Fairy Technology

Chapter 958: I saw

What ’s even more crazy is that this guy actually wants to throw these people across from the teleportation team.

Well, this is not crazy anymore, it's heartbroken.

These people are not fools, naturally they don't think that the other side of this portal must be the place where the flowers and birds are fragrant.

This side of the portal is on the earth, the other side may be on the ground, it may be in the sky, it may be on an alien planet, or it may be underground.

Compared to the tiny surface, the vast universe seems to be his destination ...

Everyone will feel fear when they think that they will probably become a floating frozen corpse in outer space.

"Could you ... change another one?" The only guy with the gag removed was crying.

Shen Bing glanced at him and said: "Of course, if you don't go, I will kill you directly. I think in Africa, suddenly there will be a few more corpses and no one will pay attention."

These people were desperate. Is this a choice?

Do you agree or disagree? Don't agree with me killing you, is this a choice?

"Boss, what you said was wrong. In fact, we will not leave any traces of killing. Isn't this a ready-made teleportation array? Just a few corpses, just throw them over."


The eyes of those people suddenly burst out, and the whole face was green and green, which was scared.

"I ... I agree!"

Can you still disagree? Thrown after being killed?

Shen Bing smiled with a kind face and said, "You don't have to worry too much. When sending you into the portal, we will tie you with a special rope. You only need to hold on for half a minute, and we will You pull it back. "

脸 The faces of these people have not improved. If the opposite is really outer space, let alone half a minute, it will take a few seconds to die. Not to mention it may be in places that are terrifying when you think about it.

Shen Bing did not intend to continue to explain that these **** are extremely sinful, and they do not scare them all to be sorry for those who have been abducted by them.

"Go ahead!"

沈 With the order of Shen Bing, the next picture is not suitable for children.

Thorne directly reached out and "stabbed", and took off the clothes of the convicted criminal!

Uh-huh, the naked one.

The sudden change made the guy scream, and suddenly the chrysanthemum was tight ...

"You ... what do you want?"

"Shut up if you don't want to die!" Thorne said coldly. What the **** is he worried about? Really disgusting.

还 What else would that person dare to say? An aggrieved daughter-in-law looks like Thorne is playing with.

Why undress this man? It is not limited by the transmission conditions of this wormhole. Only the body of the Earth creature can shuttle to the wormhole for its own use. The clothes on this person are all chemical products, which is impossible.

Then Thorn took out a rope and tied it to his waist.

As Shen Bing said, this rope is specially made, okay! In fact, it is a hemp rope.

Thorne has previously tested that hemp rope can pass through wormholes.

"After you teleport, it is best to stare with your eyes wide open, don't miss the slightest detail, otherwise you will most likely be thrown over the second time."

After Thorne's explanation, he lifted the twine directly and violently, twisted the guy and threw it out.

No problem, it was really thrown ...

怎么 This guy is also a big man with nearly two hundred pounds, but he was thrown out like a little chicken, and hit the light curtain directly.

所有人 Under everyone's gaze, the light curtain rippled layer by layer, and the red fruit fruit guy disappeared directly into the light curtain.

"Timekeeping!" Luo Fei held the stopwatch and watched it seriously, while he also recorded various data in a small notebook.

Even if it was the ripples that just woke up, he recorded them in detail.

This is a wormhole! A wormhole that is unfamiliar to anyone on earth. As the first scientific researcher to contact the wormhole, this is an opportunity, so he doesn't want to miss any details.

The scene on the light curtain was very weird, and the thick hemp rope was inserted straight into the center of the light curtain, as if it was sticking to it.

The reins were tight, and occasionally trembled twice.

老板 "Boss, there should be a void across the wormhole, otherwise the twine will not be straightened," Thorne whispered.

Shen Bing naturally understood this, he didn't speak.

Time passed slowly, and several people were staring at the rope.

Thorne clung to the other end of the rope, waiting for Loffey to end.

30 seconds passed quickly, Thorne yanked the twine, and the light curtain rippled again, and the guy who had been thrown in before was dragged out.

The picture looks like a person pulled out of the water, but the water surface is upright.

Only at this moment, this guy's condition doesn't seem to be very good. A pair of dead fisheyes is dull and stretched, as if being frightened.

At the same time, his breathing was abnormally fast, and his entire face was flushed.

