Fairy Technology

Chapter 971: Can you still get into trouble?

After listening to these remarks, we glanced at each other.

"I believe that everyone has already taken the same action now and will get back the fitness exercises that have been widely circulated in China." The President of the United States said, "The two leaders just said right now, what is now on the bright side is no longer It's important, what really matters is the part that is hidden by Huaxia. I think we should unite and ask Huaxia to make this technology that is beneficial to all mankind public. "

This statement by Mr. Wong was recognized by everyone.

If you have a certain technology, I will bear it, and I will buy your product.

But this technology is different. It is something that makes people stronger, healthier, and even longer.

This is a kind of technology, also a kind of knowledge, but also a crystallization of wisdom. It should not belong to one person, but belong to all human beings.

"But ... Hua Xia is too powerful now ..." the French president muttered, with a little grievance.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the young President, and he really wished to strip him for life.

Aunty, can you stop saying such frustrated words at this time? This is very morale.

"President Mark, you are still too subjective to think about it. We are not fighting for the interests of a certain person or a country, but for the benefit of all mankind, including the Chinese people. After all, the deeper technology is now in China In the hands of the government, even the Chinese people cannot enjoy it. Don't you think they should stand up and fight for it? "

The French president nodded, which seemed to be the reason.

既然 "Since everyone has no opinion on this, then we will summarize the information at hand and plan for it in advance to increase the possibility of success." The President of the United States said.

Next, everyone spoke in succession, and their thinking became clearer and clearer.

Uh ...

Shen Bing is lying on the top floor of the villa, basking in the mid-autumn warm sun-still a bit hot.

"Ball, how many people in Huaxia have completed the first set of exercises?" Shen Bing clasped a book to his face, covering the sun.

The shuttlecock ball lingered around, I don't know where it came from.

"Master, now there are more than 100,000 people who have completed the first set of physical exercises in Huaxia, of which 90,000 are in the military, and the remaining 10,000 are in various colleges and universities, most of them sports teachers. There are very few people, after all, they have practiced gymnastics a little shorter. "

Shen Bingdao: "Nothing is wrong?"

"This is not true! The government has organized a special agency stationed in various prefecture-level cities to supervise those who have completed the strengthening. But this supervision is carried out in secret and is unknown."

"This is not bad!" Shen Bingdao.

The shuttlecock suddenly said: "It's nothing at home, but the situation abroad is hard to say. Now it is estimated that many countries' senior officials have begun to plan how to make greater benefits from China."

Shen Bing took the book slowly and smiled, and said, "These guys aren't stupid enough in their brains. But they are not afraid to annoy the Chinese government and just give them a break?"

Shuttleball fairway: "They think they can represent the interests of the Chinese people. In this case, the Chinese military should not behave excessively. At least they will not bombard them with charged particles."

Shen Bing smiled very comfortably, and said, "Childish people!"

Uh ...

The efficiency of these countries is quite high. After the meeting, they expressed their opinions to the Chinese side through different channels.

Some of them chose to speak out from the air, some directly met by phone, and even sent related inquiry letters through the foreign affairs department.

Of course, when communicating with Huaxia, the momentum must also be done.

So when the global public opinion revolved around this set of broadcast gymnastics, countless media and experts began to come out and take rhythm.

XX XX China analyst: According to my many years of research, Chinese people have always liked hiding, so in this matter, the Chinese official must have a more effective method of strengthening.

"According to our professional judgment, with the current level of technology of human beings, it is impossible to develop such effective physical skills. From the intrusive shape of the shape, I personally think that China should explain the true origin of this set of gymnastics. There is also an obligation to explain its principles. Otherwise, this is irresponsible for the future of mankind. "

"It's completely certain that this set of fitness gymnastics is popular all over the world, but on what principle is it used to achieve this effect? ​​Who can unravel it? Would it be a blessing or a blessing for humankind? Who can guarantee it?

"This should be a technology based on genes, perhaps a type of mutation. Genes, although the focus of current human research, are also the areas where theoretical conflicts are most concentrated. Is the study of this technology consistent with human ethics? specification?"

Regardless of the opinions expressed or the attitudes they express, the purpose of them is to be revealed, either implicitly or explicitly: the Chinese side must make everything about this set of physical exercises public, or it will betray humanity.

