Even if they don't pay the toll, they can pass it smoothly. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates have not done anything bad to The fish men island. Their strength is also worthy of being treated differently by The fish men island.

Unexpectedly, Shiraishi would not give in an inch. No matter who he was, he had to pay the toll.

Neptune and Princess Yiji wanted to persuade the two sides to stop and turn the fight into jade and silk at this time, but they were unable to start.

The battle between Whitebeard and Shiraishi has reached a fever pitch, but the aftermath of the battle has made it difficult for everyone to approach.

Neptune and Princess Otohi couldn't get in touch with Shiraishi at all.

"It's really terrifying to see Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, fight against the enemy."

A pirate ship captain who just came out of West Blue and wanted to enter the Grand Line from here exclaimed.

"Who is opposite Whitebeard? It doesn't look like he is at a disadvantage."

Someone next to him asked.

Because the intersection was blocked by Shiraishi and Whitebeard, the pirates who wanted to get to the Grand Line were all together, watching the battle from afar.

Wait until the battle is over before heading to the Grand Line New World.

They weren't in a hurry either, although it was exciting to be on the Grand Line.

(badj) But seeing the strongest man in the world fight fiercely with others is also a once-in-a-century event.

"That guy, a little familiar, seems to be Marine Admiral Shiraishi, the youngest Marine Admiral.",

Soon the pirates recognized Shiraishi's identity.

Although Shiraishi had already taken off his Marine coat at this time and was wearing a black uniform, his style was very different from his previous self.

However, the name of Shiraishi has long been known to the world because of the capture of Golden Lion Shiki, World Destroyer Valdo and a series of big pirates.

Pirates in various places have carefully observed Shiraishi's portrait, in case one day they are unlucky.

"What Marine Admiral, is the former Marine Admiral."

Someone beside him corrected him.

"Former Marine Admiral? He's promoted to Marshal Marine? That's too soon."

Not every pirate will read the world news carefully and understand other news.

Some pirates thought Shiraishi was still a member of Marine.

It wasn't until he was surrounded by other people that he stared at Shiraishi's position in a stunned manner.

"Killing Celestial Dragons at Mariejois? It's… terrifying."

Whitebeard felt very tired. Since he went out to sea, he became a member of Rocks Pirate, and then left Rocks Pirate and founded his own Whitebeard Pirates, all the way.

For the first time, Whitebeard felt so exhausted, as if all his strength was used up.

The body began to become a little limp, and the strength became less and less.

Before again, Whitebeard even felt that his power would never run out, even if he fought with others for three days and three nights without rest.

But fighting Shiraishi Shuichi changed his mind.

Turns out I have a limit...

Looking at Shiraishi, whose face was always calm, Whitebeard felt a trance.

"how is this possible……"

Whitebeard gritted his teeth, mustered his strength, and swung a concussive force again.

But still like that, Shiraishi was not affected at all, and threw out another punch.


Half of Whitebeard's face was smashed and deformed, and he only felt that the sky was spinning in his field of vision, and the whole person flew out again.


Marco and the others exclaimed.

"Bastard, what have you done?"

Marco and the others couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed over together.

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