Fairy Technology

Chapter 917: Have to guard against it!

Shen Bing said: "Recently we have made new breakthroughs in science and technology and have overcome the last obstacle of anti-gravity technology. That small spacecraft used anti-gravity technology and went directly into space. So it is normal for you not to find it. . And, next we have to deploy a charged particle gun, this anti-gravity technology is also essential. "

The heads and others were deeply shocked.

They only heard the first half of the sentence, and what Shen Bing said later was not important anymore.

Anti-gravity technology!

This is definitely a technology that only exists in science fiction movies.

Previously, Xianxian Technology also launched countless black technologies, but whether it is artificial intelligence, nuclear-powered large aircraft, or phantom mobile phones, there are essential differences from this anti-gravity technology.

Other technologies have more or less been researched by human beings, or they have already achieved results. Huaxian Technology has only improved on the original basis.

But anti-gravity technology is not the same. This is a brand-new technology. Human research on this technology, okay, is equivalent to no.

Although some people have announced a breakthrough in this area, but ... the breakthrough is still far away from actual use.

This gap is farther than that of humans from normal-temperature superconducting materials.

"You ... did you really develop anti-gravity technology?" The chief asked.

Shen Bing rolled his eyes quietly. Will Mao be questioned if he doesn't say anything?

Naturally, he would not admit that what he said is too strong, which is not easily accepted by ordinary people, because he is a humble person, and it is not good to boast.

Seeing Shen Bing's expression, the head already had the answer in his heart.

"How far has your antigravity technology ... reached?" The chief asked.

Shen Bing raised his mouth and said, "Civilian!"

"Civil use? If such a high-tech is used for civilian use, it can be easily cracked by other countries ..."

"The technology of our magic fairy technology can't be cracked by anyone." He is explaining to others what self-confidence is.

The head took a deep breath, and several others were lost in thought.

Can't help them not be shocked.

If anti-gravity technology can be used for civilian use, it means that Magic Fairy Technology has achieved achievements in cost control. Otherwise, products with this technology will be sold at sky-high prices. Why talk about civilian use?

That's right, the application of a super technology to the military field can greatly enhance military strength. But if technology secrets can be used for civilian use without any leakage, how much wealth will the country create?

Although the earth is now facing the invasion of aliens, can it not do business if there is enemy invasion? No more production?

Regardless of whether humans can win this battle with aliens, at least in this process, human business activities will not stop, or even more lively.

Who wants to make money? As a Chinese company, if it can make money all over the world, it will benefit not only this company, but also this country.

"Small boy, are you going to make a big move again recently?" A slightly fat old man asked with a smile.

The old man's surname is Liu, who can be described as the most powerful person in the economic field among Huaxia's senior management.

"Lao Liu, that's a trade secret. I can't say, let's talk about the aliens." Shen Bing said with a smile.

Liu Lao looked at the chief and shook his head helplessly.

"Well, let's talk about aliens." Liu said, "Since you have already investigated the alien base on the moon, do you know where they came from? What about the lunar base?"

Shen Bing did not conceal and made a detailed introduction to the situation of the alien base.

Of course, there are some things that cannot be said, because he cannot explain how he knows.

But this alone is enough to stun the heads and others.

Wormholes, aliens, robots with just one brain flower.

Think of a scene. Without the outer metal shell, would these aliens float around with their brains? Can't bear to look straight.

Although the destroyed alien battleship has been controlled by the military, and the robots have been shipped back, it has not been time to do further research. It is normal for the chief and others not to know this.

"You mean ... these people's level of science and technology has developed to the extent that they can survive without their bodies?" Wu Lao, one of the seven old men, asked.

Liu Lao pursed his lips and said, "What's the development of this? I think it's a step backward. If a person has no body, there is only one brain left, which is called development? In my opinion, this is Development, rather than. "

"This is also true. But ... these aliens are indeed better than us now." Wu Laodao said, "They now have that wormhole and will be able to send reinforcements over and over. We ca n’t because of the current base. Only three alien warships are taken lightly. "

Zhou Lao glanced at Shen Bing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and said, "Xiao Shen, what is the carrying capacity of the small spaceship you got to the moon?"

"This ... is indeed a little bit worse, and can only carry two or three tons." Shen Bingdao.

The expressions on the faces of the heads are wonderful, two or three tons? It's not light anymore, OK? This is sent to the moon ...

Zhou Lao looked at Shen Bing with burning eyes and said, "If! We can get a few nuclear bombs to the moon, can we completely destroy that alien base?"

If it is just a nuclear warhead, it is not very heavy in itself, and the carrying capacity of two or three tons is not a problem.

As soon as this idea was thrown out, everyone was silent.

Before, they only considered how the aliens attacked and defended, but they did not think about directly destroying the alien base, because before that, they subconsciously thought that the earth was not as powerful as the aliens.

This is a very realistic question. If humans go to the moon, they have to plan for several years, and they have to rely on the thrust of multi-stage rockets to send an iron golem with little combat power to the moon. Are the stars killed or alive on the moon? That's a giveaway.

But now Shen Bing can easily send the spacecraft to the moon, and can also conduct investigations on alien bases, then it means that the spacecraft made by Huanxian Technology can avoid the sight of aliens. Isn't this an opportunity?

"Executive directors, as long as we have deployed the charged ion cannon, only the current alien base is not a threat to us." Shen Bingdao, "If we had directly given that alien base to It ’s ruined. In case the alien civilization is completely angered and the other party directly sends out a super fleet, what can we rely on to resist? "

"That makes sense."

"I have to guard!"

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