Fairy Technology

Chapter 881: Unexpected surprise

The more Shen Bing thought about it, the more it felt feasible. At the moment, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the old man, and threw two words casually before flashing.

What is the feeling of Taiyi Tianzun? Shen Bing doesn't know, anyway, Shen Bing is in a good mood.

Counting the time, Shen Bing did not go to the demon world first, but teleported to the island of nothingness, pulled on the Hydra, and teleported directly to the Nether Blood Sea.

The ferocious air that envelopes the nether blood sea is the stream of Jinxian, and it will inevitably be affected.

Although Xiao Jiu was powerful, she frowned at this place.

Hydra is a demon, but it is very disgusting to the breath of the demon world.

"Xiao Jiu, can you persist in this place for a long time?" Shen Bing asked slightly worried.

After all, it takes at least three or four days from here to the depths of the Devil Realm, can't I keep staring? This is a waste of time.

The point is that you do n’t have the energy to keep staring? It ’s boring even if you do n’t think about time?

So Shen Bing caught the attention of Hydra, and he gave him control of the flying shuttle. When he was offline, he could let this guy control the flying shuttle.

With the strength of Hydra, even if you encounter any demon here, it can deal with one or two. If it is unsuccessful, you can tell yourself to go online.

what? You said Shen Bing is a weak chicken. What can you do when you are online? Isn't this nonsense? Run away, of course. In the world, who can tell the truth about running the road? Do n’t run, are you waiting for the boss of the devil to break the flying shuttle?

Hydra listened to Shen Bing's question, looked at the blood-filled space around, and said, "Master, the fierce vigor here is too heavy. Although Xiao Jiu is immune to this fierce vigor, but May hold on for too long. "

"Then you see if this can be immune to the attack of fierce gas?" Shen Bing took out the flying shuttle and handed it to the Hydra.

With a sweep of the Hydra bug eyes, he was immediately surprised, and said, "Of course there is no problem. The internal space of the flying shuttle is not affected by the outside world. Not to mention the fierce energy here, it is even more powerful It is also impossible to invade the interior space of the flying shuttle.

Shen Bing was overjoyed and said, "So I'm assured. Next, you will drive the Sky Shuttle and head north."

Hydra is naturally not disobedient.

After Shen Bing made arrangements, he withdrew from the gate of the fairyland.

He rubbed his eyes habitually, this time it has been a long time to operate the gate of the fairyland, it is already late at night.


In the past two days, two secret departments of Huaxia were very busy. One belonged to the military, and the other belonged to the government, but they were also directly responsible to the commander.

Busy is not without reason, these days there are too many mice running abroad, and each one belongs to the elite class, and it takes a lot of effort to clean up.

Fortunately, the news of the two sides was severely asymmetry, so that these mice were arrested without any waves in the end.

After interrogation, Huaxia knew the origin and purpose of these people.

Those who know these things have some pride in addition to reproach and anger.

Did n’t three of your top ten global intelligence organizations join forces in Huaxia?

Anyone who wants to do things in China will have to weigh their own abilities.

It is conceivable that in the next period of time, this kind of struggle born in a dark place will inevitably be less for Huaxia.

But the United States is very much hurt.

Nima, this was a plan they had discussed all night and spent countless resources before implementing it. But now that they have n’t implemented it, they have been mostly killed. How can this be played?

They were shocked not only by the loss this time, but also by the fact that the gap between the strengths of the two sides was shortened or even greater.

After a detailed analysis, they finally believe that the reason why Huaxia can do this is to rely more on ubiquitous monitoring systems and Dragonscale intelligent systems everywhere.

Only the combination of the two can exert the greatest effect.

Obviously, Huaxia has applied artificial intelligence to the military, and also used some black technology products of Magic Fairy Technology, with outstanding results.

The United States also has artificial intelligence. The successful development of the sixth generation machine also fully benefits from artificial intelligence.

If it is said that the United States is using artificial intelligence to create indestructible spears, then Huaxia is to build artificial intelligence into an indestructible shield.

What confuses Laomei is that the shield can play its role at any time, and in peaceful times, the spear can only exist as a deterrent at best.

If the other party is not afraid of deterrence, then it is not easy to do it. Can you really order the newly-developed six-generation machine to fly to China?

Not to mention whether this will provoke war, in the unlikely event that a few sixth-generation planes that have been built fall within the range of Huaxia, who can afford this responsibility?

After all, they don't have much to face the mysterious stealth power of Huaxia.

However, if we do nothing at this juncture, and let the outside world pay attention to the attention of Huaxia's new weapon system, I am afraid that the results will really show off in a bad way.

This is not what the White House people want to see.

A conspiracy is being brewed to divert people's attention at a particular time.


On September 28, Huaxia finally announced an event. Huaxia will hold an anti-terrorism exercise with many countries in Central Asia. The time will be set on January 1.

This point in time is special.

In the past, Huaxia had either held a huge military parade or held some other form of celebration at this time point, but it has never been possible to hold military exercises with other countries.

However, after the news came out, it did not attract much attention, except for those who knew the purpose of Huaxia in advance through special means.

Obviously, the countries in Central Asia participating in the exercise are not included here.

They were also surprised that Hua Xia invited them to participate in the exercise at this time point, but they did not think about rejecting the invitation from the big powers.

Although the time is hastily, they do not have many exercise tasks, that is, preparing an exercise site, disguised as a city occupied by terrorists, and then the multinational coalition forces clear the city, while ensuring that the people in the city Safety.

Since this exercise was proposed by Huaxia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the main force of this exercise is naturally Huaxia, and other countries are more soy sauce.

After knowing the news, Shen Bing only smiled slightly, everything was within the normal exhibition track.

There is one thing that was unexpected by Shen Bing. Lu Shiba, who stayed in the lunar eclipse, lurked in the dark for two days, and really let him find a chance to catch an alien who placed an order—the kind "Future Warrior".

This was an unexpected joy. When Shen Bing made such an arrangement, he did not even give much hope.

It is not known whether "future soldiers" are considered aliens, but after all, they are considered living species, and Shen Bing is very cautious about this matter.

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