Fairy Technology

Chapter 968: Pack light

Listening to these things, Wang Wangsheng has a kind of feeling of being like another generation.

Twenty years ago, human beings were still thinking about how to land on the moon. Since the boss came up, this step has been a bit big.

Shake your head and leave these strange ideas behind, saying, "Boss, since you are going to put these magical materials in a virtual reality game, the value of this virtual reality game will be incomparable, we must do it in advance Good planning. "

Shen Bingdao: "This is inevitable. First of all, the production of game access equipment must be hurry up. Now that the game has reached the final debugging stage, and the finalization of the equipment is about to be completed, but we have to store enough games to release this game. ... at least 10 million units. "

Wang Sheng smiled bitterly and said, "Boss, ten million units are too few. No one can resist the temptation of longevity and evolution, but if such an important game loses its fairness, I am afraid it will cause countless people to complain. Although We are not afraid of being upset, but we can avoid it as much as possible. "

Shen Bing understands Wang Sheng's statement that he had the same worry before, but this worry no longer exists after the last head reminder.

"Rest assured, our game is absolutely fair, because the game warehouse is not the only way to enter the game. However, you cannot log in to the game by logging in to the game with a computer or mobile phone. But for players, as long as the game income is real It ’s in your hands and when it teleports out, it has little effect. "

Wang Sheng was relieved, but the next second, he continued: "Since the boss is going to launch this virtual reality game, how can I publicize it? I can't directly publicly say that our company has developed gene-enhanced agents and life extension agents. Right? If this is the case, it is estimated that the public will not focus on the game, but instead rush into our company and ask for public sale. Although we can also refuse, the trouble is inevitable. "

Shen Bingxiao smiled and said, "This is not easy. Who can compare the level of storytelling to Chinese people? You can go directly to the novel website to find all kinds of stories. When I look back, I will let the ball go and do it. The copy is passed to you, and you let the company follow the announcement. "

Wang Wangsheng smiled, and responded very simply.

"Lao Wang, this is a year later," Shen Bing said with emotion.

Xi Wangsheng was silent for half a second, and said, "Yeah! One year ago, I couldn't even imagine what it would be like today. I really appreciate the boss ..."

哈 "Haha ... why do we have to be so polite? Thank you very much, I have to thank you. If it were not for the first barrel of gold, our development this year would not have been so smooth." Shen Bing laughed.

The two of them have such a rare time to relive their experiences of this year, and they really feel like they have passed away.

"Pharaoh, do you have any good opinions about the future development of the company?" Shen Bing asked.

Wang Wangsheng said: "No opinion, but some immature thoughts."

"Oh?" Shen Bingdao said, "Say?"

Wang Shengdao: "From the beginning of our company to the present, we have been involved in a lot of industries, and every step in every industry must stand at the pinnacle of this industry. Even the lithography machine industry that we did not deliberately operate is completely Asma is left behind. This has also led to the booming development of the domestic chip manufacturing industry. As well as the smart city project, we have only created a platform. Now it has also been connected with almost all first- and second-tier cities in the country. Having reached a cooperation agreement, while changing the living conditions of the people across the country, it has also brought huge profits to our company. "

"In the eyes of anyone, these projects are very high-quality projects, and there is even a lot of potential to be tapped. But because they are not part of our company's core industry, they have not received the attention they deserve. This, From the perspective of our company, of course, it is nothing, but it is not good for the improvement of global technology and economic level. "

Shen Bing nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, but how are you going to solve it?"

Wang Shengdao: "In the past, we adopted the method of establishing a subsidiary to split up various businesses. But this is actually a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause, because we are involved in too many fields, and once we are involved, they are almost monopolistic. We cannot set up a subsidiary for each project. This will not only cause our organization to be bloated and uncompetitive, but will also have extremely adverse effects on society. After all, we cannot control all industries in our own hands. "

Shen Bing seems to understand Wang Sheng's thoughts, but he didn't say it, but waited for Wang Sheng to continue.

Wang Sheng continued: "I have been thinking about this problem for a while. In the end, I think we should change our thinking. We have developed the level we have today. We should look higher and farther. We should not consider all technology-related industries. It's all in their own hands. For example, the production of fantasy glass now has no meaning except to add less than one percentage point to our performance report, but it has occupied a lot of human resources of the company. "

Shen Bing was lost in thought.

