Fairy Technology

Chapter 875: Curve to save the country

The fruit of Wuzhuangguan is the treasure of Zhenyuan Daxian. Think about the crimes that Sun Dasheng and his party suffered when they passed Wuzhuangguan, and you know how important this stuff is.

Now, actually, he has to let himself break the branches of the fruit tree of life. Isn't this the digging of the heart of Zhen Yuan Daxian?

You should know that when the Yuan Daxian of the town fiddled with Tang Seng and others like this, he still calculated that Sun Dasheng was a disciple of the Bodhi ancestor.

In my current capacity, let alone climb the tree of life and break branches, it is difficult to even enter Wuzhuang Temple.

In addition to the branches of life fruit, that of Xianchi in Yaochi is also a big problem.

If it is normal, it takes a few paragraphs to find the queen mother herself, as long as you pay a little price, there should be no problem. But the point is that now that she and the queen mother are in the same position, will the old lady be willing to give herself a fairy?

Shen Bing thought that he had no problems in his brain, and it was better not to have such naive thoughts.

Even if she persuaded the Queen Mother with the righteousness of the Three Realms, this paranoid old lady would not necessarily agree. Is it necessary to threaten Jiuxiao Rune again? This seems a bit bullying.

Shen Bing also knows that his Jiuxiao Rune is full of deterrence, but he has always tried to avoid using this method to achieve his purpose. The reason is that the fairy has his own pride. If he repeatedly does this repeatedly, he will directly The immortal is messy, causing the other party to desperately deal with themselves? Did he really chop the opponent with a **** thunder?

Threat was threatened, Shen Bing really didn't think about letting a certain fairy fly.

It's not Shen Bing's kindness, but the decline in favorability of the fairyland that doesn't want to grow up.

Especially for the existence of the Queen Mother, if you really destroy her, you do n’t have to hang around in the fairyland in the future.

"It seems that we still have to follow the strategy of saving the country by curve." Shen Bing muttered.

As for the other three items mentioned by King Yan Luo, Shen Bing did not find it difficult.

Especially the spiritual water in the jade bottle held by the Guanyin Bodhisattva, Shen Bing could not come too easy.

If you say that in the gate of the fairy realm, you have dealt the most with that fairy Buddha character, I am afraid that besides Sun Dasheng, it is the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

And there is a long-term trading agreement between himself and the Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the treasure of the transaction is the Holy Spirit bone.

Now the entire land government can come alone, and the Holy Spirit bone in the Sea of ​​Death is equivalent to its own exclusive product. In particular, the dead bones of those dead souls in the Sea of ​​Life are purified, and the Holy Spirit bones are more efficient.

Although I have been busy completing the task of restarting Yan Luodian these days, I occasionally go to Shenghai. Other harvests are not much, but the Holy Spirit bone in the package is tens of dozens.

So Shen Bing didn't have any worries about asking the Guanyin Bodhisattva for some spiritual water in the jade jar. The big deal is to give a bone, what a big deal?

"Perhaps the fairy goddess of Yaochi can also let the Guanyin Bodhisattva think about it." Shen Bing pondered. "The face of the Guanyin Bodhisattva, must the old lady give me a little bit?"

With this idea in mind, Shen Bing directly said goodbye to King Yan Luo.

When he left, he also took Xiao Jiu and Cowherd and Weaver Girl along.

As far as the three of them were concerned, there was nothing in the local government. Cultivation can't be cultivated either, and the yin here is not what they can absorb. Compared to this, the fantasy island allows them to increase their strength faster.

After returning Xiaojiu San to the Island of Fantasy, Shen Bing teleported directly to the Purple Bamboo Forest.

Looking at the large piece of purple bamboo, Shen Bingyan was envious: "When can I plant such a piece of purple bamboo in my own courtyard?"

However, this is purely his own imagination. This kind of spiritual root is no better than others, but it can't live without random transplantation.

In fact, he had asked Ziyin about Guanyin Bodhisattva before, but he refused with a smile. The reason for the Buddha's refusal is that except for the bamboo that can survive here, it cannot be planted elsewhere.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" The black bear monster found Shen Bing, who was standing outside the purple bamboo forest, and greeted him immediately.

Now Shen Bing could have been transmitted directly into the Purple Bamboo Forest, but in order to show respect for the Guanyin Bodhisattva, every time he went to the Purple Bamboo Forest, he was transmitted to the outside, and then passed by the black bear monster.

This time is no exception.

"Old bear monster, please inform the Bodhisattva and say ..."

Before Shen Bing finished speaking, the black bear monster smiled and said, "No need, the Bodhisattva has explained. You are here, my master. Just go in."

Shen Bing hesitated a little, stretched out his hand and said, "Troublesome leads the way."

When I saw the Bodhisattva, Shen Bing didn't make nonsense, and said directly: "Bodhisattva, this fairy has fortunately searched for some of the most Holy Spirit bones this time. I wonder if the Bodhisattva is interested?"

"Of course!" Said the Bodhisattva with a compassionate smile on his face, "I am afraid that this visit is not just for the sake of the Holy Spirit."

"Uh ..." Shen Bing was a little surprised, but he didn't plan to go in circles, saying, "Bodhisattva really has a clever idea. Benxian came here this time and asked for something."

"Sir, please."

"Benxian needs the bodhisattva to hold some spirit water in the jade bottle." Shen Bing said.

The smile on the face of the Bodhisattva was stronger, and a pair of wise eyes seemed to be able to see through the world and smiled, "It seems that the Lord has arrived at the Yan Luo Temple. This spiritual water can give you some good."

Shen Bing is not surprised that the Guanyin Bodhisattva can know his progress in the local government.

He also now knows that the Mandala Buddha can't figure out the cause and effect that he has, but he can't hide things other than himself.

Perhaps the conditions for the resumption of the six reincarnations should be known to all the big brothers of the Buddhist kingdom in the fairyland. It's just one thing to know this kind of thing, and another thing is whether you can do it yourself.

"Thank you Bodhisattva!" Shen Bingdao, "There is another thing, I want to ask Bodhisattva to help."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Guanyin Bodhisattva really couldn't think of it now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shen Bingdao: "In addition to the spiritual water, this fairy also needs the fairy tree in Yaochi and the branches of the fruit tree in Wuzhuangguan. It is a pity that Benxian had a gap with the queen mother and daughter because of the cowherd and weaver girl, and there is no source of Yuan Daxian in Wuzhuangguan Town. I wonder if the bodhisattva can help say item one or two? "

The Bodhisattva glanced at him horizontally and said, "There is some sympathy in this seat over Wuzhuangguan. It is not difficult to get a few branches of life fruit. However, the side of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law is too heavy, so this seat is not inconvenient.

Shen Bing stunned, and immediately understood the meaning of the Bodhisattva's words.

It seems that my previous business is a little bit troublesome! Including the stealing of Tao Tao, and being pushed to Sendai by the queen mother-in-law, have been known to other fairy Buddhas.

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