ball? Very troublesome.

"The task is important! I don't know if I can find these treasures of the judge."

Shen Bing murmured, and immediately thought, three figures appeared in front of Shen Bing.

These three people are suddenly Jiujiao Xiaojiu, and Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

I ca n’t help it, so I can use just a few of them.

"Little nine, what have you found?" Shen Bing asked.

Hydra: "No clues have been found. Although thousands of years have passed, Yan Luodian has not been ruined at all, but all of the fairy arrays that have been kept in operation have lost their effect. There is not weak intelligence, without the immortal blockade, these three treasures may have escaped by themselves. "

Shen Bingdao: "Escape is impossible to escape. The type of life and death book that carries the heavy treasures of heaven and earth is itself a part of the operation of heaven and earth. Yan Luodian is its destination, even if the six reincarnations are closed, but they The characteristics that are part of the six reincarnations will not change. If not unexpected, these three treasures should be in the Yan Luo Hall. "

自然 Of course, these things are not known by Shen Bing, but from Sun Dasheng's mouth.

为何 At that time, why did Sun Dasheng make trouble in the prefecture, why did he just cross the name of the monkeys in the book of life and death, instead of directly destroying the book of life and death, or taking it away? It is also because it is impossible for him to destroy the book of life and death, nor to take it out of Yan Luodian.

"Go! Let's go to the main hall." Shen Bing said suddenly.

Then he took the ninety-three people straight to the main hall of Yanluo Temple.

The main hall is as gloomy as ever.

On the plaque above the hall, the words "Yan Luo Hall" seem to have endless majesty, making people tremble with soul.

The writing on the door of the two sides of the door reads, "If you have the heart for the good, you don't appreciate the good; if you don't have the intention, you will make the evil, although the evil is not punished."

In addition, Yan Luodian is no special.

This ordinary scene is full of weirdness in Shen Bing's eyes. You must know that in the fairy world, any building has more or less fairy arrays. Even the simple buildings in the demon world are also full of mysterious runes. .

Shen Bing didn't understand before, but later he knew. Fairyland buildings are not just for providing shelter, they all have extraordinary powers.

It was as big as the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall and as small as the Plague God's Palace.

Yan Ke's current Yan Luodian belongs to ordinary, which is not reasonable.

Shen Bing looked around the side, and could not help recalling what Sun Dasheng said: "The six reincarnations are closed, and Xian Fan is separated, I am afraid that it is the result of the operation of heaven. If you want to find the treasure of the land, you must rely on the power of heaven. The heavenly path is not obvious, and this matter is troublesome. However, Jiuxiao Shenlei belongs to the heavenly path exclusive magic power, and maybe it can play an unexpected role. "

According to Sun Dasheng, everything that happened in the middle of the earth affiliated middle school was caused by heaven. To change all this, we can only rely on heavenly means.

Of course, maybe saints can do it, but are n’t saints intervening now? To do this well, Shen Bing had to figure it out by himself.

When Shen Bing thought, a Jiuxiao Rune that had exhausted the number of times of analysis appeared in the palm of his hand, he hesitated a little, then thought, and instantly used the Jiuxiao Rune.

For a second, a purple eye suddenly cracked over the dark ground, and the tumbling plasma inside it condensed into a purple nectar and blasted towards the bottom.

Under the purple thunder and lightning, the dome of Yan Luodian seemed to be completely non-existent, and penetrated directly.

At that speed, even though Shen Bing's strength has increased countless times at this moment, but it has not had time to react in the slightest, the Xiaoxiao Thunder has already bombarded the ground in front of him.

变化 This change came too fast, whether it was Hydra, Cowherd, or Weaver, all of them were shocked.

He is especially Jiu Headworm. He made a fuss when he saw Jiuxiao Shenlei. At first, he almost got kicked by Jiuxiao Shenlei. How can he treat it calmly?

Although he also knows that his master can control the attack range of Jiuxiao Shenlei, what if he makes a mistake? After all, manipulating the attack range and manipulating power are two different things, in case it deflected a little ...

Well, these thoughts only existed in his mind for a moment, the next second he was shocked by the picture in front of him.

The Jiuxiao **** thunder bombarded on the ground of Yan Luodian, arousing a mysterious halo.

Gray color, as if with endless vitality!

But Jiuxiao Shenlei contains infinite charm, but it is intertwined with vitality.

The halo is diffused, and the vision that has passed is prominent.

The Yan Luo Hall is still the Yan Luo Hall. Even every window sculpted flower has not changed in the slightest, but it feels like it has changed in essence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The former Yan Luo Hall is deadly! That vitality is completely spiritualless, as if it had been deserted since ancient times.

Now, although Yan Luodian is still full of lifelessness, this lifelessness has some spirituality.

It seems that ... the entire Yan Luodian lived at this moment.

The Hydra bug opened her eyes and looked at it all in wonder.

"Don't ... Yan Luodian was blocked by some mysterious force, and Jiuxiao Shenlei destroyed this one?" Muttered the nine headworm.

Although the Weaver Girl is not as powerful as Hydra, it is well-informed, saying: "It should be like this! The land government presides over six reincarnations, and the six reincarnations are closed, so naturally, Yan Luodian will also be completely sealed. Now the master is a Jiuxiao Thunder, completely dispel the power of this seal, and the part that originally had magical functions will also be revealed, which may also include the book of life and death, the pen of the judge, and the seal of the king of the king. "

Shen Bing grinned and said, "Look around and look. Yan Luodian suppresses hell, and the three treasures must be in Yan Luodian."

"Subordinates found it!" Hydra flickered with surprise, wondering.

After he finished speaking, the Hydra flickered, and one arm suddenly extended, as if piercing into the void.

The next second, there was an extra thing in his hand, and it was suddenly a seal.

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