Marko nodded in agreement. He carefully observed the battle between Shiraishi and Whitebeard until now.

It is found that Whitebeard has changed his attack method several times, swordsmanship, and the power of concussion.

And Shiraishi always just punched him.

Even the strength of each punch doesn't seem to change ~ much.

Thinking back to the time when I was kicked out by Shiraishi, it seems to be similar.

"This guy's attack is impossible to threaten Dad."

Marco thought to himself.

"Is it a monster with stronger defense than me?"

Diamond Joz also has the same idea. After all, it has been a lot of time since the beginning of the fight.

Shiraishi always has the same attack style and attack power.

It is inevitable that people wonder if he only has these levels.

In this way, Shiraishi is just a fleshy target with a body strong enough to ignore the force of his father's shock.

But without enough attack power, it is impossible to defeat a powerhouse of Whitebeard's level because of his physical strength.

This time, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, who had been frightened by Shiraishi's body before, were truly relieved.

Sure enough, Dad is still invincible, and the title of the strongest man in the world is irreplaceable.

On the other hand, Shiraishi was actually a little helpless.

It's not that he doesn't want to intensify his efforts and resolve the battle quickly.

It's that this place is too close to The fish men island, even though he is trying his best to control his power to collide with Whitebeard.

The fish men island next to it also vibrated violently.

Among them, Shiraishi's own power is well controlled, and there is no excess power that spreads out and affects The fish men island.

Most of it is the effect of Whitebeard Shock Fruit, a strong shock with devastating power, destroying everything in the vicinity.

As expected of the Devil Fruit with the most destructive power in the world at this time, it really possesses the power to destroy the world.

If he increased his strength and opened the fire, then Shiraishi had no doubt that The fish men island would collapse completely in the next moment.

Now that Neptune and Princess Etoji have been promised to be the patron saints of The fish men island, the establishment of a toll station here is also for the long-term development of The fish men island.

Shiraishi naturally couldn't let The fish men island be affected by his own battle and completely destroyed.

You can only control the power a little bit, and slowly compete with Whitebeard.

・0 ask for flowers.......

Fortunately, under his best control, The fish men island still collapsed in many places.

Near the original fish men street, the small half of The fish men island was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

But on the whole, The fish men island has been preserved.

Most of the murlocs and mermen on the island were not threatened even if they hid behind.


This made Shiraishi feel relieved, and he took on Whitebeard so slowly.

Even in the face of Whitebeard in his prime, Shiraishi is confident that he will outlast him and consume him.

"Little devil, that's all you can do."

Whitebeard laughed loudly, the power of concussion gathered on Cong Yunqi, and the situation changed with one slash, and the world changed color.

On the other hand, Shiraishi's face was calm, and he still threw a punch.


Cong Yunqie collided with the jet-black fist, shaking his debut with ripples.

"It's not the same for you, you will only foolishly use the power of shock and swing your sword."

Shiraishi countered that, in his opinion, the moves are only useful.

If he wanted to beat Whitebeard quickly, he didn't need to change anything.

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