Fairy Technology

Chapter 928: Under attack

"Rest assured, the ball is doing things, absolutely stable!"

Shen Bing smiled bitterly, who did this girl learn from? It's too high.

Then the ball disappeared, and Shen Bing finally idled.

"Nima, all the good ritual feelings are gone." Shen Bing smiled bitterly, and then went to dial Yunxue again, feeling sorry for her ...

"Yunxue ..."


"So many things, hey!"

"Well, it doesn't matter."

"Or ... hug?"


"Hugging, hug, kiss ..."


On the golden island without boundaries, the scifi-free fighters are neatly arranged at the airport.

These are the newly manufactured A2 fighters.

Of these five fighters, four are used to carry nuclear fusion devices and charged particle guns, and the remaining one is used to carry people!

Not a living person, of course not a dead person, but a robot.

Twenty robots have the task of assembling nuclear fusion devices and charged particle cannons on the moon.

Of course, their mission is more than that. Since it is here, how boring it is to go back? Wasn't energy wasted? So Shen Bing also arranged for them a new task, that is, to build the outpost of the magic fairy technology on the moon.

Since even aliens can build bases on the moon, they can't fall behind too much, don't they?

The real reason here is certainly not to fight against aliens, but to lay the foundation for humans to set foot on the moon in the future.

When everything was ready, the five fighter planes rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky like a meteor.

From Shen Bing's order to the five A2 fighters taking off, it took less than half an hour.

The efficiency of the Golden Island is evident.

At the same time, on the other side of the earth, the sun is shining.

Uruguay is just a small country in South America. Although alien invasion has spread all over the world now, in this small country, what should people continue to do?

After all, the country is too small and its strength is very weak. No one will pay attention to whether you speak.

Naturally, such a big event as saving the world can only be left to those powerful nations, and the people of the Urals have thought very clearly on this point.

As the saying goes, there is a tall man carrying down the sky. From the perspective of the aliens ’previous rules of behavior, the other party seems to be only interested in big countries, and the aliens are dismissive of such effects.

At least until the great powers of the United States, China, and Russia are destroyed, the people of Uruguay should be safe.

What's more, the other day, Huaxia also built an alien battleship, and this hatred was very strong. The Uruguay is 180 thousand miles away from Huaxia. Even if the aliens want revenge, the Uruguay will not be caught in the pond.

The port of Coronia is a relatively well-known harbour in the Ural State. Of course, this name is limited to the territory of the Ural State.

Several lonely cruise ships stopped at the pier, and the rows of low buildings on the shore showed the depression here.

Compared to New York, London and other super cities, this place is like a beggar curled up in a corner, without the slightest urban temperament.

But no matter how small it is, there are still many people.

They are each busy with their livelihood, and everything is around the port for their lives.

Suddenly, a flicker of light flickered in the sky, followed by a sharp whistling sound.

The sound was like a fighter jet passing through the air! No, it's sharper than the sound of a fighter flying over it. If this is really a flying object, it must be extremely fast.

Almost everyone who heard the sound looked up at the sky.

At this moment, everyone's face showed a terrifying expression, one by one with his mouth open, enough to stuff an egg.

Dozens of aircraft-like things suddenly hovered at a height of about 100 meters.

But that is definitely not an airplane, because this is not the case with any airplane on earth. The gap is too big, and people's first reaction is to think in a bad direction.

"An alien is here!"

"That must be an alien fighter."


The original quiet port suddenly boiled, and countless people fled, but they didn't know where to go. It seems that running this way can make you feel more secure.

Suddenly, the suspected airplane swooped down, but hovered on the ground in the blink of an eye.

Then they saw gorilla-like monsters jumping out of the "airplane", holding huge claws and grabbing at the crowds flying around.

It is clear that these gorillas not only have no hair, but also have a real metallic luster on their body surface-this should be a metal body.

At this moment, the running crowd felt that death was getting closer and closer to themselves ...

These mechanical gorillas are extremely agile. How can people escape their capture? Within seconds, dozens of people fell into the hands of these mechanical monsters.

The gorilla who caught one target did not stop there, but continued to look for the next target.

Screams, wailing, shrouded the entire port.

Only a few were arrested, but under the impact of these mechanical monsters, many people died or died, and the port was like **** on earth.

"Bang ... Bang ..."

A sound of gunfire came as a counterattack by the police patrolling the port.

However, the bullets fired by the pistols could not even scratch the surface of these mechanical monsters. How can they hurt?

They didn't even look at the police who attacked them. After catching the target, they rushed back to the "airplane", then took off and flew into deep space.

After half a minute, the weird "airplane" that destroyed the entire port on the ground vanished. If it was not messy, people would not believe that the port was attacked by aliens.

"Quick! Quick! Save!"

"Report things up!"

"We need international assistance!"

"There are really aliens!"

"The end of humanity is here."

Various hysterical roars kept coming out, different people showed different attitudes, but they also had one thing in common, which was panic!

This panic has not been halved or even intensified by the alien's departure.

Faced with the threat of aliens at that time, people thought more about running away without fear, at most it was fear of death.

But at this moment, who can calm down looking at the tragic scene in front of him?

The future ... does humanity have a future?

Those guys just couldn't leave a trace of bullets. That weird airplane is not comparable to the fighter capabilities already on the earth.

This is exactly a one-sided crush ...

Death is not terrible, it is terrible to see no hope.

In this desperate mood, many people filmed the scenes of the scene and posted them online, accompanied by despair and pessimistic words, preaching the coming of the end.

Not only that, when those mechanical monsters landed on the ground just now, some people happened to be driving their mobile phones and shooting a lot of thrilling shots.

These shots also appeared online.

Undoubtedly, after these contents appeared on the Internet, they caused a sudden uproar.

The Urals were attacked by aliens! The scenes were horrible and even surpassed the disaster of the White House.

After all, there were no dead people at the scene of the White House, and they came back alive in the end.

But this time it's different. The aliens have completely demonstrated their ferocious side ...

Humans, in the presence of these mechanically armed aliens ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are not even weak chickens.

Moreover, those aliens came too suddenly, and human beings did not even have the ability to detect and warn in advance. In this case, why do humans compete with these aliens?

Panic, fear, despair ...

These sentiments quickly spread across the globe.

Now that the Ural State has been attacked, can other countries avoid it?

The purpose of the alien this time is very clear, that is to catch people! Although the method is more brutal than that of the White House, the purpose is the same, that is, to arrest people.

Those in the White House still have the good fortune to escape from their births. Can these people in Ural return this time?

No one dares to say that this is possible.

Maybe those people in the White House can escape, there are some strange things inside.

While most people are simply afraid of this, some people have made in-depth analysis of it.

Compared with the experiences of the old America, the Uruguay, and Huaxia, this shows the strength of Huaxia.

The aliens came to the earth three times, and two of them rubbed the earth's civilization on the ground with great strength and rubbed it. Only in Huaxia did they return.

Not only didn't get the benefit, but it broke a powerful battleship.

There is no harm without comparison. In today's world, it seems that only Huaxia can rely on.

Under this trend, the parades of various countries exploded again, but their appeal was surprisingly consistent this time: joining China ’s joint defense system to resist alien invasion.

Because of the expression of the former President of the United States, the will of the senior leaders of various countries has been shaken. People are afraid of aliens, aren't they afraid?

Is it important to let national security be in the hands of Huaxia? Compared to Xiao Ming, this fart is not ...

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