For this issue, Shen Bing has not really considered it before.

Why? On the one hand, he didn't care much about the operation of the company, but was constantly stuffing new black technology for the company.

If you think about it now, the problem is really big.

No doubt, with the passage of time, whether from the gates of the immortal world, or the research and development geniuses of the underground bases, self-developed, there will be more and more black technology.

Each of these black technologies is enough to support an industry.

If every technology is in its own hands, will it not be necessary to occupy all industries in the world?

Is this alright? At first glance, it may seem awesome, but in fact it is not the case.

On the one hand, as Wang Sheng said, this will make the magic fairy technology extremely bloated. Think about all the production of all human products by the magic fairy technology, what is this? Shen Bing ’s positioning of Huanxian Technology is a company. If it covers the production of all products worldwide, is it still a company? Not to mention a company, it is impossible for a country to do such a thing.

On the other hand, the situation of a monopoly is very easy to breed various problems, and the lack of competitiveness and poor execution will gradually highlight. Even because of the monopoly of the global production industry by Magic Technology, various social contradictions will inevitably arise.

One more thing, this is really not conducive to the development of human society!

换 If it was normal, Shen Bing would never have such an idea of ​​the Virgin, anyway, there is no difference between fast and slow development of all humankind. But now it's different. Aliens have come to earth. Every step forward in human development will give humans an advantage when facing aliens.

"Your suggestion is to spin off a human industry from our company and directly hand it over to other companies to run it?" Shen Bing asked.

Xun Wangsheng nodded and said: "This is probably the case, but some details have not been fully considered. After all, this matter is too wide, and it is necessary to consider in detail what kind of scheme to operate."

Shen Bing smiled suddenly and said, "Actually ... why should we have a headache for this matter? Wouldn't it be better to leave it to others?"

Wang Wangsheng first looked at Shen Bing suspiciously, and soon he understood what Shen Bing said, saying, "The boss means, give these things to the country?"

"Yes." Shen Bing said very simply.

Wang Sheng's face was a little bit reluctant. Although this suggestion was made by him, he never thought about selling these technologies free of charge. His favorite was to put them up for auction. The highest bidder won. Bring a huge income.

If you give it directly to the country, although it is not necessarily free, this money will probably be a lot less.

When Wang Sheng was thinking whether to persuade his boss not to be so generous, Shen Bing went on to say, "But we can't give it in vain. We should still charge the fee. I still know the reason for raising the meter and fighting against the enemy." Moreover, not all the technologies we do n’t use are directly provided to the government, and some of them still have to be flexibly deployed. For example, after we launch virtual reality games, the global game market is bound to suffer a devastating blow, even if it is a newly emerging smart game. The market will also die out in a very short period of time. The artificial intelligence game interface we sold to Penguin and Xinlang Company before has become a big pit. It is estimated that they have not even recovered the cost ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ We are conscience companies, we ca n’t do it this way. Now that we have pitted others, we have to give some compensation. "

Wang Wangsheng smiled.

I ca n’t help it, the self-proclaimed ability of the boss is getting better and better. Since the establishment of Magic Fairy Technology, have there been fewer devastating companies? There are foreign and domestic ones as well.

If you want to talk about the difference between domestic and foreign companies, it is estimated that foreign companies are digging pits to intentionally pit others, while domestic companies are more affected by normal commercial competition.

Well, from a business man's point of view, Shen Bing does have a relatively good conscience for domestic companies.

"You ask each department and each subsidiary to sort out their respective business and list the unimportant industries, and then we will consider it in a comprehensive way." Shen Bingru said, "Yes, this matter must be kept strictly confidential during the implementation process. Don't divulge half a word. "

"Relax, boss." Wang Sheng also knows the importance. After all, any move of Magic Fairy Technology may cause global economic shock, let alone such a big move.

"As for the criteria for determining various types of technology, I just want to say that as long as it is a technology that helps us to maintain our global position, we will have it in our hands. For those technologies that are purely profitable, they can be taken out." Shen Bing's eyes Braving the light, "It's time for us to be light."

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