Fairy Technology

Chapter 920: I can't make it for you

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In the early hours of the next morning, Shen Bing opened his eyes blankly. He was woken up by the phone.

"Doudou, connect." Shen Bing was too lazy to get his cell phone.

"Boss, things aren't great." Thorne's voice came over the phone.

Shen Bing asked in a hurry: "What's the matter? Dad, mom is all right?"

"They are very old," Thorne said immediately. "It's just that the strange disease in this town doesn't know what happened, even Lu Jiu can't find the reason."

Shen Bing frowned, what is Lu Jiu? That is the puppet craftsman. Under his perception, there is a heavy metal molecule in your body, which can be seen clearly.

But now he couldn't see the reason for this strange disease, which caused a headache.

"Lu Jiu did not find any clues?" Shen Bing asked again.

Thorn said: "That's not true. At least we have now determined that these people died because of a mutation in their body cells, but the cause of the mutation has not yet been identified."

Shen Bing hesitated a little, then said, "I will let Master Qiao go there."

"It's great to have a clever master." Thorne was overjoyed.

Shen Bing hung up the phone and let the ball notify the master.

Then Shen Bing was silent for a few minutes and sighed.

"It's really troublesome for them!"


At 10 am, Huaxia officially held a press conference.

At the press conference, the spokesperson solemnly announced one thing.

"... The falling object in Mongolia is an alien warship ... it was shot down by the Huaxia military with a charged particle gun ... The reason why the matter was not announced before is that it does not want to cause global panic. The warships searched deeply and obtained extremely important information. In the lunar moon, this invading alien civilization has established a base ... Now the earth has entered the autumn of critical survival, and it needs the common efforts of all countries around the world Work hard. "

After a few words, the countless reporters below did not feel much surprised.

After all, Lao Mei has said that the disaster of the White House was caused by an alien battleship, and there are many rumors on the Internet about Mongolia. Many people have already identified the huge space fall, which is an alien. Battleship.

Of course, now that Huaxia officials have publicly acknowledged this, it still has extraordinary significance.

At least, there is no fight over this.

"Hello, this is CNN reporter Klaus. Does your country ’s charged particle cannon really attack alien warships effectively?"

"Of course! The alien warship lying in Mongolia is the best proof."

"Since your country's weapons against alien warships have become the hope of the world, should your country make this technology public? This will also enable humanity to have a stronger power against alien civilization."

After this remark, the audience was silent for a few seconds.

To be honest, anyone who listens to this CNN reporter will feel unreasonable.

However, the charged particle cannon is too great. With this thing, it can stand against alien warships, which is a huge temptation for any country.

It can be said that at the press conference at the moment, apart from the Chinese reporters, other reporters all stared at the speakers on the stage with a pair of green eyes. Some even stood up with the wind and expressed their demands.

The spokesman glanced at him and said, "I'm sorry, this is the research and development effort of our country's scientists. We have no right to decide to make this technology public. And even if this technical information is made public In terms of the manufacturing level of each country, it is impossible to manufacture this charged particle gun. "

"We have the world's top industry in the United States ..."

"You Americans can't make it," the spokesman said firmly. "If you don't believe it, you can talk to Huaxian Technology about technology transfer."

Then suddenly the pan was fried.

Is there something wrong with your ear? Or is there something wrong with that speaker's head?

Even the CNN reporter who asked for it was incredible about the spokesperson's answer.

He made that request, but he wanted to embarrass the Huaxia official and let him return to the topic of more reports.

But I didn't expect the other person to respond.

He doesn't think that the other party will open their mouths on such occasions. Since the other party said so, they can really send someone to talk to Huaxian Technology about technology transfer ...

Magic Fairy Technology ... Nima, such awesome weapon, was actually made by a company like Magic Fairy Technology.

However, thinking about it, Huanxian Technology can produce large nuclear-powered aircraft, so its research in high-energy physics must have profound accomplishments, and it seems that it is also possible to get this charged particle gun.

If the manufacturing technology of charged particle cannons is really taken down from this company in the end, it will have huge benefits for the United States and other countries around the world. And the one who made this happen by himself is definitely a hero in the eyes of everyone, which is definitely a good thing for both fame and fortune.

At this moment, Claus was really excited. In his eyes, the speaker standing on the stage was simply the incarnation of an angel.

As for the United States that the other party wants to express, it is a joke that can't be ignored because it has the technology and cannot make this weapon.

Not all of these reporters at the scene were as dizzy as Klaus, and there were always some people who thought more comprehensively.

"Hello, I am a reporter from the British Guardian. Your honour said that other countries have the technology and cannot manufacture this charged ion cannon. Does this mean that manufacturing this weapon requires extremely high production technology?"


"Since Magic Fairy Technology has the ability to produce charged particle guns, it means that their company has a complete set of production processes and equipment. If Magic Fairy Technology also conducts technology transfer, it also packages and sells production processes and equipment. What you said just now Can't the problem be solved? "

"You have a good question ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We also asked Chairman Shen of Xianxian Technology before, and the other party gave a clear answer. The current manufacturing equipment produced by Xianxian Technology will be used to meet the needs of the country. Production and deployment of charged particle cannons. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to sell equipment. "

Some of the people present now understood.

Technology is not the focus, the focus is on production equipment.

This is not a rare thing at all. At the time, the first product of fantasy glass of Fantasy Technology, someone secretly obtained technical information, but the result was still unable to produce a true fantasy glass. It is said that the key here lies in the production equipment.

This is the case with a small piece of glass, let alone a charged black particle weapon, which is a black technology weapon.

Although many people understand this truth, many people are fortunate enough to think that as long as they get the technology, they can always make it with a little effort.

The press spokesman continued: "But in order to better resist alien invasion, we have developed a joint defense system. According to this plan, we will deploy a charged particle gun in space so that it will have more Wide effective attack range. In the first step, we will complete the deployment of charged particle guns over our country, and then we will consider deploying this weapon in a wider area. Any country that agrees to join our joint defense system, this The country will be included in the scope of protection of our charged particle gun. As long as an alien warship appears in the airspace of that country, our charged particle gun will be able to find the target and shoot it down as soon as possible.

The reporters on the stage became lively again, and many people murmured.

"Does this not mean limited production capacity? Why do we have a joint defense system?"

"Such a way, wouldn't it let people control the airspace of their country?"

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