Seeing Whitebeard say this, Marco and the others are even more ashamed. Since joining the Whitebeard Pirates, they seem to have seldom provided Whitebeard with real help.

You can only cheer from behind, and it's useless when facing opponents of Shiraishi's level.

Speaking of which, the Whitebeard Pirates are known as the strongest pirates in the world.

But apart from Whitebeard, who stands at the top of the world, there is nothing special about the others.

Only then did they really realize that everything they had now was too dependent on Whitebeard.

When Whitebeard was defeated, they realized that their vulnerability was no different from those pirates who had looked down on them.

737 "Gu La La La, know your own shortcomings, you have to work hard, don't hang your head down, I Whitebeard can protect you for a long time, hahaha."

Whitebeard reached out and patted his sons on the shoulders, laughing.

"Dad...we will definitely."

Hearing Whitebeard's encouragement, Marko and the others raised their heads with determined eyes.

If before again, because of the world's strongest Whitebeard, Dad's care.

Marco and the others can continue to lazily go on without any pressure.

But at this moment, someone who surpassed Whitebeard has appeared, Shiraishi, a former Marine Admiral monster.

This gave Marko and others a lot of shock and pressure, and it also gave them the idea of ​​​​working hard in the future and not completely relying on Dad.


Watching his sons recover, Whitebeard laughed too, and the laughter echoed, as if glowing in the sunlight.

The news of Shiraishi's fight with Whitebeard soon took the world by storm.

To everyone's surprise, Whitebeard, known as the world's strongest man, lost to the former Marine Admiral.

The legend came to an end, and Shiraishi's name spread all over the world again. From the world to the Grand Line, there were legends about Shiraishi everywhere.

"Hmph, to let Whitebeard run away, what a depravity."

(badj) In the Marine headquarters office, Marine Marshal Kong looked at the information dissatisfied.

The above is a detailed introduction to the reason, process and result of the fight between Shiraishi and Whitebeard.

Kong has always been complicated with Shiraishi, on the one hand he was angry at Shiraishi killing the Celestial Dragons without following Marine's orders.

Disagreement with him in the office, even a big fight, and destroying the office is nothing.

But killing a Celestial Dragons on the spot in the Holy Land Mariejois...

Thinking about it now, Kong feels like he's still dreaming.

On the other hand, he also has to admit the potential of Shiraishi, who is really the most talented person Marine has ever had.

Had it not been for something unforgivable, he would have even thought about recommending Shiraishi to be promoted to Marshal Marine after his retirement.

Even now the Celestial Dragons are urging them to bring Shiraishi to justice, in private, Kong has asked Sakazuki and Polusalino to find Shiraishi, hoping to get him back even if he admits a mistake, and then he is trying to figure out a way.


"The fish men island? Forget it, leave it alone."

Kong finally shook his head, or put aside Shiraishi for now.

Ever since Roger's shocking words before his death.

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