Fairy Technology

Chapter 966: You have no choice

Wang Wangsheng smiled, and smiled brilliantly.

可 Mattis and others looked in the eyes, but there was some hair in the heart.

What does this mean? Do you agree or disagree?

Just when Matisse and others were almost impatient, Wang Sheng said, "Your ideas are very good, but ... I really don't see that your suggestion will be of any benefit to our company. Although Mr. Toyota said, Your vehicle modification plan will not affect the sales of our Feitian cars, but authorizing the anti-gravity device will leak our company's technology. As for what agreement you are signing, to be honest, that thing is Is there any meaning beyond a piece of paper? "

Mr. Toyota busily said, "General Manager Wang, this is not the way to say ..."

Wang Wangsheng didn't wait for him to justify, so he raised his hand and suppressed his words, saying, "If you change the way of cooperation just now, we really have the possibility of cooperation."

怎么 "How to change?" Mattis asked first.

Wang Shengsheng said: "I Huaxian Technology Co., Ltd. produces anti-gravity devices, and you purchase them, and then provide retrofit services for the cars you sell. In addition, the Flying Bird 1 engine that our company developed specifically for the flying car can also be sold to you."

Matis and others looked at each other, and saw a helplessness in the other's eyes.

总 "Wang Wang, if we are purely second-hand traffickers, why bother with so much trouble? Once the flying car is fully operational in the future, your company kicks us away, shouldn't we get the bamboo baskets empty?" Mattis said.

King Wang Sheng said: "You can rest assured that we can sign a long-term supply agreement."

Matisse said, "If it was before, we can rest assured of such an agreement. But now, how can we believe this agreement?"

Wang Wangsheng's mouth slightly tilted, and he was a little bit proud, he could understand what Matisse meant.

In the past world environment, even if it was a multinational company, the agreement was very binding. Major companies, as strong as Apple, dare not ignore market rules.

可 幻 仙 科技 公司 is too strong now, so strong that countries dare not easily impose sanctions on them.

The opponent has too many cards in hand, let alone the dragon scale system and phantom mobile phone that have penetrated into millions of households, namely Cancer Kang No. 1 and Mingshi artificial eyeballs, which can make people dare not to underestimate their influence. .

Wang Sheng knew this, Matiss et al. Also knew it.

However, although Wang Sheng knew this, he would never admit it, saying with a smile: "You can rest assured that our company has always upheld the principle of good faith and naturally will not make any breach of contract. Of course, the most important thing is The point is that you do n’t have extra choices. Even if I agree to technology transfer now, the boss ’s level will not pass. Anti-gravity technology belongs to a very advanced category of our company ’s many technologies, and there will be no transfer in a short time. Possible. "

Matiss and others have an impulse to scold their mother. After saying so much, the point is just that!

It seems that the magic fairy technology is not so foolish! The other party has bitten himself and has no choice but to pray for Magic Fairy Technology to abide by the contract. There is no second way to go.

"If your company is really willing to sign a long-term supply agreement and can ensure sufficient supply, we would not disagree with this approach. But now the global locomotive holdings exceed one billion vehicles. Your company can provide so many in a short period of time Antigravity device? "

Wang Sheng smiled and smiled: "Our company's anti-gravity device production technology is very mature and is in line production. Although the production process is complex, but the time is not high. If full horsepower is used, one million anti-gravity devices will be produced in a day. No problem. I do n’t doubt that our company ’s production capacity in this area, but you companies, can you complete the production of other parts for the transformation of ordinary cars? If it is a new energy vehicle, in addition to pretending to be anti-gravity devices, it will at most be transformed. Let ’s take a look at the drive mode. But fuel cars are different. Except for the outer shell, many parts are equivalent to the refurbishment. This workload is not small. "

Mr. Toyota said: "Our first step is to transform the new energy vehicle that is easy to retrofit. After completing this part of the task, we will operate the fuel vehicle. Moreover, a large number of fuel vehicles in the world are already very old. It is old and does not have the value of transformation. We can advise them to change to a new car. For those who are willing to change cars, we can give a certain amount of subsidy. "

At this moment, Wang Wangsheng has fully understood the intentions of these people, or that he had guessed before, and is now more certain.

These automakers want to enter the flying car industry by transforming ordinary cars.

Although Wang Sheng saw the small abacus of these people, he did not break it, because this is what Shen Bing explained to him.

