Fairy Technology

Chapter 929: This is not within the scope of negotiation

China's negotiations with various countries are in full swing.

Among them, the old American is more efficient.

Mr. President has just announced that he is committed to making this happen. The original Congress was prepared to stop it. But now that the Ulaan country is in trouble, the big brothers in Congress are frightened.

The aliens were indeed malicious, and it was no coincidence that they attacked the White House.

The ghost knows when these guys will come to earth again?

Now the facts have proved that with the existing technology in the United States, there is no way to fight against aliens. Can we only stab it in the face of alien invasion in the future? As soon as they thought about it, they felt a chill rising in the spine and headed straight to their brains.

Must join Huaxia's joint defense system!

This time Congress is more enthusiastic than Mr. President.

After the two sides hit it off, Mr. President immediately rushed to Huaxia with his team to discuss matters concerning joining the joint defense system.

Originally, the president didn't need to take a trip by himself, but at this time, he must show some sincerity.

After all, Hua Xia's capacity on the charged particle cannon is limited, and not actively, the ghost knows when the US territory can be included in the protection scope.

At the same time, Europe, Africa, Australia ...

Almost all countries in the world are operating.

This is a feast, a feast led by Huaxia.

In the morning, the old American team has arrived in Kyoto, China. The chief and his party arrived at the airport to greet them ... etiquette, it is necessary.

This time, the attitudes of both parties were very pragmatic. After the simple etiquette, they entered the subject of negotiations.

However, the heads of both sides of the preliminary negotiations did not participate. They just set a general direction and then threw it to the people below.

The United States is responsible for this negotiation is Secretary of Defense Kleizer, and his deputy is Secretary of Commerce Isaac.

Although this negotiation is about the joint defense system, is it necessary to pay for joining the joint defense system? Since money is needed, it is inevitable that it will be bullshit. This kind of thing is the most handy for Isaac.

Kleiser opened his eyes and said, "Mr. Li, the main purpose of our visit to Huaxia is to hope to join your joint defense system. I don't know what your country thinks in this regard."

Minister Li, who was sitting opposite him, smiled and said, "Our country's attitude in this regard is consistent and open. The construction of a joint defense system is conducive to global security and stability. Any country that wants to join, we are Welcome. However, I believe that Minister Kleiser is also aware that the joint defense system deployed by our country has great power, high scientific and technological content, and great difficulty in deployment. The capital consumed is also an astronomical figure. Only in our country, It is simply impossible to support the construction of a global defense system that covers the entire world. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality and quantity of the joint defense system is completed, we will charge a certain fee to any applicant country. "

"Giving money is a must." Kleizer said with a serious face, "It is extremely difficult for any country to complete such a huge project. Your country can achieve such an achievement when an alien civilization invades. Humans have made a great contribution. "

Minister Li secretly pouted, Nima, do we need to make a big contribution to you? Really be yourself or the world police?

However, he couldn't say these words, so he had to save face for the other party.

Kleiser continued: "Just don't know how much money we give is appropriate?"

Minister Li looked at each other. How can he not see the calculations made by the other party? With a dry laugh, he said, "The way we collect funds is open and transparent, and we all adhere to two principles. First, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the second, the greater the benefit. The more you pay. The capacity of your country is unquestionable, it is global The first is well deserved. As for the benefit, I don't think I need to say that Minister Kleiser can understand that your country has the largest economy, and if it is attacked by aliens, the loss will also be the largest. It is Laos, and it was also used before. 10 billion US dollars. Given your country's situation, isn't it too much to give 100 billion US dollars? "

The smile on Kleiser's face froze there, and although he wanted to say that it wasn't excessive, he always felt something like choking on his throat, preventing himself from speaking.

Originally, he thought that Minister Li said that Lao Guo had 10 billion yuan, and they would give up to 40-50 billion yuan at most. I did not expect the other party to increase it tenfold.

Nyima, even if the economic volume is used as a yardstick, your country can't reach ten times that of Laos.

"Why? Does Minister Kleiser think the price is too low? Or is it too high?" The smile on Minister Li's face grew brighter.

Minister Kleiser's eyes were a little bit resentful, his lips moved a few times, and he finally said, "Mr. Li, although the price is higher, we are not unacceptable. But we have a small condition and hope that your country Agree. "

Minister Li is quite reasonable and truthful: "What conditions? As long as it is reasonable, we absolutely agree."

With a kind smile on his face, Kleiser said, "This is naturally reasonable ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I hope that the charged particle cannon deployed by your country over the Americas can be controlled by us ..."

Before waiting for Kleiser to finish, Minister Li suddenly stood up and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Kleiser to have such an idea! So let's come here today for the negotiation, Liu staff, seeing off the guests!"

Everyone in the US negotiating team suddenly looked aggressive.

what's the situation? Is this off? Do you agree or disagree?

Well, the attitude of Minister Li is quite clear. Although there is no positive answer, it is obviously rejected.

But even if you refuse, just say it right? What does direct delivery mean? Don't you want to be such a hooligan?

Kleiser was furious. He wanted to throw away his sleeves and turn away, but thinking that his country ’s territory was still under the threat of alien warships, his domestic citizens might be taken away by aliens at any time, including his own. Beautiful wife, his legs can't go out.

Isaac hurriedly said, "Come on, Minister Li, don't worry! We're still negotiating. Anything can be discussed. What do you think?"

This is fine!

Minister Li glanced at him and said leisurely: "How can I not be in a hurry? Our fourth charged particle gun will be launched soon, and I am still waiting to watch the live broadcast."

Isaac's face was awkward. Didn't this kill the sky?

However, after all, he is the experienced Minister of Commerce, pretending that he didn't hear the coping in the other party ’s words, and said, "I haven't seen the live broadcast, and I will watch the rebroadcast as well. We just said that the control of the charged particle gun ... ... "

"This is outside the scope of negotiations." Minister Li said very simply.

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