Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0224: Unable to hold back

Marco and the others grit their teeth, but still quickly went to raise money.

The most powerful pirate group in the world, the Whitebeard Pirates are still very rich.

Even if the reconstruction cost of The fish men island is less than half, it can be taken out.

Of course, there will still be some pain.

However, the situation is stronger than people. At this time, Shiraishi obviously has the upper hand, and the Whitebeard Pirates have no room for bargaining.

Shiraishi didn't kill them all, but it was a good thing.

Marko and the others quickly paid all the fees, Shiraishi didn't bother to care about them anymore, waved his hand, and let them go.

"No one should dare not to pay the toll now, they are making trouble."

Shiraishi murmured, and after the Whitebeard pirates left, the remaining pirates who wanted to take the fish men island to the Grand Line also paid the toll honestly, and no one dared to ask objection.

Seeing this, Shiraishi nodded with satisfaction, killing the chickens as an example, and using the Whitebeard Pirates to deter the behavior of other pirates was really useful.

"Ship doctor, hurry up.. How is Daddy?々II

Marko looked at Whitebeard with concern.

Once Whitebeard falls, the entire Whitebeard Pirates are in danger of falling apart.

What's more, in the hearts of all of them, Whitebeard has a father-like status, and they don't want anything to happen to Whitebeard.

"It's just that you're out of strength, and you'll be fine to rest for a while."

After receiving the reply from the ship doctor, Marko was relieved.

"Gulalala, don't be so nervous, I said it's fine."

Looking at the sons who were surrounded by him, who were full of tension and worry, but were too careful not to speak, Whitebeard felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Family, after all, family is the most important thing.

Whitebeard knew why his sons were still so cautious when they knew they were safe.

The title of the strongest in the world has been replaced by others since then...

Whitebeard says he doesn't care at all, it's unlikely that he doesn't feel at all.

But at this time, looking at the surrounding care and worrying about his sons, Whitebeard felt lazy in his heart, and swept away the previous frustrations.

"I know what you are thinking, but I am defeated, this is actually just a matter of destiny. Every once in a while in the sea, outstanding people will be born.

It's not surprising that it surpasses me. "

"•'Although it is inevitable that I will be a little unconvinced to be defeated by such a little guy, I don't really care about the title of the strongest man in the world."

"All I care about is you, my sons, Marco, Thatch..."

"As your father, I hope you can grow up faster."

Looking at Marco and the others, Whitebeard's eyes flashed with relief and doting.

Whitebeard was single since he was a child, and he made up his mind very early that he would find his own family (Zhao Hao Zhao).

And now that he has succeeded, this is what makes him most proud.

In contrast, the title of the strongest man in the world is replaced by others, which is nothing but a matter of insignificant.

Like he once said to Roger.

"All I care about is my family."

Whether it is onepiece or the strongest name in the world, it is insignificant in comparison.

"Dad, we let you down." Song.

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