Fairy Technology

Chapter 943: Grudge

What is mass energy conversion technology?

In fact, the straightforward point is also very simple, that is, the technology to achieve mass and energy conversion.

Today, Earth people have made some achievements in this area, such as atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, which can all be attributed to mass-energy conversion technology.

But compared with the mass-to-energy conversion technology that Shen Bing now has, the so-called hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs in the world today are just a touch of fur.

Even with nuclear fusion technology, the efficiency of mass-to-energy conversion is extremely low.

The mass-to-energy conversion technology that Shen Bing now has can completely convert mass into energy.

With the existing technology, it is impossible to achieve a complete conversion between mass and energy. This is a technical bottleneck limitation. Even if a human has scratched his head, he does not understand the principle.

But now Shen Bing is based on a number of black technologies such as antimatter technology and dark energy technology. Even if this technology is not available, it can be developed over time to completely convert mass into energy.

The anti-matter artillery manufacturing technology obtained by Shen Bing previously included some applications of anti-matter technology, but the anti-matter technology in this is limited to the weapon level.

It's like nuclear fusion technology. To achieve weapon-level application is very simple. Just bomb it. But to use this technology for civilian use, the difficulty will be greater, and controlled nuclear fusion must be achieved.

The same is true of antimatter technology. The technology used as a weapon is very simple, but it is difficult to use antimatter technology as a civilian-level energy supply.

The mass-to-energy conversion technology that Shen Bing now has is one that can be applied to civilian use.

If anyone thinks that this technology has been very aggressive to this extent, it is too naive, this is only part of it.

The real power of this technology lies in the other side of mass-energy conversion, which is the conversion of energy into mass.

This is awesome!

With this technology, plus enough energy, any substance can be synthesized.

Once Huanxian Technology has fully implemented this technology, the raw material factors that restricted Huanxian Technology in the past can be ignored.

Of course, this cost is quite large, even if the material is as big as the finger, it needs a lot of energy.

In terms of mass production, the value of this technology is not great, and no product can use the raw materials produced by this technology.

However, if it is simply used for the production of certain raw materials that have a very low demand but do not exist on the earth, the value of this technology will be great.

For example, Shen Bing has always wanted to engage in anti-material weapons.

Although I have already mastered the technology of antimatter cannons, even those under my own hands have already understood this technology a few days ago.

But there is a saying that a clever woman can hardly cook without rice! There is no antimatter. This antimatter cannon is even better.

Who makes the system urine like this? As long as it is a technology already on the earth, it will not give corresponding information. As early as more than 20 years ago, humans have produced antimatter by themselves.

This is more foolish, because the antimatter preparation technology mastered by humans can only exist in the laboratory, and the amount of preparation is calculated by the number of atoms.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of antimatter atoms, is there a ghost?

But because of this technology, Shen Bing's antimatter cannon can only stay in theory for the time being.

Now with this mass-energy conversion technology, it may be possible to get an anti-matter cannon with a few shells ...

The wish is wonderful, but it is still difficult to realize. After all, it is not an easy task to get out the equipment that realizes mass energy conversion.


On the first day of national holiday, there were many people outside the gate of Huanxian Industrial Park.

This is not the first time that Magic Fairy Technology has made such a big scene. The past several new product launch conferences are also so glorious.

But compared with the past several times, those people who are outside the gates of Huanxian Science and Technology this time are obviously heavier.

First of all, until now, they still don't know what ghosts of Magic Fairy Technology are going to engage in. I don't even know if it's a new product launch.

Secondly, this is the first day of vacation!

As long as it is a Chinese, I do not know the traffic situation before and after National Day holiday.

Moving ticket? Air tickets? That must be booked in advance.

highway? It has to be moved to be called a highway! In many cases, the expressway will turn into a square, maybe there is an aunt dancing on it.

From this, it can be imagined that these journalist friends have suffered a lot in order to rush to the gate of Huaxian Industrial Park to attend this grand event on time.

It is understandable that they have such a bit of grudges.

In the end, it is also their worst grievance. This magic fairy technology is as arrogant as ever!

Since the establishment of Magic Fairy Technology, they have never experienced the honor of the uncrowned king in this company. Instead, they have compassion with their peers-this peer refers to the paparazzi!

