Fairy Technology

Chapter 874: Is this something to do?

"Yan Wang Yin Xi?" Shen Bing whispered, the color of surprise overflowed with words.

Shen Bing is not surprised at all about why Hydra can find the treasure hidden in the void.

The strength of this guy is there, and this method similar to Sumi Space cannot be concealed from him.

In fact, if Shen Bing relies on the orthodox cultivation method to reach the golden immortal realm, it is also possible to find the Yan Wang Yin Xi hidden in the void, but unfortunately his strength is promoted by the systematic saplings, and many of his magic skills have.

Now Shen Bing reached out and took the seal from Hydra, a system prompt popped up, confirming his guess.

This is the Yan Wang Yin Xi who has been searching for a long time.

As previously inferred by Sun Dasheng, the Heavenly Road closed six reincarnations, but as the treasure of the town hall of Yan Luo Hall, it will definitely remain in Yan Luo Hall to suppress this side of the world.

"Xiao Jiu, look for other places quickly. It is estimated that the pen and pen of life and death should also be hidden somewhere."

After receiving Shen Bing's instructions, Hydra was instantly disappeared inside the hall.

Within a few minutes, Hydra reappeared in front of Shen Bing. He was holding an object, a book with a black cover, and a writing brush about one foot long.

"Master, you're right! The judge pen and the book of life and death are really here."

Shen Bingxin is glad, it seems that this task is much easier than imagined.

It's just that the Jiuxiao Rune that is consumed is worth a thousand immortal jade. If Shen Bing used it, it would still hurt. Now, if I use it, I will use it.

"Three treasures are available, can you wake up King Yan Luo?" Shen Bing muttered.

But the next second, Shen Bing had a headache again.

Regarding the collection of three treasures, you can summon the Dragon ... Uh, the summoning of King Yan Luo is just a hint given by the system. But how to use these three treasures, the system is very secretive, Shen Bing has a sense of blindness.

Summon King Yan Luo, this is a big event, it must be a little ritualistic, right?

Can't always put the three treasures together, and then King Yan Luo appears? This is too ... simple and rude, right?

It turns out that Shen Bing thought the system too complicated.

When he took the pen and the book of life and death from Hydra, a system prompt popped up:

"The system prompts: The system has detected that you have collected the judge pen, the book of life and death, and the seal of Yan Wang. Please use three treasures to wake up King Luo."

Shen Bing desperately pressed the inner IQ feeling of being insulted, and chose to confirm.

Nima! What kind of nonsense are you asking? It took so much effort to gather the three treasures, why not resurrect King Yan Luo? Really waiting to summon the dragon?

Next, the picture on the screen entered the stage of the plot scene.

The three treasures in the backpack automatically flew out of Shen Bing, and then levitated above the main hall. Numerous sensible breaths burst out from the inside and blasted towards the four sides.

I don't know how much the breath covered. Shen Bing waited for half an hour before the three treasures slowly stopped.

Looking at the three pens, such as the judge pen gently falling to the ground, Shen Bing was absolutely aggressive.

"What about King Yan Luo?"

That's right, the awakened King Yan Luo of the system didn't even see a shadow.

Isn't it a bug?

Just when Shen Bing was confused, the sensation that had just enveloped the world suddenly became strong, as if gathering from all directions to Yan Luodian.

As the breath became stronger and stronger, several people in Shen Bing saw in shock that it was important in the hall, and a figure was slowly emerging.

At first he was just a faint imagination, as if it could dissipate just by being gently blown by the wind.

Slowly, the ghost image gradually solidified, and his face gradually became clearer.

I saw this man's white face, wearing a crown, wearing scented bags on both sides to protect his ears, wearing a ruffled lapel, wide-sleeved robe, boots on his feet, and his hands on his chest. Although he was only eight feet tall, it gave A sense of standing between heaven and earth.

"Isn't that King Yan Luo very dark? Why does this guy look a little white-faced? Isn't it wrong to resurrect?"

Shen Bing just spit it out. Under his gaze, King Yan Luo finally condensed into an entity.

At the moment of forming, King Yan Luo was alive.

"King Yan Luo, the little god, has seen the Master." King Yan Luo who woke up, bowed to Shen Bing for the first time.

It seems that although this guy has been sleeping, he is not unaware of what is happening around him.

Shen Bing quickly lifted him up and said: "Why Yan Gong must do this gift!"

"The awakening of the little **** by the Lord is a matter of utmost merit for all beings in the world, and should be worshipped by the little god."

Shen Bing pumped at the corners of her mouth. Is she thanking herself? Still putting gold on your face?

Although he said so by mouth, he did not continue to worship.

Shen Bing didn't investigate the wrongdoing behavior of this guy, he quickly opened the task list to see the task of restarting Yan Luodian.

"Nima! How is that possible?" Shen Bing was immediately depressed.

King Yan Luo is alive, but the task of restarting Yan Luodian for Mao has not been completed yet?

"Yan Gong, now that you have revisited the Land Mansion, Yan Luodian should also re-run, and be in charge of the life of the Three Realms?" Shen Bing said tentatively.

However, King Yan Luo sighed, saying: "My lord knows something. Although the little **** is in charge of the Yincao Difu, the supreme deity here, the operation of the Yan Luo Temple is not something the little **** can alone."

Shen Bing lamented, none of this mainline task was simple.

"I don't know what else needs to be done? At this time, it is about the fate of the Three Realms, but Yan Gong has something to ask, and Benxian should help him fully."

As soon as King Luo Luo heard it, he was extremely grateful and said, "The Supreme Master is righteous! The little **** is not polite. To restart Yan Luodian, you must resurrect the ghost run of the duty reincarnation operation, including the judge, black and white impermanence, Taurus horse face, Meng Po. "

After hearing these words, it is absolutely impossible to say that Shen Bing is not depressed.

Waking up a king of Yan Luo almost collapsed Shen Bing, and now he has to resurrect the six local government ghosts. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still a ghost who is only under the king of Yan Luo. This is not difficult.

Moreover, the word resurrection used by King Yan also made Shen Bing feel inward. How could it be a resurrection? Are these ghosts dead? Is Dutt a ghost? Can he die? Well, ghosts can die again. That's called Soul Fei San, but how can you resurrect them?

"How can these ghosts resurrect?"

King Yan Luo said: "Of course, the resurrection of ghosts has to use the means of the land government. People do not need to worry about this. Just to resurrect them, they must use some special treasures. These treasures are distributed in the Three Realms. If it was before, the little **** would be one. I went to ask for it. But now the six reincarnations are closed, the gate of **** is not open, and the little **** can't leave the prefecture, so I can only ask for help. "

Shen Bing secretly sighed with relief, it turned out to be just seeking some treasures, as long as there is a clear goal, it is not difficult.

Big deal, come to the door one by one to ask, this matter is related to the fate of the immortal world after all, I believe that the gods will not be stunned.

"I don't know what treasures are needed?" Shen Bing asked immediately.

King Yan Luo said: "A total of five items are needed. One is the spiritual water in the jade jar of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The other is the branch of Wuzhuang Guanshen ginseng fruit tree. The third is the fairy in the Yaochi. The fourth is the ancient world of the demon world. The heart of the demon. Fifth, the dead water in the depths of the demon world. "

Shen Bing listened for a moment.

What's so special about this? Isn't it just to resurrect the ghosts of the five prefectures? How do you use everything like this ... uh, high-end?

The spirit water in Yujing's bottle will not be said first, and it is not difficult to ask for some spirit water because of the good destiny established between him and the bodhisattva.

What is the ghost of ginseng fruit tree branches?

Is this the rhythm to get yourself engaged?

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