Fairy Technology

Chapter 959: plan

Shen Bing and others are just a moment, are n’t they all okay just now? What happened?

Master Qiao, who was standing aside, was very calm, saying, "He was infected with that special dark matter."

Then, I saw Master Qiao's figure flutter, and the whole disappeared.

After a few seconds, he reappeared in place, his palms extended, and there seemed to be a surging light in his palm.

"This is the kind of dark matter. Under normal circumstances, it is invisible to the naked eye, but I can make it visible through energy excitation." Master Qiao said, "This kind of dark matter can be understood as a kind of high-energy oscillating particles. It can be fused with a class of dark matter peculiar to human beings, causing damage to the cell structure of the human body. This person just spent 30 seconds in the space there, and was seriously eroded by this dark matter and was not saved. "

As Master Qiao's words fell, the man was already struggling to close his eyes.

Shen Bing remembered the epidemic in this town before, and what Master Qiao said before.

"Master Qiao, why doesn't this thing affect us?"

Master Qiao did not explain this time, because he didn't quite understand.

At this time, Luo Fei said: "Boss, I have already made preliminary research results on this point. For everything related to this wormhole, I have jointly discussed with several other professors in the underground research base. This dark matter should be It's just a substance that can threaten ordinary people. We named it C-1 substance. The bosses you, Thorne and me, are not ordinary people. "

Shen Bing immediately understood what Luo Fei said.

算 Are you an ordinary person? Even if others said yes, he was embarrassed to admit it. Thorn, this guy has taken level 2 genetically enhanced medicaments. At the same time, physical fitness has also completed the second set of exercises. The physical strength is dozens of times that of ordinary people, and it can't be regarded as ordinary people.

As for Luo Fei, although he has not practiced physical fitness, level 1 gene fortification medicine has been taken. This is not the point, the point is that he has also taken Ling Qiao Dan, the IQ is near the demon, also belongs to the non-human category.

"But ... what's the principle here?" Shen Bing asked.

Luo Fei hesitated and said, "According to the theory we have mastered, the creatures on the earth have a magical dark matter. We named it α-1, and we can strengthen our body through genetic strengthening agents and physical exercises. The ordinary flesh has several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times its strength. It is precisely because of the role of this alpha-1 dark matter. The previous means are mainly to activate this material and guide it. Strengthen the body according to the specific frequency. And the substance unique to the human body that can be blended with the alien dark matter C-1 will completely disappear after α-1 activation. So C-1 is completely lost for people like us Works. "

Shen Bing was immediately in deep thought, saying: "So, if humans on the earth do not enter the evolutionary stage, this dark matter is completely possible to make humans on the planet extinct?"

Luo Fei said: "This is theoretically, but it is unlikely. Although C-1 dark matter will penetrate the wormhole and enter the earth when the wormhole enters a special stage of fluctuation, the amount is very small. And it is related to the human body. The fusion of dark matter is a process of depletion. It itself has the ability to reproduce itself like a virus. So unless someone gets the object, air, etc. opposite to the wormhole to the earth indefinitely, it is not necessary to exterminate human beings. possible."

Shen Bing is only a little relieved, at least you don't have to worry about an accidentally ending the Earthman.

They were having a good time chatting, the unlucky ones who were tied to the ground were uncomfortable.

The companions ’experience they just saw was in their eyes. They used to watch the other person come back alive from the portal, thinking that the work would be easy, but they did not expect to be violent in less than a minute or two.

How did you die? They are at a loss.

Who asked Shen Bing and others to use Chinese when they communicated? They did not understand it.

He only knew that he also entered the wormhole for 30 seconds and hung up when he returned.

For a while, I must inevitably have to go across the wormhole, I'm afraid I can't escape in the end.

At this moment, how could they not be afraid.

They didn't know that they had walked by the gate of the gate just now.

If the master is not watching, the C-1 dark matter released from the surface of the rotten unlucky egg will enter the body once they enter the body, they will also enter the infected state.

This concentration of C-1 substance is basically irreversible to the human body.

"Loffy, what are you going to do next?" Shen Bing asked. Loffy was the person in charge of the wormhole research.

"I want to inject the remaining three people with genetically enhanced drugs, at least to prevent them from being killed by C-1 shortly after entering, and then I have to find a way to get the oxygen tank over and find another one." Four kilometers of hemp rope. "

Shen Bing looked and said, "Are you going to let them explore the opposite planet?"

Luo Fei nodded, his eyes flashed inexplicably, and said, "Obviously, the planet opposite this wormhole is the closest planet to us. This is the best opportunity for us to learn about aliens. Moreover, it is still there. There are dead bodies of animals, which means that there is likely to be life on this planet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At least there was life in this day. If we can get that corpse back a short section, we might be able to alien There is more understanding of life forms. Of course, this project is under Clarence's responsibility. I am more interested in the C-1 substance. "

Shen Bing thought for a moment, and said, "Just do what you say first. I still have a few first-grade gene potentiators here, and I'll use it for this puppet."

After saying that, Shen Bing took the medicine from his backpack and handed it to Thorne.

Thorne took it, 啐 啐 read: "It's cheap for you three bastards."

Complaining and complaining, Thorne will still execute Shen Bing's instructions without hesitation. He also knows the significance of this matter. Compared to the planet opposite the wormhole, the three genetically enhanced drugs are really nothing.

I watched Thorn come over with three small glass bottles, and the unlucky screamed suddenly, and they were constantly struggling. They were really scared. What are they preparing to eat for themselves?

However, struggle is useless, and resistance is useless.

Thorne squeezed a person's chin and poured a bottle of gene-enhancing medicine directly into it.

Then ... the second ...

Within a minute of suffocation, cold sweat appeared on the faces of the three, painful noises were heard in their throats, and after a while, they fainted gorgeously ...

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