On the way, Ye Tian reminded them:"Eat the spiritual medicine first to improve your cultivation."

Fighting in the Holy Ruins, it was a bit slow to improve your cultivation.

Now that they had just obtained a spiritual medicine of the heavenly material level, the three of them were naturally not polite.

As they walked and ate and refined, the three of them began to improve their strength.

"I have entered the sixth level of foundation building!"

Si Lingzhu looked excited and extremely happy.

Ji Ziyan also nodded:"This is much faster than practicing in seclusion in the sect to improve your strength!" Ye

Tian said lightly:"Only in the fight between life and death can you have complete control over your own strength, and only then can you make better breakthroughs and step into a path to heaven that belongs to you!"

His strength has also improved a lot now, and he has reached the seventh level of foundation building.

Those elixirs were all absorbed under the refining of the supreme bone in the chest, without any waste.

So the strength improvement is faster than that of the two women!

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu nodded at the same time,"Only by being infinitely close to death can you understand the true meaning of life."

"I began to look forward to whether my strength in the Holy Ruins could break through the Cave Heaven Realm!"

After entering the Holy Ruins, in the several battles, under Ye Tian's arrangement, the two did not have to worry about anything else, just go all out.

Every time they got the best results, and now he took them to take the initiative to attack and improve their strength.

So the two girls have been obedient to Ye Tian and have become his little followers in the Holy Ruins.

Who doesn't like winning by doing nothing?……

"There are only two disciples, you go ahead."

After arriving at the location, Ye Tian glanced at the strength of the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land opposite, and after confirming that there was no danger.

He was too lazy to take action, so he directly asked the two women to kill them. Just as Ji Ziyan was about to take action, she heard Si Lingzhu say with a smile

""Sister Ji, just watch the show. This time, I'm going to fight two of them!"

She rushed out while talking. Ji Ziyan smiled bitterly but didn't make a move. She looked at the field with Ye Tian.

Si Lingzhu's figure was very light and her petite body looked very weak, but after landing, she suddenly shouted.

"Hey, two pieces of trash on the opposite side, look at me!"

Si Lingzhu had a strong fighting spirit on her face. When the two disciples of Wuliang Holy Land looked at her in surprise, she attacked directly.

The beast king body was directly activated, and under the blessing of the fighting character secret, a phantom of a dragon appeared on her body, surrounding her mysteriously.

And when she raised her hand, a fierce beast roared out, descending with terrifying evil spirit.

One man and one beast, like two killing machines.

As soon as they collided, there was a loud roar. Si Lingzhu relied purely on physical strength to kill the two disciples within ten breaths.

The corpses were swallowed by the fierce beast beside her, and then Si Lingzhu waved her hand, and the fierce beast disappeared.

""Hehe, done!"

She came back bouncing, still carrying a bit of murderous aura.

The smiling face now was completely different from the murderous state just now.


Ye Tian smiled and nodded, looking at her deeply.

I didn't expect that such a big beast could be hidden on the body. It should be the innate ability of the beast king family. It is estimated that there is a space on the body that can store the beast.

After all, the butterfly before also flew out from her fingertips.

"Next wave!"

The three of them walked straight to three miles away without stopping.

There were also two disciples of the Wuliang Holy Land.

"This time, I will also fight two!"

Ji Ziyan rushed out directly after arriving at the place without stopping.

Ye Tian and Si Lingzhu were left slightly stunned, watching the divine light flashing on her body.

The might of the War King Body also trembled and roared under the blessing of the Dou character secret, as if the female war god had descended, heroic and valiant!

Ji Ziyan's every move was cold and cool. In the battle, she seemed like a queen who looked down on all living beings, with an elegant and light figure.

The ancient bell on her arm sent out bursts of pleasant sounds when she waved her hand.

The face of the enemy on the opposite side changed, and his eyes were a little confused, as if he had lost his mind!


Ji Ziyan did not hesitate, and directly slashed with her palm, the secret of the word Dou evolved into a murderous technique hidden in her fingertips, and directly cut off the lives of the two people like a sharp sword.


The corpse fell to the ground, and died immediately!

After such a clean and tidy killing, she walked back leisurely, her expression returned to calmness.


Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly:"This bell actually has the effect of confusing the mind, and your War King Body... I'm afraid it's about to break through!" Ji

Ziyan looked at him in surprise, raised her eyebrows and nodded:"You are about to step into the level of the Holy Body!"

Ye Tian nodded without asking any more questions.

As the princess of the War Dynasty, Ji Ziyan's strength is naturally extraordinary.

Not to mention the mysterious treasure such as the bell, there are countless martial arts books alone. The most important thing is that the War Dynasty once produced a great emperor!

That is an existence with a divine body!

Even if the War Dynasty is in decline, there is still the inheritance of the great emperor.

Breaking through to the Holy Body is a matter of time!

"I'm so envious. I still need a chance to awaken my bloodline in order to evolve into the Beast King Body.……"Si Lingzhu muttered

"What is most abundant in the Holy Ruins is opportunity, don't be anxious."

Ye Tian said as he led the two forward again.

Killing as he walked, he almost let the two women hone their strength.

This kind of peak foundation-building level opponent no longer posed any threat to him, nor could it help him hone his strength.

Only when there were many people, would he kill a few people at will to resolve the crisis!

"" Hua, hua, hua."

The three of them gradually sped up, and with the positioning of the jade slip held by Ye Tian, they moved forward rapidly while walking and killing.

Wherever they passed, they killed with overwhelming force, and no one could stop them!

During this time, Si Lingzhu asked doubtfully:"Since the disciples of each sect have the jade slip positioning, don't other people have the same idea as us?"

"Seize the jade slips to locate the location, and then kill them one by one!"

Ji Ziyan smiled faintly and said:"Of course they have this idea. Among the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land who were just killed, there are also jade slips of disciples from other sects."

"But not everyone has the strength of the three of us, and we can defeat them one by one!"

Si Lingzhu understood immediately.

Now we are in the outer periphery of the Holy Ruins, and the disciples we meet are almost all at the peak of the foundation building level, and there are very few people with the strength of the cave heaven level.

Those strong people have already entered the depths of the Holy Ruins to grab opportunities, and will not stay in the outer periphery at all.

Therefore, those who stay are all beings with similar strength. Even if they want to attack and kill other disciples, they don't have the strength to do so.

"After all, our strength cannot be measured by our cultivation. When facing these foundation-building disciples, we almost kill them instantly!"

The three of them were like loopholes, killing people happily in the periphery.

No matter which sect disciple they passed by, they would kill them as soon as they saw them, and take away everything they had!


After advancing another ten miles, the three of them came to a canyon, where there was a burst of noise.

The jade slip showed that there were more than a dozen disciples of the Infinite Holy Land here, which was the last dozen people to enter the Holy Ruins except for the Son of Sequence.

The rest, all of them, were killed!

"Is there a great opportunity here? Why are there so many people?"

Ji Ziyan frowned slightly:"Including the disciples of other sects, there are more than 30 people. Can we beat them?"

Si Lingzhu hesitated on her pretty face:"Should we fight?"

The two looked at Ye Tian at the same time, waiting for his opinion.

"There are so many people, why not just go find them one by one?"

Ye Tian withdrew his gaze from those people, and a pill appeared in his palm. He looked strange.

"Ambush in the bushes first, and wait for me to attract some hatred!"

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