That ’s right, even if many of them are world-renowned media, here at Magic Fairy, they are paparazzi ...

"What exactly do you want to do this time?"

"I think this company is likely to announce achievements in space, and may even have developed a real spaceship."

"It's also possible that you are talking about it. Today, to compete with that **** alien, you must develop aerospace technology."

"I think aerospace technology is secondary. Our main purpose now is not to attack, but to defend. Developing a powerful weapon is the most important thing now."

"It seems that you are still very naive! Although Xianxian Technology has in-depth research on weapon technology, which time do you watch them hold a press conference on weapons? Even the charged particle cannons that run above our heads now pass Huaxia We only know about the official mouth. Therefore, I boldly guessed that this time, Xianxian Technology was definitely a civilian technology. "

"Maybe you don't know yet? I got a news yesterday. During the National Day, tens of thousands of offline experience stores around the world were working overtime at night, and most of the offline experience stores expanded. This is laying out a new product. "

"A friend of mine saw a large truck unloading at the Xianxian offline experience store at night, with both large and small items. I can't see what it is."

All kinds of discussions continued, and the gate of Huanxian Industrial Park buzzed, as if there were tens of thousands of ducks.

"The benefits of the employees of Huaxian Technology are really good. All employees can allocate a house. You don't have to crowd the bus to go to work ..." A reporter looked at the empty gate and couldn't help but envy.

A companion next to him said lazily, "Even if Magic Fair doesn't allocate a house, Magic Fair's employees don't have to crowd the bus."

"Uh ... seems to make sense!"

It really makes sense, who makes Huanxian technology treat well.

During the discussion, a melodious horn sounded at the gate of Huanxian Technology.

"Please media friends, please enter the park!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the media reporters and fans of Huanxian Technology were all frightened.

This sounds loud!

It just feels a bit like the emcee on the rural banquet is greeting the guests, it is awkward!

However, some people have seen some doorways. Where did the sound and shadow come from? Did not see the audio equipment.

Well, these are the details. Although everyone in the audience felt awkward, none of them took a slow step, all flocked into the gate of the industrial park.

The magic cube building of Huaxian Technology, as always, has a mysterious and towering atmosphere, which is definitely a miracle in the history of human architecture!

But at this moment, these people are also unconscious to appreciate, and one after another entered the door.

If you change to another building, these thousands of people will need to take an elevator to a conference room in the building for at least an hour. This has to be several elevators running at the same time.

However, the elevator of Huaxian Technology is different. The cars inside are like queued trains. People go in sequence. When one car is full, it will immediately close the door and take it away. The next car will immediately take over the original position. The rest ride.

Within ten minutes, these thousands of people had already entered the Nebula Hall.

The moment everyone walked into the lobby, their brains were all blank, they were all deeply shaken by the sight in front of them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Everyone has heard the name of the Nebula Hall , But all just think that this is just a name.

But now they understand: It turned out that the Nebula Hall is really the hall.

One step into the gate, like stepping into the endless galaxy.

Can't see the margins, the stars near or far flickering, seemingly infinite charm.

Those planets are so mysterious, they seem to arouse people's deepest desire for exploration.

There is also the nebula, which emits bursts of glow, like a fairyland ...

"Just aiming at this scene, it's worth it!" The grievances in everyone's heart have long been thrown out of the clouds.

"You guys, you can choose a place that suits you!" A soft voice appeared, like the voice of a goddess from the sky.

The people present were basically atheists, and they all knew that this should be the host of the scene.

It's just ... in the endless void, sit there?

As soon as they thought about it, there was a flash of shadows, and they could see some seats in front of them.

These seats look illusory, but they are not incompatible with the scene in front of them.

People sat down one by one, their minds were still immersed in the vast sky.

Some people are starting to get excited. Is it true that the magic fairy technology has made such a scene as people have guessed before? This time they are launching, is it really related to the universe and space?

Is it Star Trek? Or interstellar immigration?

Uh ... the person who came up with this idea immediately felt if his mind was caught by the door.

Although the magic fairy technology is very powerful, but to launch Star Trek comparison or interstellar immigration, even if it is just to travel to the moon and emigrate to the moon, it is difficult to achieve it?

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