Fairy Technology

Chapter 970: You will have no friends like this

Practice is the sole criterion for testing the truth, and I have now tested the effects of this set of broadcast gymnastics.

Of course, he still needs to test how much his data has increased in various aspects.

Such a measuring instrument will not be scarce in school, let alone he is a physical education teacher.

Within ten minutes, he had reached the conclusion.

Double it! All data doubled.

Strength, speed of movement, speed of nerve response ...

This is a complete ascension, Zhang Xi even feels that this is a sublimation of life.

Of course, he does not feel that he is a human who has been separated from low-level tastes, but that it is impossible for normal humans to reach such data.

It ’s okay to say that although strength is a physical education teacher, compared with the top boxers in the world, strength is still a lot worse, even if it is doubled, it is not comparable.

But the speed is not the same. My previous speed exceeded 9 meters per second, but in the test just now, my speed reached 18 meters per second.

If you go to the Olympic Games by yourself, you will break all track records in minutes, without breathing.

What awesome!

"How did such amazing gymnastics come out? The country wants all schools to learn this gymnastics. I want to make it possible for all students to enjoy this evolution, right?" Zhang Xi was ups and downs.

"The world is about to change. Maybe the earth will become the world of Gao Wu."

"Is this ... really not reporting to it?"

"What if it is a special case? Will it be dissected as a mouse?"

"Nima! What's your mind thinking about? Nothing special for decades, can you practice the broadcasting gymnastics promoted by the whole people yourself can evolve? That is definitely not a factor of your own, but the problem of gymnastics itself."

I want to say that Zhang Xi has never thought of relying on her physical fitness to participate in the Olympic Games, and it is impossible to get dozens of gold medals in his hands. But think about all the schools in the country practicing this gymnastics, maybe someone has evolved? Wouldn't it seem silly to go this way?

After hesitated for a while, Zhang Xi decided to report to the above--it is impossible to be a mouse, maybe he will be commended.

上面 The above is not the leader of the school, but the instructor who taught them the gymnastics at that time. He has contact information of the other party.

"Instructor Zhang, I am Zhang Xi, the first senior middle school in Nanning ..."

知道 "Know, what's the matter?"

"That set of gymnastics ... I practiced that set of gymnastics. Suddenly my strength increased and doubled! And speed ..." Zhang Xi somehow said, he was a physical education teacher, not a language teacher.


Zhang Xi was messy in the wind, oh? What means? This is evolution! Are you too hasty? At least ... you should be excited, right?

You will have no friends like this!

"But ..."

"Nothing, normal!"

If Zhang Xi doesn't understand it, it's really stupid.

If the state is advancing this matter, how can it not understand the value of this set of gymnastics?

I just… Zhang Xi was very confused. Although he was not political, he also knew the significance of this gymnastics—why did the state make it public to all the public.

To put it plainly, this set of gymnastics can be called a strategic resource. Any country that obtains such resources will definitely only use it in the military, and it will not even promote it throughout the army. It will only be used in a small area. Its purpose, This is to prevent leakage of this gymnastics.

Now that it is done, it is estimated that everyone in the world will soon know the value of this gymnastics.

Then ... global exercise ...

Although this is indeed an action that benefits all humanity, shouldn't people be selfish? It is enough for the natives to become stronger, other countries are naturally weak! So what is the difference between everyone's synchronous promotion and no promotion?

For this question, Zhang Xi naturally would not ask the instructor. The reason is simple, because it is impossible for the other party to know why the country did this.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xi's mood calmed down a lot. He thought about whether he should post the matter on the Internet and make a circle of friends or something.

"Xiaomi, send me a ring ..."

Xiaomi is the artificial intelligence of his phantom phone. He originally wanted to be named Xiaomi, but he was worried that he would not resist, so he called it Xiaomi.

However, before he finished speaking, Xiaomi said, "Master, I don't think you need to send this circle of friends, now the whole network is full of news in this regard."

什么 "What?" Zhang Xi stupidly, "Isn't there any news about this before?"

"Yes, but a few hours ago, someone completed all the exercises of this gymnastics one after another, and then they directly posted this thing online."

Zhang Xi was very depressed, and finally had a chance to pretend to force it, but it was given to others.

"Stop it! After all, there are only so many people who have completed the first set of action training nationwide."

"As you wish! Master."

Uh ...

As Xiaomi said, the Internet has indeed exploded.

