As long as the force is increased, Whitebeard, who can also punch with the same punch, can't stand it.

An attack of this level was far from his limit for Shiraishi.

It's just that he didn't do that because he was worried about the safety of The fish men island.

Marco and others were delusional that Shiraishi's damage was not enough to threaten Whitebeard, and they were also dreaming.

And many people's seemingly fancy fighting methods are actually just a variety of uses of a power. "Seven-three-zero" Shiraishi can use it, but it is not necessary.

The sea roared and roared, and the world changed color.

The battle between Shiraishi and Whitebeard went on for a whole day and night, and the two sides did not rest for a moment, maintaining a high-strength battle.

"Huh, you little brat, is your energy limitless?"

Looking at the same calm face as before, Whitebeard couldn't help but ask.

Even at the peak of his life, Whitebeard felt a little tired.

Prior to this, it was not that Whitebeard had not experienced high-intensity battles after crossing the sea for so many years.

There are even three days and three nights of fierce battles with others.

But compared to this time, it pales in comparison.

Shiraishi was the first person who fought against him head-on, without flinching at all, and continued to fight until now, without resting day and night.

Even so, Whitebeard couldn't see the slightest sign of exhaustion from Shiraishi.

He is like an iron man, tireless, the expression on his face is the same as the beginning, and there is not even a single sweat on his body.

At this time, Whitebeard was already sweating a lot.

Although Shiraishi's fist never really threatened him, Whitebeard was already a little tired.

"Is this guy an iron man? He hasn't rested until now?"

Marco went back to rest for a while because of the previous injury.

Unexpectedly, when I came back, I saw that my father was still fighting against Shiraishi.

And Shiraishi didn't look tired at all.

"Really... energetic."

Blackbeard was also a little sluggish. He never imagined that these two people could fight for so long without stopping at all.

And it looks like it will continue to fight.

"Shiraishi, you can only throw fists? Compared to Garp, you are the real iron fist.0"

Whitebeard shouted loudly, and he was getting a little tired of hitting him now. The key is that no matter what he does, Shiraishi will always throw a punch, no matter what he does, it's a punch.

And no matter how the power of his own shock changes, it cannot threaten the other party.

As soon as you enter Shiraishi's body, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, silently.

This feeling made Whitebeard want to vomit blood.

call out!

Shiraishi's figure flickered, Whitebeard didn't notice for a while, he was kicked by him and flew out.

"You talk too much, Whitebeard."

Shiraishi has no intention of wanting to communicate too much.

"Damn it, Daddy."

Seeing Whitebeard being kicked, Marko and the others immediately shouted nervously. 3.9

"Hahaha, kid, this strength is still far from enough."

Whitebeard quickly adjusted, under the circumstance that Shiraishi did not care about the safety of The fish men island and controlled his strength.

This level of attack is not enough to pose a real threat to him.

But Shiraishi's speed was too fast, stepping in the void, Whitebeard just adjusted his posture, and in the next instant, Shiraishi suddenly appeared in front of him.

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