Seeing that the island is getting closer and closer, the unease in Buggy's heart is also getting stronger and stronger.

I don't know what exactly exists on that island that can make me feel like this.

Seeing that the boat was about to dock on the shore, Buggy strode off the boat as soon as he got dressed, but didn't forget to remind him:

"Brothers all disembark to find the wood we need."

Since there is a bad feeling of "seven, eight, seven" in my heart, and I don't know what it is, let's wait until he arrives.

Buggy thought to himself, what kind of crisis could such a place bring to him, not to mention that he also had Denuo and others who had just been recruited on board.

This kid, Denuo, is not only very strong, but also seems to be quite intelligent, which is completely inconsistent with his appearance.

At that time, if you really encounter someone or something that is difficult to deal with, as long as you let this guy in Denuo find a way for himself, isn't it extremely easy?

What Buggy didn't know was that here he would meet someone he never expected, the red-haired Shanks.

What he didn't know was that being on this island would make him experience the failure of his first mission.

It was the pilgrims who destroyed their ships in such a mess that not even the task of collecting the wood was done.

The bond between the two of them is so deep that Buggy wants to partner with the redhead again.

It was precisely because of the failure of this mission that Shiraishi learned that Shanks was thinking of recruiting on this island.

It didn't take long for the Buggy boat to become an empty boat, and all the members disembarked in a very short time.

"Brothers, go grab it, the wood on this island is ours!"

All the pirates who got off the ship made the same cry at this moment, but after hearing the cry of his subordinates, Buggy felt bad in his heart.

He had already thought that something would definitely happen if he went on like this, and this group of subordinates showed all the temperament of the pirates.

Although Buggy is not a good person, he knows that Captain Shiraishi can prove that he is a very kind person since he can fight the World government for the residents of Ohara Island.

If these subordinates try to snatch the wood, they will probably be expelled from the pirate ship by Shiraishi.

He raised his right hand, his palm immediately separated from his arm, and flew over to the man in front who said he was going to grab the wood.


After a crisp sound passed, the pirate squatted on the ground with his face covered and looked at Buggy, he didn't understand why the captain would do something to him.

"Bastard, who said that we are going to rob the villagers of the wood? The captain asked us to come to other islands to transport them. Of course, the wood that does not belong to us can be taken directly, but that does not mean that we can rob the villagers!"

In fact, he was very unaccustomed to let Buggy do this. After all, as pirates, they must have the appearance of pirates.

But Captain Shiraishi is one such person.

Buggy is not an idiot, he can naturally guess what the captain's thoughts are, so he definitely won't disobey Shiraishi.

3.9 was a little embarrassed to be slapped by Buggy, but the pirate who was beaten quickly reacted to this development and said weakly:

"I see, Captain Buggy!"

"No one is allowed to rob the villagers. If anyone does that, don't blame me for kicking him out of the first team!"

Buggy stood at the front of the crowd, shouting solemnly to his men.

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