"Uh ... Actually, I think we should prepare an oxygen tank." Li Xiao suddenly said.

"It's not that we don't want to get that thing, but that anything needs to pass through this wormhole requires huge amounts of energy. Most importantly, we don't know how to attach energy to objects so that they can be transmitted. past."

骁 Li Xiao didn't speak anymore. He just said it in his head just now, and after reminding Luo Fei, he realized that it was not the case at all.

"Are you alive?" Thorne mentioned the guy lying motionless on the ground. "I'll throw you over again if I don't move, this time I won't pull it with a rope."

The man lying on the ground was a trembling spirit, and the dead fisheye showed a strong panic, saying, "I saw it! I saw it!"

Thorn frowned, and raised his foot in the past: "Speak human! What did you see?"

The fear in his eyes remained the same, but in the face of Thor's threatening look, he did not dare to say, "I saw a corpse ... a huge corpse."

Everyone was startled.

Corpse? How could there be a corpse?

家伙 This guy is so scared that he can be scared into a body by a corpse, what exactly is the horror like?

This is not the point, the point is the body! The presence of a corpse indicates that there is life.

Isn't this portal opposite the planet of life? The odds are ... too low, right?

If this is the case, the meaning to Shen Bing would be completely different.

As long as you master this portal, it is equivalent to having a planet as a back garden.

Who can have their own strength?

Thorn didn't think so much, he kicked the guy impatiently, and said coldly, "What corpse? Tell me more!"

The man's mood finally stabilized, and his speech was not so stuttered, saying: "This ... The other side of the portal is at an altitude of 3-4 kilometers from the ground ..."

Thorn suddenly became angry. You can see the body on the ground at an altitude of three or four kilometers? Fudge.

Now Thorn was ready to stab this guy again, but Shen Bing reached out and stopped him, saying, "Listen to him first."

That man is really wronged! You are all like this, how dare you talk to others?

"It's really high there. If it weren't for this rope, I'd be dead now. And the corpse I saw ... No, it should be called a corpse, it's right below me, the whole spine It's almost a thousand kilometers long, and each rib is wider than a normal bridge. "

Thousands of kilometers long ... corpse, it's scary.

Whether it was Li Xiao or Luo Fei, he was shocked by what this guy said.

What is the largest animal on earth? It was an earthquake dragon more than 100 million years ago. How long is the Earthquake Dragon? It is no more than thirty or forty meters.

With this length, the name of the Earthquake Dragon already exists. Although this name is just an exaggerated statement, it also shows people's awe of this dinosaur.

What kind of scene will the thousand-meter body be?

I guess it's not an exaggeration to name the earthquake beast, such a big guy, every step I am afraid is really no different from the earthquake.

Is there such a huge species in the world? This is too incredible, right?

However, Shen Bing did not think so.

It's true that the body of a kilometer is very large, but for Shen Bing, even bigger monsters have been seen, even monsters up to ten kilometers long.

But that's in the gate of fairyland ...

He stared at this wormhole with a stare, what kind of world is the opposite?

Obviously, this wormhole cannot lead to the demon world, and both sides of the wormhole should be in a cosmic space.

存在 The existence of such a huge species in this world has to be considered.

It's not that the larger an animal's body is, the better.

越大 The larger the body, the greater the pressure on the blood supply, and the heavier the heart. And when walking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the huge body will be more heavy on the lower limbs.

It is hard to imagine how the blood supply of the big guy with a length of one thousand meters was realized.

Or is this alien species not relying on blood circulation to deliver substances needed for survival?

不 Can't figure it out!

"Since there is a carcass of this animal in the opposite world, are there any other plants produced?" Loffey asked.

家伙 The guy quickly shook his head and said, "I didn't see the plants, there were a lot of gray everywhere, those were rocks."

Luo Feifei quickly recorded and asked, "Is there air across? And the temperature and pressure?"

The guy said: "The air ... is supposed to be there, but no oxygen. The suffocation is very strong when I breathe. The temperature is slightly lower than the side of the earth. I don't know the air pressure."

Luo Feifei: "Did you see any stars? Is there anything special there?"

恒 "Stars ... you mean something like the sun? That's right, it's big, and it looks three times the size of the sun. I don't find anything special ..."

His words were not finished, and suddenly the whole person became pale.

呦 "Ahhh ..." A cry of pain, the guy curled up directly on the ground and kept rolling.

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