Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0219: Two days and two nights

"This guy, is his energy unlimited?"

Marco gritted his teeth and looked at Shiraishi who was always in the same state in disbelief.

"Two days and two nights of fighting, not even a drop of sweat, this is too exaggerated, even my father..."

Diamond Joze didn't say any more, just seeing the sweat dripping from Whitebeard's body, he knew that Whitebeard wasn't easy either.

"It seems that something is wrong."

Foil Bista also said solemnly.

Although the battle is up to now, although Whitebeard has been hit many times, he has not been seriously injured.

And Shiraishi's attack power has always maintained the same level.

It seems that Whitebeard and Shiraishi are on the same level, but in terms of physical strength, Shiraishi has undoubtedly achieved a huge advantage.

Compared to Whitebeard, who was dripping with sweat, Shiraishi was undoubtedly able to go further in the fierce and long battle.

"Dad won't really lose, will he?"

Looking at the sweaty Whitebeard, Blackbeard also became nervous.

No matter what, he didn't think that Dad would lose, he really thought that Dad was the most well-deserved strongest in the world.

But at this time, he was shaken. Compared to Shiraishi, who was like the beginning, Whitebeard seemed to be a little too tired.

Not only Blackbeard, but everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates felt very bad at this time.

But the battle between Whitebeard and Shiraishi was too intense, and even in the face of the aftermath, they struggled to defend.

It is impossible to reach the center of the battlefield and support Dad.

This level of battle is simply not something that other people can participate in.

And looking at Shiraishi, who was under the shock of the force, unaffected at all.

Marco doubts whether he can pose a real threat to Shiraishi even if he waits for the others to pass by.

The fierce fighting didn't just affect the residents of The fish men island.

Even many pirates who wanted to go to the Grand Line from The fish men island were stopped here.

However, at this moment, no one dared to express dissatisfaction, raise objections, and let the two sides stop.

One is the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, the strongest pirate in the world at this time, known as the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.

On the other side is the former Marine Admiral, the youngest Marine Admiral ever, the most talented man among the Marines, even for his brilliance over the likes of Golden Lion Shiki


Considered by many to be the strongest among Marine Admiral, even if he betrayed Marine, his monster name has made countless pirates tremble.

The two were fighting fiercely here, and no one dared to come forward to stop them.

Neptune and Princess Otoji also got the news, and the two did not dare to approach, so they could only watch from afar.

Their mood was quite complicated at this time. On the one hand, they were fortunate to have a powerful person like Shiraishi as the patron saint of The fish men island, ensuring that no pirate or anyone could ignore the rules of The fish men island and act recklessly.

(Zhao Haohao) On the other hand, they were a little worried about Shiraishi facing such a strong opponent as Whitebeard.

Especially when you know that Shiraishi and Whitebeard fought so fiercely just because the Whitebeard Pirates hadn't paid the toll.

Neptune and Princess Otoki are both stupid.

Although there is a toll for ordinary pirates, in the face of the Whitebeard Pirates, the world's strongest pirate group, Neptune and Princess Otohi agreed that they should give some face.

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