Fairy Technology

Chapter 942: Great

Shen Bing's mouth slightly tilted, and immediately traded with Sun Simiao.

When 100,000 Xianyu left, Sun Simiao was trembling with surprise.

This is Xianyu! What is Xianyu? Merit! Which one in the fairyland doesn't consider merit more important than fate?

Shen Bing looked at the nine Dan furnaces calmly, reaching down and touching, the smile on his face even brighter.

The Dan furnace was put into the backpack and then taken out, and each Dan furnace was put into the backpack for less than a second.

Sun Simiao sobered up from the magic of the 100,000 immortal jade, and then remembered that he was still in the process of betting. In case Shen Bing blind cat came across a dead mouse and found the best smelter, the 100,000 immortal jade could be Is about to fly.

But it is only one-ninth chance, and Sun Simiao feels that the 100,000 fairy jade is still very stable.

But when he saw Shen Bingqi calmly put a statue of Dan furnace in and release it, his confidence somehow became less and less.

After Shen Bing put down the last Dan furnace, he saw his fingers point to those Dan furnaces one by one, and Sun Yaoshen's heart jumped with his fingers.

If only the best furnace was lost, Sun Siyi wouldn't care so much, but now all this is related to 100,000 immortals! How can you let Sun Yaoshen calm down?

Finally, Shen Bing's fingers stopped, and the celestial furnace pointed to by his fingers was reflected in the eyes of Sun Yaoshen, and he almost didn't let him draw it directly.

That is the best of the nine Dan furnaces, called Lihuo.

Just when Sun Yaoshen thought that Shen Bing was a blind cat running into a dead mouse, Shen Bing smiled and said, "This furnace is called Liliu, which is the essence of Xianyou's mining of wild waste from the south, and it is matched with dozens of precious materials. Refined, not only the effect of alchemy is significant, but also a weapon against the enemy. I wonder if Benxian is right? "

Sun Yaoshen was completely stunned. How did this master know these things? You should know that you have made Liding Ding, but for a few years, you have never disclosed the relevant information to anyone before.

But now Shen Bing not only identifies the quality of Liding Ding, but also directly points out its origin, which is too exaggerated.

Sun Simiao felt pain in his heart, 100,000 immortals! Nothing happened to me.

Although Sun Simiao wanted to be ignorant of conscience, wasn't merit so memorable? One hundred thousand immortals, the cause and effect involved are too great, and Sun Yaoshen dare not easily try his own life is hard enough.

Endured with the sorrow-like distress, Sun Simiao returned 100,000 immortals to Shen Bing, and the ownership of the remaining eight Dan furnaces belonged to him again.

"Master is really good at it! Compared with the listening that knows the past and the future, it is not much to let go!" Sun Siyi said with a sigh.

Shen Bing's head hurts, how can you yell at someone?

You are listening, your whole family is listening ...

"Hehe ..." Shen Binggan laughed, and said, "So the immortal took this away from the fire."

"That was what the Master deserved." Sun Yaoshen said painfully.

Shen Bing pretended that he did not see the expression of Sun Simiao, reached out and stroked him, and disappeared from the stove.

Then Shen Bing gave Sun Yaoshen the two instruments full of passion and passion, and took two new ones from the other side, and then patted his **** and left.

During the whole process, Shen Bing said nothing about how to distinguish the good and bad things of Dan furnace, so that Sun Yaoshen could only secretly hurt himself.

In fact, in the eyes of onlookers, this bet that Shen Bing and Sun Simiao played was very bad. After all, if you could not tell the quality of the Dan furnace, then you would lose money.

Shen Bing was indeed well-informed, but he still took some risks.

He relied on the rules of the gate of the fairyland.

In the portal of fairyland, as long as it is an item belonging to itself, you can see the attribute in the backpack and even teleport to the real world.

Shen Bing does not need to teleport it to the real world. He only needs to test the price of the teleport and select the most expensive one.

There is a key point here, which is how to make these furnaces belong to themselves, and it must be approved by the system rules.

It is naturally impossible to simply bet. If the system judges it as a quest item, then you will be blind.

So he thought of the way to trade.

The whole process is in line with the rules of the system.

This is the source of Shen Bing's confidence.

The reason why Shen Bing did this is that he naturally hoped to maximize the benefits of his task rewards, on the other hand, he also avenged Sun Yaoshen.

Who made this guy pit himself with system rules in the first place? Although the other party's use of system rules was completely inadvertent, Shen Bing's small book was written down.

Now that the debt has been counted, Shen Bing is very happy.

"Ding Huoding! Hey, fairy!" Shen Bing smirked. What kind of black technology can this parsing reveal to itself? Shen Bing is looking forward to it.

At the moment, Shen Bing directly dragged Li Ding into the eyes of reality.


"Sorry, this item contains higher technology content than the system level and cannot be fully analyzed. There is a small chance that forced analysis will result in incomplete technology ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sure enough, the real eye of level 3 still can't do the authentic fairy.

"Gods and gods bless! Forcibly analyze!"

"Parsing failed!"

Shen Bing immediately tangled, can't continue to analyze? Or wait for the gate of fairyland to upgrade again?

"Forget it anyway, there are a lot of Dan furnaces at Sun Yaoshen, and it's a big deal to get him some other emotions to exchange for him. This stuff is collected on the earth." Shen Bingru thought, already in his mind.

"Force resolution!"

"Parsing failed!"

"Force resolution!"

"Congratulations, the analysis was successful, and you have obtained Samsung Technology's mass-to-energy conversion technology."

Shen Bing felt ... A huge pie smashed on his own head, it was a real success.

Is this the result of bathing and changing clothes before? Or was it because of praying to the gods of the heavens?

Forget it, I ca n’t think of a reason, after all ... this forced analysis is for the face.

Shen Bing looked at the tri-color light group in this package, and his heart was fiery.

Although it is not known what kind of black technology this mass-to-energy conversion technology is, it sounds like a big name.

"Does it cost 999 cents to transfer mass energy conversion technology?"

Shen Bing stared, 999?

6 turned over ...

Shen Bing, who has already figured out the laws of the gates of the immortal world, naturally knows that this technology that requires 999 cents of jade transmission costs is definitely the best in Samsung technology.

At the moment, Shen Bing clicked OK without hesitation, and a clear stream directly hit Shen Bing's brain, instantly filling his brain with it.

Shen Bing closed her eyes and began to concentrate on combing the information in her head.

It was half an hour before he opened his eyes.

"This thing ... it's awesome!"

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