此 Before that, the global network was basically dominated by aliens and flying cars. In addition, there were occasional charges such as charged particle guns and interstellar travel.

But at this moment, every website and platform must be ranked first by Huaxia's radio gymnastics.

The yak is overwhelming! Huaxia Radio Gymnastics!

各位 "Everyone, let me tell you a secret. I practiced radio gymnastics, and there was a mutation. Now I can punch bumpman and kick iron man!"

"Are you afraid of being dissected by a mouse upstairs?"

"Don't be a little mouse! 俺 also changed."

同 "Same mutation! It feels like the rhythm of Reiki's recovery!"

"The power of the gods has been attributed, scum! Shake it!"

"Nothing, who would say that this is the power of the gods? Obviously it is the power of science and technology."

No matter what news, the comment area is always the most lively.

Not to mention the circle of friends, some screenshots posted online can illustrate the degree of attention this phenomenon.

If only one or two people said on the Internet that they had practiced broadcast gymnastics and became Superman, no one would believe that even a white coat would come to your door.

But countless people now say so, and this matter is extraordinary.

At least explain that this is not an example, but that many people have the same experience.

A set of evolving radio gymnastics is definitely the most shocking thing this year. This is true even if the aliens invade.

The alien invasion brought shock, but this set of radio gymnastics brought surprise.

Who doesn't want to be stronger? Radio gymnastics brings this possibility.

Perhaps, it won't be long before everyone is superhuman.

For such inferences, there is a lot of ridicule on the Internet.

One of them was liked the most: the Olympic Games are going to be scrapped.

It's OK, what is the good luck game? Speed, strength, skills!

After the body is strengthened, it is not only the strength and speed that can be improved, but also the speed of nerve response.

Basically, future Olympic champions will be occupied by humans who have experienced evolution. Even if you train hard again, as long as you haven't finished a set of radio gymnastics, then I'm sorry, stand back.

When people are excited about this amazing set of radio gymnastics, some people are full of doubts.

Why did Hua Xia do this? Such a good thing, universal promotion can be equivalent to global promotion.

What a heart it is!

At the same time that these news broke online, almost all the personnel stationed in Huaxia in all countries took action. They all explored what happened to this amazing set of radio gymnastics. They were afraid that Huaxia would cover things up in the first place past.

Facts have proved that these crooked nuts are thinking too much, and China has no idea of ​​covering up this matter at all.

Even if they just pull a primary school student on the street, they can teach them a few new radio exercises, and even some people can do the third and fourth quarters ...

人 These people were overjoyed, thinking that Huaxia hadn't had time to respond yet. I just wanted to learn this broadcast gymnastics earlier.

But then they understand what tragedy is!

Some people lie down without even finishing the first quarter. Some people have completed the first quarter, but they ca n’t do it if they want to continue the second quarter.

Fortunately, these movements can still be remembered by the brain, so they will play a twelve-point spirit one by one, remember all the movements in their minds exactly, just wait to go back and slowly exercise.

Uh ...

In an immersive conference room, several well-rounded people from around the world are gathering together. Each of them looks dignified, but there is a trace of excitement deep in his eyes.

The meeting was hosted by the President of the United States ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The remaining six people were the highest officials of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Germany, Korea, and Russia. The conference was extremely high in specifications.

各位 "Everyone, you all know what happened to China, right? I don't know what you think?" The President of the United States took the lead.

"Gymnastics that can increase human fitness is definitely a fruit of history. We have to be vigilant when China has made such an achievement and initially achieved universal promotion."

The Prime Minister of Lao Kingdom was quite a bit sour: "Now the vigilance is not the point. I think the point is to let the Chinese side clarify how this gymnastics is going. At least it should explain its origin, otherwise in case it contains something targeted at specific groups Backdoor, isn't it a tragedy that we practiced? "

"You never thought, why did Huaxia make this gymnastics available to the public? Is it purely for the benefit of mankind?" Said the British Prime Minister. "Although Prime Minister Koizumi said it is certainly possible, it is very unlikely. At this point, I think that Huaxia must hide the ability to evolve even more amazing ... gymnastics. "

"I agree with the opinion of the British Prime Minister." The old Russian president said, "Hua Xia has long been accustomed to Tibetan clumsiness, which cannot be changed. Now the radio gymnastics popularized by the people of Hua Xia can make people more powerful. I believe within the Hua Xia government, Certainly still have the means to increase three times, four times, or even more. "

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