The power of enlightenment formed by the enlightenment pill slowly emanated from Ye Tian, and a wisp of enlightenment power was transmitted into the bodies of the two women, allowing them to accelerate their understanding of the secret of the word"fight".

Under Ye Tian's guidance, the three of them continued to evolve the phantom of the ancient murderous technique, as if they had turned into human figures, fighting and conquering in the ancient battlefield!

"Fighting Secret, second level!"

The Fighting Secret on Ye Tian evolved to the extreme. He felt his whole body tremble, and those offensive techniques suddenly transformed.

Turned into golden light and merged into his body.

The Fighting Secret was directly sublimated, like opening up another world!

In the ancient battlefield, every punch and kick was full of powerful force, blasting the sacred mountains one after another!

Terrifying power, dominating the world!

He opened his eyes lightly, with endless divine light in his eyes, looking at the shadow of the ancient battlefield. Behind the sacred mountain, there were chains, and above the chains were the endless fairy palaces.

There were countless terrifying figures on it.

"Break through the second level and you can blow up the sacred mountain……"

"If one's understanding of the secret of the word"fight" is deeper and these chains are broken, one will be promoted to the third level!"

"After that, there is the Immortal Palace, and the terrifying figure behind the Immortal Palace!"

Ye Tian had an epiphany in his heart, and his understanding of the Dou character secret became deeper, and he felt it was even more mysterious and terrifying.

In the phantom of the ancient killing field, as long as one shackle was broken, one could break through the limit of the Dou character secret and enter the next level.

Of course, being able to blow up the sacred mountain in the phantom does not mean that the real combat power is so terrifying, it is just evolving!

"Now the peak state can stack up twice the ultimate combat power, which is enough!"

Ye Tian's heart was full of pride. He was already unparalleled in combat power, comparable to the ninth level of the Cave Heaven Realm. With the double stacking of the Hongmeng Divine Body and the second level of the Douzi Secret, his strength increased by more than several times!

At this time, facing Lei Zucan, the tenth sequence, Ye Tian felt that he didn't even need to use his full strength to beat Lei Zucan alive!

At the same time, Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu also completed their comprehension.

Under the effect of the comprehension pill, they have a deeper understanding of the Douzi Secret.

They have already touched the bottleneck of the second level, and are only one step away from Ye Tian.

"It feels so good to take advantage of the opportunity." Ji Ziyan looked at Ye Tian with complicated eyes and whispered softly.

When she touched the bottleneck of the second level of Dou Zi Mi, she felt that a shackle in her body was about to be opened.

As long as she stepped into the second level, the divinity in Ji Ziyan's blood would be activated, and her strength would change dramatically!

Si Lingzhu went up and gave Ye Tian a big hug, very happy

"Brother Ye Tian, I knew it was right to follow you!"

"It feels so good to take advantage of an opportunity!"

"It has only been a few days since I entered the Holy Ruins, and my strength has transformed several times. I am only one step away from awakening my bloodline!"

Not only has the Beast King Body advanced to the Holy Body, but it is also only one step away from awakening her bloodline and being able to practice the inherited skills.

By then, her strength will increase dramatically, even more amazing than it is now!

Si Lingzhu's pretty face turned slightly red with excitement, and she looked at Ye Tian with extreme admiration. Ye Tian always gave them surprises.

It was as if they were following Ye Tian, without any worries, and he would fight and kill as he asked them to. With some opportunities from time to time, you can break through even when you are lying down!

This speed of progress made Si Lingzhu and Ji Ziyan feel like they were being carried away.

Ye Tian waved his hand and was about to speak when the system voice suddenly rang in his mind.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement: taking a girl with him while taking drugs!"

"Achievement Reward: 1 Free Pill! 2 Teleport Pills!"

Ye Tian was slightly stunned, and then he was delighted.

Taking drugs to help a girl comprehend the skills, can this also lead to achievement?

He actually gave three pills!

"Another free pill, awesome!"

I thought one free pill was only good for 3 times, which was a bit too little, but now there is one more, which makes Ye Tian overjoyed.

The other pill is the teleportation pill, the new pill

"Teleportation Pill: After taking it, you can have the power of teleportation once. With a thought, you can travel thousands of miles without leaving any trace!"Ye Tian was surprised. It was said that only after entering the Soul Realm could you have the ability of teleportation, which was one level higher than the Awakening Realm.

The ability was two levels higher than the Cave Heaven Realm, and he could experience it in advance?

It must be very cool!

"System, open the list."

Ye Tian pondered and opened the system list to check the strength:

【Ye Tian

【Realm] Cave Heaven Realm Level 1

【Attribute: Golden Thunder

【Supreme Realm

【Constitution] Hongmeng Divine Body (to be upgraded)

【Skills] Heavenly Emperor Sword Intention, Dou Zi Secret Level 2, Blazing Flames, Nine Transformations of Spirit King, Wind and Thunder Phantom, Nine Caves Soul Enlightenment Skill (fragmented)

【Pills: 233 Qi-training pills, 66 spirit-gathering pills, 1 big smoke pill, 1 concealment pill, 1 charm pill, 1 borrowing pill, 1 skill pill, 1 strength pill, 1 free pill, 2 teleportation pills……

"Hongmeng Divine Body, can it be upgraded again!?"

The moment Ye Tian saw the list, he exclaimed in his heart.

Hongmeng Divine Body is already in the category of Divine Body, and when it is fully cultivated, it can be comparable to the physique of the ancient emperor!

I didn't expect it to be able to be upgraded. How powerful it would be!


When Ye Tian was overwhelmed, he suddenly heard an inexplicable sound coming from the top of the mountain. The three of them looked over immediately.

Their faces suddenly changed.

"Void rift!"

"How can the speed of annihilation become so fast!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu retreated subconsciously, looking beyond the mountain top with pale faces.

The void crack was annihilating everything in sight at a rapid speed, and the strange black air continued to emit a terrifying aura.

It rushed towards the mountain top and would completely devour it in a few breaths!

"The entire periphery of the Holy Ruins is about to be destroyed!"

Ye Tian was surprised. He did not expect that after the collapse of the Saint Medicine Garden, it would actually trigger a void rift and destroy the entire periphery of the Holy Ruins.

It seemed that its mission had been completed?

"Run away!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu exclaimed, their aura radiating outward, and they soared into the air.

After entering the Cave Heaven Realm, the three of them all had the ability to suspend in the air.

At this time, they flew rapidly towards the depths of the Holy Ruins.


"Too slow!"

Ye Tian frowned deeply. The speed at which the void crack spread was already very fast. The three of them had just entered the cave realm and had not yet adapted to flying in the air. They had almost been enveloped by the black air many times and were in danger!

"Ye Tian, what should I do?"

"We have just entered the cave realm, are we going to die?……"

The two women were helpless, looking at Ye Tian with pale faces.

Ye Tian looked at the speed of annihilation in the void at this time, knowing that if the three of them did not leave quickly, they would be in danger of life and death.

A pill appeared in his palm:"Try the power of the teleportation pill!"

After taking it, Ye Tian only felt a flash of light on the supreme bone, and the medicinal power was instantly dissolved.

Flowing through the body, Ye Tian only felt a mysterious power appear in his body, and his eyes looked forward.

As if he could see through the gaps in space, layer upon layer


Ye Tian did not hesitate, and took Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's hands, holding them tightly, and took a step forward.


The light flowed, and Ye Tian's figure disappeared instantly, taking the two of them into the void, one step a thousand miles!

Behind him, the sky was full of black air with strange power, annihilating the entire periphery of the Holy Ruins!

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