Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0286: Buggy's Disturbance

"It seems that it is a good choice to accept the group of Denuo. I thought I got a good subordinate, who would have thought that they would even repair the ship!" But after half an hour, they The damaged areas have been repaired.

Because of the incident on the rocks, the relationship between Denuo and his group and those of Buggy's original subordinates was also brought closer.

"Denuo didn't expect your kid to be able to do it. Even these brothers have such skills. It seems that Captain Buggy said that you are also a ~ good choice!" For a while, there were different opinions on the ship, but they were all about Denuo's group of people. - Affirmation and praise.

Those who boarded the boat behind them felt the approval and acceptance of their partners, and this small group was officially integrated after this incident. Buggy looked at these people who he personally recruited onto the boat, and he was also very surprised and excited.

Unexpectedly, this guy, Denuo, seems to be big and three thick, but in fact his brain is very bright, and they will even repair the ship.

After that, the group of them will inevitably encounter the situation of ship damage when sailing at sea.

And the weapon Denuo used was definitely not something that ordinary people could wield.

Buggy didn't know why Drew would act with such a group of extremely weak thieves.

With his strength, he can find a good pirate group to join.

This farce only lasted for a short time, and the whole ship was completely calm.

The clown boat traveled for a few more hours, and they finally saw an island in the distance.

"Boss, come and see if that is the island we are looking for!"

Buggy grabbed the binoculars from his subordinate's hand and looked in the direction of his finger. It really was an island.

It seems that this time the mission will be completed soon, and Buggy seems to have seen the happy expression on Captain Shiraishi's face.

"Hurry up, little ones! Go to that island! You haven't forgotten Shiraishi's mission to repair the boss!"

"As long as the mission this time does not fail, when we return to The fish men island, this entire squad will be the most eye-catching on board!"

Everyone felt very excited when they heard Buggy's voice. They were all people who had just joined Shiraishi to repair the ship.

・0 ask for flowers.......

After all, there are so many brothers who joined at the same time as them, only they can have such an honor.

Yes, they now consider it an honor to help Shiraishi.

At least among them they were able to solve such a thing for Shiraishi, which made them feel very proud.

Everyone on the boat only felt that their hearts were hot and yearned for that island.

As long as you get to that island, the task given by Shiraishi is half completed.

While Buggy was happy too, they finally saw the island a day later.

But he always felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if something terrible would happen on that island.

Are there people on that island who could threaten Buggy? This is an ordinary island that can no longer be ordinary.

Buggy doesn't think there are people like that out there.

But it is precisely because of this that the excavator feels very unbelievable.

Since there was no existence on that island that could threaten his existence, where did the unease in her heart come from?

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