The reason why Shen Bing launched the flying car at this time has two purposes, one is naturally to make money, and the other is to change the way of travel around the world.

If all flying car production is completely done by Huanxian Technology, this will basically be impossible, and because Huanxian Technology has a lower price for the standard version of the flying car, there will be little profit at all.

But if you let others do all the car production processes, Huanxian Technology only provides anti-gravity devices with a technological monopoly, doing less things and making more money.

Maybe some people may say that since Magic Fairy Technology intends to give the low-end market to other auto makers, why still have a standard version? Also gave an ultra-low price of 200,000 yuan?

In fact, the purpose is very simple. Shen Bing is to get a price red line for ordinary flying cars in order to achieve the goal of universal use of flying cars.

He has already calculated the cost very clearly. As long as he controls the price of the anti-gravity device properly, no matter which car manufacturer is, he can earn a little bit of hard money in the flying car industry, just like the previous Huaxia automobile company ... ...

"Since you have plans in mind, I don't have to worry about it."

The words of Xun Wangsheng can be regarded as a final word.

"I don't know how much your company's antigravity device sells for?" Mr. Toyota asked.

King Wang Sheng said: "This is not expensive! A set of 50,000."


先生 Mr. Toyota is at a loss.

You say this is expensive? Not to mention, after all, what an antigravity device is. In addition to the magic fairy technology, outsiders simply do not know the manufacturing cost of the anti-gravity device. How do you judge whether it is expensive or not?

Well, you have to say that the price is not high, and it is very embarrassing.

The reason is that Huaxian Technology has set a standard price of 200,000 Huaxia.

They take the anti-gravity device provided by Huaxian Technology to transform the car, or they can directly use the anti-gravity device to produce their own flying cars. The performance can never be compared with the flying car, so this determines that the price cannot exceed 20 Million.

At a price of 200,000, the anti-gravity device will deduct 50,000, and the remaining 150,000 will make a car ...

I always feel tight.

Especially for car brands that used to sell for millions or even millions of dollars, they fell from heaven to **** in an instant.

"Wang Wang, we have no opinion on the price of this anti-gravity device, but another thing needs your company to agree." Mr. Toyota said.

King Wang said, "What is it?"

"Look at the price of your standard Feitian sedan, can you mention it upwards? This will leave us some operating space."

"This is absolutely not possible." Wang Sheng said very simply, "Our chairman had already made it clear at the press conference that we must ensure that everyone can use flying cars, and we must not violate the original intention. And for the price of the standard version of the flying car Has already been made public, and now suddenly raising prices will definitely be implemented. "

Mr. Toyota waited for someone to sit down.

Not to mention the transformation, the first thing they must do after getting the anti-gravity device is to develop their own flying car. But they know very well that the performance of the flying car developed by themselves cannot be compared with the flying car, even if it is the standard version.

怎么 How do you make us price it?

Even if it is 30,000 to 40,000 cheaper than the standard car, no one is willing to buy it. After all, where is the 200,000 flying car?

"Although the price cannot be lowered, the output can be adjusted." Wang Shengru said.

All the people present here were human spirits, and immediately understood the meaning in Wang Sheng's words, and they did not continue to struggle on this issue at the moment.

Uh ...

Shen Bing returned to Rongcheng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and received Wang Sheng's return, he came to the company non-stop again.

老板 "Boss, foreign multinational automobile groups have signed agreements and they agreed to buy our company's anti-gravity device. But they are not very interested in our engine."

Shen Bing looked at the several agreements in his hand, with a smile on his face, and said, "This is understandable. These are the auto giants with a century-old heritage, and they have a strong confidence in their company's engine technology. However, They do have self-confident capital. As long as they use anti-gravity devices to lift the car, they will be able to fly it. The speed may not be as fast as our flying car, but the speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour is fine. For most families, it's enough. "

Wang Wangsheng said: "I think these companies have the ability to develop faster flying cars, but they dare not. In terms of safety, the gap between them and our company should not be too large."

"I won't talk about these abroad, what about domestic car companies?" Shen Bing asked.

Wang Shengdao: "Several top auto manufacturers in China have also contacted us. In addition to their interest in anti-gravity devices, they are also interested in safety structures, batteries and engine technology. But I follow your boss's instructions, With the exception of not having access to battery purchases, others have agreed to provide them with support for accessories. "

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