Fairy Technology

Chapter 880: Tenjo can't control himself

"Hehe ..." What can Shen Bing say?

Taiyi Tianzun also seems to feel that it is not so good to brag about himself. The words turned around and said, "It is not difficult to get the two items you said. It is rare in the immortal world but deep in the demon world. But it is very ordinary. As long as you can get to the demon world, it is not difficult to get this thing. As for the heart of the ancient demon, it is a little more troublesome. difficult."

Shen Bing's heart is full of bitterness, isn't it difficult? It's easy to say.

"Tianzun, Benxian doesn't know much about Devil Realm. I don't know if there is a seal image of Devil Realm?"

Tai Yi Tianzun smiled suddenly and said: "Except for the most boring generation, who would make such small objects?"

Shen Bing raised a bit of sorrow. Taiyi Tianzun's remarks were fine. There was absolutely no idiot in the fairy. The map was really of little value.

But it doesn't make sense to other fairies, but it's very useful to yourself. At least you don't need to fly around in the Devil world aimlessly?

"I wonder if Tianzun can talk about where is the depths of the demon world? How can I go from the immortal world?"

Taiyi Tianzun went on to say: "To go to the demon world, you must first reach the southern wasteland boundary of the fairyland. At the southern end of the southern wasteland boundary, there is a bridge-like existence in the heaven and earth. That is the demon channel. A blood-drinking wasteland that can reach the edge of the devil ... "

A series of place names made Shen Bing scalp.

He knew, however, that any place name mentioned by Taiyi Tianzun was a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers. Even if he was sitting on a flying shuttle, he didn't know how long it would take.

Just when Shen Bing was about to despair, Tai Yi Tianzun finally said, "... Finally, you can reach the depths of the Demon Realm through the Nether Blood Sea. I heard that the Master has a Sky Shuttle, so it takes only half a year to reach the depths of the Devil Realm. Restarting the six reincarnations is not a long time in the past six months. "

When Shen Bing was excited, he felt a toothache for a while.

Nima! I have to fly for half a year on the road. Doesn't this take a long time?

However, it seems to make sense to think carefully. Compared with the life span of tens of millions of years of these immortals, half a year is just a few flicks.

But for myself, half a year is too long. If you have been on the Sky Shuttle for the past six months, it is estimated that it will not take half a year, at most one month, and the system can wash itself with one mandatory task.

Fortunately, in Taiyi Tianzun's words, there are finally words that excite himself, such as finally crossing the nether blood sea and reaching the depths of the demon world.

Shen Bing doesn't know what the ghost is in the depths of the devil world, but he is familiar with the nether blood sea!

In order to find the purgatory magic gold, he could spend a lot of time in the nether blood sea.

Although his strength is weak, as far as the ability to hurry is concerned, when he recognizes the second in this fairyland, no one dare to recognize the first.

No way, the teleporter is too bad, it's like cheating. As long as it is where your footsteps go, you can reach it instantly.

"How long does it take to get from the **** sea to the depths of the demon world?" Shen Bing asked.

Although Taiyi Tianzun did not know why Shen Bing was only concerned about this issue, he still said seriously: "Even if it is from the southernmost side of the Nether Blood Sea to the north and crosses the entire Nether Blood Sea, it will take up to five days."

Shen Bing nodded, it seems that there is no need to worry about the problem of inanimate water.

"What are the characteristics of the water of inexperience? How can Benxian discern when he sees it?"

"This is simple. The water flow in the entire demon world is almost black or gray. Only this inanimate water becomes pure white. As long as you see white water, it is naturally inanimate water."

Shen Bing knew for a moment.

As for why white water still exists in this world, what is so strange about this? Even gods exist. What is white water?

"Okay! This immortal water, Benxian, should do his best to get it. But the heart of the demon, Benxian is powerless. Although Benxian has the means of thunder, it can destroy any ancient demon. The gray fly extinguished. The big demon attacked by Benxian turned into flying ash on the spot, and it was impossible to protect even the heart. "

Shen Bing looked hesitant, saying: "I wonder if Tianzun has time to go to the demon world? If you can find the heart of the demon, the restart of the six reincarnation may be in sight. This is also a matter of supreme merit."

Tai Yi Tianzun expressed a helpless expression, saying: "This kind of thing is inescapable. How can we now have a special relationship with the demon world? All the gods at the level of Luo Jinxian are prohibited from entering the demon world. The reason is unknown.

Shen Bingdun felt a bit of sorrow.

Nima! What kind of moth is this? Can the big Luo Jinxian level not enter the demon world? Did n’t Nezha and Erlang God go? He didn't believe that the two existed as the No. 1 thugs in the fairyland, and their strength has not reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian?

Or did this ban come later? So why did Fairyland make such a decision?

It's nasty!

Regarding the high-level decision of the fairyland, Shen Bing didn't have the heart to understand, as long as it did not affect himself to complete the task.

The key point is that this ban on immortals now affects Shen Bing. If he cannot lead Da Luo Jinxian to the demon world, he will not be able to win the ancient demon, let alone the heart of the ancient demon.

"Who made this ban?"

"Naturally is the emperor, but it is said that there is also the meaning of Sanqing Daozu. The specifics are unknown to the outside world. But it may be related to some hidden things."

When Shen Bing saw this guy's mysterious appearance, he didn't want to ask more.

He knew these immortals very well. Once he started pretending to be profound, then don't try to pry them open. A word of secret cannot be leaked, which is the best shield.

Suddenly, Shen Bing's heart moved, and this jade emperor's order was regarded as a heavenly bar, right? But Tiantiao can control Mantianshen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but can't control himself.

Don't look at your strength only at the level of Jinxian, it seems that it is no longer under the restriction of this ban, but who will let you have a hole card in your hand? The hole card is the Mina Hydra.

Xiaojiu was able to fight with Sun Dasheng for three hundred rounds. Although his strength was low after he was reborn by himself, he has fully recovered since then.

With Xiaojiu's strength, should he also reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian? Even the difference is not much worse.

What's more, I have to help myself, and I should be able to do something in the demon world.

What's more, Hydra is also a demon-type family. In the demon world, the goal is not obvious ...

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