Fairy Technology

Chapter 916: Shoot yourself in the foot

"Xiao Shen, are you here? Just sit in, some of our old guys are hungry." The chief said with a smile, and patted a seat beside him.

Shen Bing rolled his eyes quietly. The chief's remark ... uh, a bit fake.

What time is it? Less than half past six.

He smiled slightly, but did not reveal it, looking at the only seat left next to the chief.

Standing on the other side of the head, Chief Zhou laughed: "There is a table next to you, and your three ... friends will be arranged at that table. Don't mind?"

Shen Bing understood that he might want to talk about some more confidential content in a moment, and immediately smiled and said, "Of course I don't mind."

Secretary Jiang stretched out a hand and smiled, "Three, please here."

Yun Xue and Yuan Wei didn't think too much, and they walked inward when they answered.

Li Xiao's expression was indifferent, he glanced around without any trace, and then he went in.

After the three of them left, the crowd took their seats one after another, and several service staff began to serve.

This table is not small, but only eight people are seated, including Shen Bing.

"Chief, you ... have made it too rich, haven't you?" Shen Bing said politely as he looked at the various dishes.

Chief Zhou smiled and said, "It's a shame to say that our table is in front of your scientist Shen, but it's a mess. They are all made by Lingxian intelligent robots. It's really impossible to say how efficient. An old guy, all this robot that you made has his mouth pierced. "

"The directors are satisfied!" Shen Bing smiled, not too proud.

With a few polite words, the formal meal began, and the topic also entered the topic.

"Xiao Shen, I believe you also know the main purpose of meeting some of our old guys this time?"

Shen Bingdao: "I guessed something. It should be an alien thing?"

The chief nodded and said, "Exactly!"

Then the old man paused and said, "Now, all countries in the world know about the downfall of the alien battleships by Huaxia. Although fundamentally they are guessing, but everyone is talking about gold. Everyone said so. Everyone also believes it. There is the secret promotion of the old beauty behind this, coupled with other countries either contributing to the flames or watching the fire from the other side, which has caused the current situation. Even under the guidance of people with ulterior motives, China Huaxia has become a savior. Leading all mankind to defeat the alien invasion is a great sin. It's a terrible heart! "

"Although it is the responsibility of every earth person to resist the invasion of aliens, these guys are obviously like pushing Huaxia to the front as a bird." Said a high-income old man.

Shen Bing looked at the old gentleman, and that sad expression admired Shen Bing very much.

He can see clearly, these heads are ready to play a sadness card for themselves.

However, Shen Bing did not intend to say these words, and he was not stupid ...

"Several heads, in fact, the Yankees did this, and in the end they also shot themselves in the foot." Shen Bing calmly said.

The heads of men looked at each other with a look that really looked like this.

"Xiao Shen, look at you like this, it seems that there is not much concern about alien invasion." Chief Zhou said.

Shen Bing threw a piece of braised pork in his mouth and said, "It is impossible to say that there is no worry at all. After all, we don't know the details of the aliens. But since our charged ion cannon gave the alien warship to After the blast, I won't worry about it. "

Immediately, some people raised objections: "This charged particle cannon is strong, but it can't protect the whole world, right? Besides, even if we want global deployment, other countries and countries will probably not agree."

Shen Bingdan calmly said, "We install a charged particle gun, why do others need permission?"

"If the other party doesn't agree, how can the equipment be transported over?"

"Who said that our equipment needs to be shipped to other countries for installation? Although our first charged ion cannon was installed on the ground, it was just to ensure sufficient energy supply. In fact, the charged particles we developed Artillery, the best place to install is in the sky. "

"Heaven?" All seven of them were a little hesitant.

Shen Bingdao: "Yes, it is installed in the sky, and it is at an altitude of thousands of kilometers from the ground, so that the efficiency of a charged ion cannon can be maximized."

Several heads looked at each other, and they realized why Shen Bing said this before.

This is fine. My equipment is like launching a satellite directly into space. Do you still need your consent in advance?

Even if there is an agreement between human nations to ban the deployment of space weapons, it is a matter of peace.

What time is it Alien invasion. It is estimated that people all over the world are anxious for humans to arm the earth like a hedgehog. As for which country is it important, is it important? At least not worse than the aliens taking over the earth.

If this day really happens, it is indeed that Laomei has shot herself in the foot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The director suddenly frowned slightly and asked, "Xiao Shen, you just talked about energy supply, then this Dutch Electron particle guns are deployed in outer space. How can energy problems be solved?

Shen Bing said without hesitation: "There is no shortage of energy in space. Without the obstruction of the atmosphere, solar energy is many times richer than on the ground. As long as we cooperate with solar power stations, we have a steady stream of charged particle cannons deployed in outer space. Although this energy supply is not as fast as the charging speed of an entire geothermal power station, we can flexibly deploy multiple sets of charged particle guns in an attack area, ensuring that at least any point appears outside Star battleships, at least five charged particle cannons can attack. This will basically allow you to rest easy. "

"But what if there are more than five alien warships at once?" Another chief asked.

"This is impossible." Shen Bing said firmly.

"Why?" Everyone looked over.

Shen Bing looked around blankly, but inwardly scolded himself.

Nima, you're so ecstatic, how can this be true?

Forget it, it's not round.

"Actually ... I have made a small spacecraft a few days ago to go to the moon for reconnaissance. There are only three alien battleships in the entire moon alien base." Shen Bing said.

He said it calmly, but after everyone else heard it, he set off a stormy sea in his heart.

"Spaceship? Go to the moon to investigate?" The chief murmured, saying this from other populations, it was a joke, but now it is Shen Bing, how much credibility is there?

Shen Bingdao: "Exactly!"

"How did you launch it?" Several people asked almost simultaneously.

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