Fairy Technology

Chapter 921: This is too bullying, right?

The news speaker continued: "We can understand your thoughts, and we have also considered selling charged particle guns directly to countries. But after our multi-party verification, we finally believe that only a set of global coverage and interaction can be established. The charged particle gun defense system can protect our planet to the greatest extent. This is also the best choice in the case of limited production capacity. "

"How can I join this joint defense system?" Another reporter stood up and asked.

Humanely said: "This is very simple. As long as your country submits an application for membership, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment based on your country's comprehensive strength and land area, and provide the necessary funding. After paying the fee, the applicant country will officially become under this defense system One of them. "


This news conference of Huaxia caused a huge sensation all over the world.

It's hard not to make a sensation.

Just the new weapon, the charged particle gun, has earned enough attention.

This is definitely a weapon that sets a precedent in history. Its great power and remarkable attack effect have gone far beyond the scope of conventional weapons.

Of course, what really caused global discussions was the joint defense system based on the charged particle gun proposed by Huaxia.

No one questioned the necessity of establishing this joint defense system.

Under the threat of alien force, people ca n’t wait to put a layer of turtle shells on the outside of the earth. As to which country this shell is installed in, it is not particularly important, as long as it is installed by humans.

Of course, these are the thoughts of ordinary people in various countries, but the high-level governments of various countries are extremely immense.

Everyone is not a fool. They have weapons on their heads that can be attacked at any time, and they are still capable of instantaneous attacks. They can not even defend. Isn't this equivalent to putting their heads under the opponent's trowel? ?

Once this system is really established, who dares to fight against Huaxia?

But if you don't join this system, what if the aliens really come over? Tangerine's tangle.

When governments of various countries were hesitant, there were many parades in six parts of the world, most of which required their governments to agree to join China ’s joint defense system.

However, some people have put forward new requirements. For example, they hope that Huaxia will not engage in a rhetoric. Even if this joint defense system is really established, its ultimate control cannot be completely controlled by Huaxia, and member states should jointly supervise and use it.

There was even a small group of people who advocated China's hegemony in the parade.

Faced with all kinds of turbulence on the Internet, Huaxia has not given much reply.

In the afternoon of that day, a live broadcast from Huaxia TV caused a huge sensation around the world.

At a military base without a specific location, a piece of equipment that looked little different from a radio telescope stood on the ground.

There were soldiers with live ammunition all around them. Each of them had a very solemn expression and a touch of excitement.

"Dear viewers, the picture you see now is the deployment site of our charged particle gun independently developed by China. The device in front is our charged particle gun. You may not know that in order to ensure the fastest The deployment was completed. Two hours ago, the device had just come down from the production line and arrived here by a large transport aircraft. Now that the device has been handed over to the military, it will then complete the airlift process here. , Officially became the patron saint of our homeland of the earth. "

"Now, we interview the commander in chief."

Then the camera shifted to a general wearing a major general.

"Director Li, can we share with our audience friends in front of the TV about this charged particle gun?"

The commander Li with a hint of red in his face was probably excited.

"Reporter Wang, audience friends in front of the TV, this weapon is the pride of our nation. Although I myself have been exposed to this weapon for the first time, we already have a deep understanding of its force. I have Zhang here You can see the photos. "

After speaking, Commander Li held a photo, and the picture presented above was a mountain that had been destroyed.

In the picture, a huge object is embedded in the mountain body, and the whole is glowing with black-gray metallic luster.

"The thing you see is an alien battleship. It is more than 3 meters long and the outer layer is cast from an unknown alloy. It is extremely strong. We have used various cutting instruments and have not caused any damage to it. ... but look here ... "

As President Li directed his fingers to move, the camera gave a close-up of that area.

Only then did people see that in the middle of the alien battleship, there was actually a huge circular hole with a diameter of more than five meters.

In the picture, the round hole is dark and deep, you can't see to the end.

"This huge hole was left after being bombarded by our charged particle cannon. It was this cannon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that completely destroyed this alien battleship and let it fall directly from high altitude. "

"If you don't know the power of this charged particle gun yet, let me talk about another set of data. Our charged particle gun wants to exert the maximum attack power, and it will consume the entire Kyoto power consumption for half a day. You It can be imagined that such a huge amount of electrical energy bombarded the target in milliseconds, which is equivalent to thousands of lightning strikes at the same time. Of course, the attack principle of charged particle guns is essentially different from pure electric shock. , It is more destructive and can destroy targets directly from the molecular structure. "

"Our set of charged particle guns will not belong to the altitude of 3,000 kilometers above us. You may be wondering how it guarantees sufficient power supply at such a high altitude. In fact, this is simple because it comes with huge solar energy Electric device. With the efficiency of this solar electric device, it only takes 24 hours to complete the charging of the charged particle cannon. "

After some introductions, the site preparation work has been completed.

The camera returns to the charged particle gun again.

Just listening to Commander Li's order, the charged particle cannon actually rose from the air ...

What the hell? All the audience friends in front of the TV set were stupid, and the reporter who reported on the spot was stupid.

"Commander Li, this ... can the charged particle cannon fly?"

Commander Li immediately said: "Of course not! This uses the latest scientific and technological achievements of Huaxian Technology Co., Ltd., which is anti-gravity technology. Under the action of anti-gravity devices, only a small amount of force can be used This charged ion cannon took off quickly. "

Everyone who heard these words was buzzing.

Anti-gravity technology? This ... is too bullying?

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