I have to say that the psychology of human blind obedience is quite serious. As soon as these "experts" preached, countless people began to interpret it.

"Huaxia! Pandora's Box is on!"

"Evolution or destruction? Historically, the definition has not been so clear."

"This may be the rhythm of the end of the day, but I don't know if it will eventually become a monster or a zombie because of a broken gene chain."

I have to say that people's imagination is infinite. Being able to think of zombies from physical fitness, this brain hole is bound to break through the sky.

But some people think that this is not a brain hole, and they think that this concern is reasonable.

I was so embarrassed that the internet became lively.

The battle between Gaowu world and doomsday world has begun to take shape. Everyone is around the word evolution, and they believe that physical fitness is the hope of human beings, and some people think that physical fitness will bring humans to the abyss of extinction.

Historically, it is only when there is a focus of controversy that a topic can become hot. Same now.

People are arguing and find that such a quarrel does not make any sense. If you want to know the answer, you can only uncover the inside story of physical fitness and know its essence. Naturally, this thing is good or bad for human beings.

The debate on the Internet has gradually turned into pressure on Huaxia, and there have been various voices asking Huaxia to release details of physical fitness. This voice not only comes from abroad, but also domestically, even domestically even abroad.

After all, foreign countries are still in the state of watching the fire across the shore, and all domestic students have practiced this physical fitness, will there be any sequelae? In case, as it is said on the Internet, that would be a big deal.

Especially those parents who are worried about their children, they are so anxious to jump up and down. In just one day, the signs gathered in series everywhere ...

This wind came so suddenly that even a little inattention would cause national unrest.

However, the official performance of Huaxia this time was calmer than ever before, and it was also faster.

新闻 A press conference will make the physical fitness public.

"This set of radio gymnastics is for strengthening the body! This set of gymnastics is a set of strong body techniques developed by Huanxian Technology. After internal testing by Huanxian Technology, it is determined that this set of gymnastics is beneficial to the human body and not harmful. The technology company believes that this gym should serve the world to maximize its value, so it is handed over to the government. The government then organized a special person to exercise the gym and track and monitor the physical data of the trainees , It turned out that this set of gymnastics is completely safe for human beings, and its effect of strengthening the body is applicable to anyone. For more detailed information of this set of gymnastics that you require, you can only ask the magic fairy technology company. "

一 As soon as the news was released, everyone was aggressive, and even felt blind.

Especially those high-level nations who are driving this behind them, now they are calling MMP.

Good Chinese government, how can you play football? How dare you let a company carry such a big deal?

It ’s here that the most embarrassing thing is. They face the Huaxia government, but they do n’t commit a lot of it. After all, there are certain principles of one country and one country that cannot be violated. Such as this time, with their impetus, the global sentiment is intense. Huaxia can only stand up and express his stand.

But Huaxia's position has now returned, but it kicked the ball to Huanxian Technology.

Facing the magic technology, these countries have a sense of inability to speak.

If it is a listed company ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or a joint-stock company, they can still make some efforts, but Huaxian Technology is not listed! It is also wholly-owned, and Shen Bing has all the right to speak.

To be straightforward, any decision of this company depends on Shen Bing's personal dislikes, even if you are outrageous outside, he can not bird you at all.

In addition, the resources and influence of Magic Fairy Technology have become one of the giants in the world.

It is not only the senior officials of these countries who feel blind, but ordinary people, but also have a feeling of scalp tingling.

Can I still be upset?

幻 仙 科技 耶, this is synonymous with black technology. Naturally, it has been double tested by the company and the country. The credibility of physical fitness is still very high. I really want to continue to be upset, maybe I will be added to the blacklist of Magic Fairy Technology, and the impact will be great.

各种 Under all kinds of complicated thoughts, the restless public opinion on the Internet has calmed down a lot.

Moreover, people also thought of the fact that it seems that there are not a few people who have completed the physical evolution, and no one has heard of any bad changes, one by one.

Many people think that this matter will gradually fade, and when Magic Fairy Technology will uphold the personality of Aojiao, which will not be explained, Shen Bing puts a sentence on his personal Weibo.

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