Fairy Technology

Chapter 919: It's nice to see people

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Everyone wants to understand the reason. The chief and others were relieved.

What is 300 billion US dollars? I can take it out twice, maybe Huaxia can make some money from it.

"Xiao Shen, how long does it take for your company to complete the production and deployment of this set of equipment?" The director asked.

Shen Bingdao: "If we produce at full capacity, we can produce two units a day."

The director's brow frowned slightly, two a day, and it took 22 days to complete the deployment of the entire weapon system.

It stands to reason that this time is very short, but at this time the earth is facing an alien invasion. For more than twenty days, who knows if there will be any new changes?

After eating this meal for more than an hour, Shen Bing and others left before accompanied by Secretary Jiang.

"Xiao Shen, sometimes I'm curious about what constitutes your mind." Secretary Jiang said with a smile while walking.

Yun Xue and Yuan Wei smiled at each other, and both pairs of eyes looked at Shen Bing.

Shen Bing touched his nose and said, "Of course it is made of cells. What else can it be?"

"Hehe ..." Secretary Jiang was speechless, this guy is suitable for telling a joke.

While talking, they had reached the door, and Li Xiao was waiting outside by car.

"Xiao Shen, where are you going to visit tomorrow? Should I arrange a guide for you alone?" Secretary Jiang asked.

Shen Bing refused immediately: "This is not necessary anyway, we just wander around anyway. What Great Wall, Forbidden City, go around."

Secretary Jiang looked inquiringly, and said, "Are you sure you are not here to see people?"

"Well ... it's nice to see people."

"I don't understand your boy." Secretary Jiang said, "then you can play by yourself. If you have any questions, you can call me."


After his resignation, Shen Bing drove to a quasi-six-star hotel to live in.

Shen Bing went to sleep and went to the gate of the fairyland to see if Hydra had found the water of inanimate life.

The result was very helpless, the Hydra still continued to dangle everywhere, and there was no water, that was nothing.

Exiting the gate of the fairyland, Shen Bing was preparing to rest, and the phone rang suddenly.

"Dad, what's the call this evening? Is there anything wrong?"

"My son, it's daytime here." Dad's cheerful voice came.

Shen Bing hesitated, where did dad go?

Ever since Dad and Mom took over the Xianyuan Charity Fund, the job has been called a passion, running every day around the world.

Maybe it's not in Asia right now?

As always, the second old man continued his previous attitude and basically would not call Shen Bing, so he really didn't know where his old mother was.

This is not that Shen Bing does not care about the safety of his parents, but that there is no need to worry.

On the one hand, both old men have taken Longhu Dan. Although their strength is not comparable to their own, they also belong to the non-human category. They are already very good without asking others for trouble. Whoever wants to trouble them will be able to appreciate it in the next second. What is a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

On the other hand, he also kept the ball attentive to the movement of the second old man. Although he did not need to report to Shen Bing at any time, their safety was always under control.

"Dad, what's the matter, just tell me. I'm ready to rest. There are still many things to do tomorrow." Shen Bing asked.

Dad Shen said: "It's really such a small thing, aren't we helping the refugees here in Africa ..."

Shen Bing pumped out the corners of his mouth, this dad's mother is really free, charity has gone to Africa.

"There is a town here, and everyone suddenly got a strange disease a few days ago, and now more than ten people have died." Father Shen continued.

Shen Bing burst into his heart and said, "Dad, don't say you're in that town now."

"Your boy guessed right," Father Shen said, "but you don't have to worry about it. Your mother and I are in good health. There will be no problem."

Shen Bing is a little more relieved. After all, it is people who have taken Longhu Dan, and ordinary viruses should not affect them.

But there are hidden dangers in the end, who knows what caused the strange disease?

"Daddy, leave there immediately. Even if you want to be charitable, donate directly to donate things." Shen Bing complained a little.

Dad Shen said: "Here are all here ... I think your mother and I are in a weird situation here. Our team also has a doctor, but I can't detect what they have. I called you to ask you Can you get some advanced equipment? The disease is highly contagious. If it cannot be effectively contained, once it spreads, it will be troublesome. "

Shen Bing sat up quite helplessly from the bed. Although the current medical technology is advanced, it is not uncommon to find out the cause of a person's death. That is also normal. Not to mention in poor and backward African towns.

"Dad, let this matter be dealt with by professionals. You and your mother leave first, and I will ask someone to send me some medical equipment in the past ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shen Bing said.

Dad said, "Now we can't go, all around is blocked by the army. Don't advise us, just let someone come over to support us."

What can Shen Bing say? Dad, this is obviously perfunctory.

The army can block other people, but it definitely can't limit the freedom of Dad and Mom. This is very clear.

This only shows one thing. The old mothers have no plans to leave, and they will stay in that town until the problem is solved.

Based on Shen Bing's understanding of the Second Elder, under normal circumstances, they will not do this. The only possibility is that there is something weird in it.

"Okay, pay attention to your safety. I'll send someone over here." Shen Bing said, and heard a beeping sound coming from the next second. The call was hung up.

Within two seconds, the phone rang again: "I forgot to tell you the address, I sent you a location message."

Then there was another beeping sound.

Shen Bing is also very helpless!

Then he called Wang Sheng's phone: "Pharaoh, you will have someone to purchase a batch of medical testing equipment tomorrow and send it to Kansang town in the Sinyir region of Africa for the most advanced."

Pharaoh was confused, but his execution was very strong, and he didn't even ask why, and quickly agreed.

After the explanation, Shen Bing still didn't feel very solid.

"Ball, you immediately contact Thorne and ask him to take a trip with Lu Jiu to find out what happened in that town of Kansang as quickly as possible."

"Okay, master." The ball answered.

"After finishing things, let Thorne bring my parents back." Shen Bing was still a little worried.

"Observe!" Qiu said with a smile.

Lying on the bed again, Shen Bing had no sleepiness.

What the **** is that strange disease in Kansang?

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