Fairy Technology

Chapter 967: Take a step

Shen Bing nodded and said, "Let's just do this! For domestic car companies' support, this can only be done."

"What's the situation with regard to the sales of the flying car?"

Wang Sheng immediately said: "Although there are indeed many people around the world who boycott our flying cars online, these people say no, but their bodies are very honest. Even the old American who is most hostile to our company, There are also countless people waiting in line. Within two days, we received a total of more than two million orders for the standard version of the flying car, the order of the premium version also exceeded 20,000, and the luxury version of the flying car also had an order of 300 . This amount is still because we each control the number of orders submitted by offline experience stores, otherwise the number will increase several times. "

Shen Bing was extremely excited, and said, "In that case, in two days, we have soared more than 200 billion Chinese yuan?"

Wang Wangsheng said: "It is true! But our production pressure is also very high."

Shen Bing thought for a while, said; "At present, the assembly and production of Feitian cars is mainly concentrated on the Dajin Island on the side of Rongcheng Monk Sea. The area on the side of Rongcheng has been fixed, and it is not easy to increase production capacity. Let ’s continue with the expansion. ”

Wang Shengdao: "Boss, in fact, we don't have to limit our eyes to China now. With our company's existing influence and security capabilities, no matter if we open a factory in any country, we can fully guarantee our own safety. Feitian Sedan is different from the previous For other products, it is relatively large and transportation costs are relatively high. We can build some factories in other countries. "

"Yes!" Shen Bing immediately said, "In this case, you asked the relevant departments to make a feasibility report. My personal opinion is to build a super factory on each continent. Well, the African side will be placed in the country of Xiner. Yesterday I just signed an agreement of intent to cooperate, so I have to say something? "

Although Wang Wangsheng did not know about the wormhole, as Shen Bing's left arm and right arm, he naturally understood that Shen Bing had suddenly made this happen, and it certainly had a purpose.

Even to a certain extent, the reason why he proposed to build factories in other countries at that time was largely because of the agreement of intent.

"Okay, boss!" Wang Shengdao said, "It is not difficult to build a factory, but what to do in the later recruitment? It is to recruit locals ..."

Shen Bingdao: "No need to recruit people! In foreign companies, except for the arrangement of several managers from the headquarters, the rest of the workers use artificial intelligence robots."

"Intelligent robot?" Wang Sheng said for a moment, "Boss, are you ready?"

Shen Bing nodded and said, "This step will eventually be taken. From the day when the intelligent robot appears, it is destined that the robot labor force will gradually replace the artificial labor force. The unemployment you worry about will also inevitably arise because this This is a manifestation of the liberation of productivity by science and technology. I have reported to the Chief Executive during the National Day holiday on this matter and have received the support of his elderly people. I have already figured out how to use the spare labor. Now The introduction of the introduction of smart robots to factory workers is also a stepping stone to this plan. "

"I don't know what the countermeasures you said?" Wang Sheng asked cautiously. In his opinion, it is a very serious matter to smash the rice bowls of global people.

Shen Bingdao: "Game! Virtual reality games."

Mr. Wang Sheng was a bit stunned. He knew that Shen Bing had a team developing virtual reality games, but if we want to use a game to solve the problem of idle labor and wealth distribution, I am afraid we have no idea.

How can Shen Bing not see the doubt in Pharaoh's heart? Standing up, hands gestured on the desktop, and then a holographic image appeared on the desktop.

"Under normal circumstances, games really only attract game enthusiasts. But this product we are going to launch is different. It definitely has the charm of making everyone a player. Of course, its charm lies not in the game itself, but in us Several products. "

As he spoke, several scenes were shown on the hologram.

"This is physical fitness!" Shen Bing said, "At present, all schools and the military are practicing this exercise. There are also clear requirements in our company that everyone must practice every day. Some people may not understand it, but it is actually a Treasure. As long as you practice a set of movements, the physical fitness of the entire person will be improved. At present, the promotion in this area has lasted for more than a month, I believe it will soon be effective. Gymnastics is not complete, only the first two sets of movements ... "

Later, Shen Bing told Wang Sheng the words that he had explained to the head before, and even some of them didn't tell the head at the beginning. This time, he also gave some wind to Wang Sheng.

After all, the implementation of this plan requires Wang Sheng's specific implementation. Shen Bing does not want to bias the project because of Wang Sheng's misunderstanding.

Strengthen gymnastics, gene fortification medicine, brain evolution technology, life extension medicine ...

When Wang Wangsheng heard these terms, his eyes widened, and he saw a brand new door opening in front of himself.

I looked at the boss in front of him, as if looking at a god.

Only gods can develop such amazing technology.

This moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was a little sighed.

I chose to join Huaxian Technology originally to realize my personal value.

Now, this goal has been achieved long ago, many years earlier than expected.

He originally thought that he had reached the pinnacle of life, but now he suddenly found that the pinnacle of life he had previously understood was just the pinnacle of mortals. The door that Shen Bing now opened was leading to the extraordinary field ...

Longevity and evolution, should this be done by the immortal stream? But now, all this is in front of his eyes.

Although he has not seen the real thing at this moment, he has no doubt at all because of his trust in the boss.

"Boss, you do this, maybe it's not just to solve the problem of idle labor, right?" After Wang Sheng accepted this matter, the shrewdness of the businessman immediately appeared.

Shen Bingdao: "Of course not, that's just one aspect. Another important goal is to realize the evolution of the whole people! With the current constitution of human beings, it is impossible to enter the interstellar era. A sub-light speed flight can make people die. Only humans who have experienced evolution are eligible for interstellar travel. Of course, we could have directly sold these products as commodities, but this would not solve the problem of idle labor and wealth distribution. If countless strengthened people spend all day This world is going to be very dangerous, idle and idle. "

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